Chapter 8

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After the Harmony Hut incident all four acted like normal kids and the others, while horrified, believed the act. As if a few hours of Disney could undo the years of abusive wear and tear on Harry and Hermione minds, and the cynical way the Addams kids were brought up. Sirius had sent another letter explaining that Pubert had fallen ill in the worst way possible. How Morticia and Gomez were heart broken. The two had thought it best to console them.

"I hate the brat but that is sick," Wednesday winced.

"The only acceptable blondes are Luna and Drake," Harry growled. He saw something one the back, "'P.S yes the twins are in change while we are gone, in hindsight that could end badly, and it should have been Ced,' I knew it!"


Harry and Wednesday were acting more like a typical couple in public which sadly meant no sharing of toxins. They hugged, shard a kiss her and there, smiled and flirted lowly with each other. Hermione and Pugsley played the part of the oblivious as crushing on each other couple to perfection, though their siblings started to wonder if it wasn't just acting. Were they really just that dense?"

Once in her Pocahontas costume, Harry was delightfully enthralled and couldn't keep his hands off her, "While I must admit you do like Magnificent, I can't see you in red 24/7."

"Both are most definitely snakes," Hermione said knowing automatically what he meant. "And we could use a few we already have way too many lions," Hermione insisted also dressed like a Native American.

"I don't know," Harry countered, "I see ma coeur as a Raven."

Wednesday smiled softly at him, "Where is Pugsley?" she asked Hermione.

"My dreadful Aunt dressed him as turkey he will have the worst of this. Wednesday do me a favor," She just raised and eyebrow, "Kill Amanda or don't, burn this place down or don't, but please for the love of all that's good in this world, kill my aunt."

A smile made its way to her lips, to anyone else it would have seemed like she finally embraced camp, but a beautiful murderous ballad was playing in her head. After she snapped out of her fantasy, she noticed how much of Harry would really be seen by the rich snobby kids who she hated and who had not seen his quidditch assets since that one swim class as he had forsaken them all together. "I am not appealed by the Idea of your body being this exposed to them, and what happened to your nail polish?" She asked seeing that they black nails that had graced Harry since the day they had met were gone.

"Gary made me get rid of them don't worry once this place is in ashes, you can fix them for me if you like," He was awfully good at this, playing his role to perfection. Wednesday forced a blush to her cheeks and pushed him away, good thing no one could hear them at the moment.


The horror on the three teens face could not be masked however as they watched Pugsley prance around as a turkey, after an agonizing few minutes finally it was time for their part.

"I am so glad we invited the Chippewas to join us for this holiday meal." another inaccuracy, Pocahontas was from the Powhatan tribe not the Ojibwe the proper name for the Chippewa's. "Remember, these savages are our guests. We must not be surprised at any of their strange customs. After all, they have not had our advantages, such as fine schools, libraries full of books, shampoo," Amanda went on the audience chuckled.

"Hoa. I am Pocahontas, a Chippewa maiden," Wednesday played, Harry next to her and Hermione behind her.

"And I am Runningbear, betrothed to Pocahontas," Harry smiled He could already catch Wednesday gritting her teeth at having to praise Amanda of all people.

"We have brought a special gift for this holiday feast," Hermione had to contain her laugh from seeing her object of affection dressed up as turkey begging for slaughter.

"What a thoughtful gift! Why, you are as civilized as we, except we wear shoes and have last names. Welcome to our table, our new primitive friends."

"Thank you, Sarah Miller. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Your hair is the color of the sun, your skin is like fresh milk, and everyone loves you," Wednesday ground out.

"Stop," she was enjoying the obvious discomfort of Wednesday. Harry did not like this one bit, "sit"

Her time had finally arrived, "Wait." She cackled inwardly, "we cannot break bread with you."

Amanda was confused at the change, "Huh? Becky, what's going on?"

Becky called for her to stop, "Wednesday!" but she was ultimately ignored.

"You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now, my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the roadsides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d'oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts."

Harry was up, "The gods of our tribe have spoken. They have said, 'do not trust the pilgrims, especially Sarah Miller.'"

"Gary, they're changing the words," Amanda whined.

Harry cackled, "And for all these reasons,"

He let Wednesday have her time. It was finally time for Wednesday's revolt, "we have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground."

And so, chaos ensues, the children dressed as the natives came pouring out of the fake houses with war cries and set the stage, on fire with the torches around the set. Amanda was tied to a stake Wednesday and Harry taking the pleasurer in shooting at Gary and Becky but sadly missing. "Hermione," She turned from her own fun, a brilliant insane smile on her face, to Wednesday, "do you know the confundus charm?"

"Duh why."

She smirked, "you're going to have to use it later on the cops of course."

As their comrades had finished pouring gasoline on Amanda. They admired the sight, Harry took a match from under his Chippewa headband and handed it to Wednesday, "Do it shrike, make your first kill," He kissed her deeply. A little dazed she turned back to Amanda and lit that match on her head band. She smiled at her for a second letting the image care itself into the girl's head letting her realize it would be the last thing she would ever see than threw it at her feet. She drank in the wonder of her screams.

Harry handed her his wand and taught her how to do a Fiendfyre that took the form of a chimaera and she set it Gary and Becky chancing them for a while before finally consuming them with screams of their own. "Freedom!" They heard Hermione shout from somewhere within the carnage. It was truly beautiful almost exactly how Harry pictured the Butterfly revaluation would have happened. Spare few obvious details of course.


Pugsley had already Grabbed Hermione's hand and made a run for the camp van, but she pulled back. "What's wrong aren't you coming with us?" he asked as the other two teenage magic users ran up.

She shook her head, "no you all go on ahead I have to watch this place burn. I'll be back in London by sundown here. No one will ever find me again my parents sent me here against my will."

"You mean you're staying permanently with us?" Her brother smirked.

She nodded, "If the twins haven't burned it all down yet. I also gotta do some confundus charms, memory charms as well and get the other ones out of here watch out for Becky and Gary's names on the news," Wednesday and Harry climbed over the fence and Harry ran to get the van, "I'll see you at Hogwarts," Hermione promised Pugsley clasping his hand though the gate. "Now go before the cops get here."

Pugsley jumped into the van that Harry was driving and watched Hermione and Chippewa fade into the distance. She stood there till the van was out of sight than let out another war cry to get her allies attention.

Published: Jul 31, 2021
Updated: May 15, 2023

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