Chapter 7

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Hermione had a damn near fit reading how inaccurate the script for his oddly times thanksgiving play was, "Ugh This is not only a tragic disgrace to history, but she's also going to make Wednesday and Harry praise Amanda and boost her ego," she huffed and laid back on the bleachers her head in Pugsley's lap who didn't react and kept playing with her tarantula whom she named beldam. "And another thing! It seems just downright despicable to name Harry, who is at least a 50% white as a ghost English boy to be Runningbear who wasn't even a married to Pocahontas who was much younger than Wednesday!"

"I can't believe are you related to those knuckleheads Hermione," Pugsley asked watching Becky do a ridiculous dance in rehearsal.

She whimpered, "I hate them as much as you do, I'm so sorry they're unnaturally cruel."

"You don't need to apologize you're not like them," Pugsley blushed a little but hid it well. "Hey where are Harry and Wednesday?" he said changing the subject.

"I saw them sneak out earlier, but I'd rather not look for them just yet. I for one do not be traumatized."


In the girl's cabin where the two had snuck out Harry and Wednesday were.... let's go with multitasking. They were trying to think about how to end this all while Harry comforted his girlfriend with rough kisses and the occasional bite to the shoulder. Thank Merlin she always wore long clothes outside, someone might have gotten the wrong idea about the nature of their relationship. "Stop mon cher you're distracting me," she whined softly. "We need to figure out a way out of here."

"You need to take the stress off for a moment, and I don't care how we do it as long as it ends in you taking a life, I have a special gift for you, but you can't have it until you've taken a life and I've nurtured and trained it properly."

The peaked the girl's interest but all thoughts were cut short by a low whine as Harry once again bit her neck drawing blood, "so what you're saying is we must play along until the time is right," she sighed out biting back what was left of her moans.

"Correct mi amor, though not too much or they'll suspect us, we'll just act normal, well our normal until they give us a turning point."

The wards Harry put up alerted the two of approaching campers went off. Harry stopped biting Wednesday's neck but made no move to conceal the what the two were doing.

When they were dragged down to the lake Hermione was already in screaming match with Becky and Pugsley was just laughing, "Aunt Becky this play is a pure disgrace to tragic human history!"

Gary looked very offended but dropped it as two boys approached dragging Wednesday and Harry, "We found these two in the girls cabin making out."

"We were not making out he gave me a kiss," Wednesday sneered. Both her brother and Hermione gave her a 'yeah, right' look.

"While I am glad you are finally embracing a happy camp spirit." Becky grinned, "You're late for your fittings."

"I don't want to be in the pageant." Wednesday said bluntly but not unkindly. Harry nodded he did enough acting at school for ten month of the year.

"You won't help me realize my vision?" Gary tried to guilt them both.

This led to them both giving a blunt but true description of what they thought of the play, "Your work is puerile and under-dramatized," Harry stated with a dead look in his eyes.

"You lack any sense of structure, character, or the Aristotelian unities," Wednesday added.

"Young lady, young Man, I am getting just a tad tired of your attitude problem," Garry border line threatened.

Becky clapped, "Everyone, campers!" she gained all of their attention making it drawn to the four. "I have a wonderful idea. Wednesday and Pugsley, Harry and Hermione here, well, they have just never quite latched on to the Chippewa spirit, nor have some of their little comrades." She motioned to the 'reject' kids the ones they didn't consider normal when in reality they just weren't like the other campers here. "Isn't that sad?"


"Don't we just hate that?"


"Don't we wish they'd just die?"


"No, no we don't," she corrected.

"I do," Harry interrupted, "hell is better than this."

He was ignored except for a smirk from his girlfriend, "but you know what we'll do with them? We're going to make an example. We are going to show that anyone, no matter how odd or pale or chubby or angry, can still have a darn good time." She then gave them an evil look, "whether they like it or not."

Hermione shook her head in terror, "no, not again." her Aunt and Uncle nodded their head with fake smiles. She backed up into Pugsley and hid in his shoulder, "Not that torture again!"


"Yes, indeedy, just the ticket. Bambi."

"Lassie come home."

"The little mermaid."

They were picking out movies for them to watch how they would get them to work out here in the woods would be a mystery that hunted Harry well into his adult life. "Don't worry. We're getting out of here," Pugsley muttered to Hermione who looked on the verge of a panic attack. She had clearly gone through this at least once a summer.

As soon as they were out the door and far away Harry placed a ward on the cabin, "Mione its just Disney."

She was basically rocking in her seat, "Disney over and over again and again every summer since I was three. They've been doing it since I started acting normal, our normal that is."

"They really messed you up," Wednesday observed.

"Remember sister dear there are also villains and murder plots as well as princesses going against what they're expected to be. This could be our turning point ma coeur."


They walked out later still dead faced and Hermione slightly white faced, "good evening," Garry greeted. "Is there anything you'd like to say to everyone?"

"Yes," Wednesday nodded stepping forward.

"And just what might that be?"

"I'm not perky."

Amanda cut her off, "That's for damn sure."

This made Harry glare at her, "Let my shrike finish p-" He looked like he was going to gag, making the rest of the campers lean in "P-" He seemed annoyed at himself now "p-please." The campers gasped that was the first time Harry had ever been polite.

"But I want to be," Wednesday continued.

"You do?" Gary asked

"I want to smile and sing and dance and be Pocahontas in Gary's vision," she was straight faced the whole time.

"Oh, darling, do you really mean it?"

"We all do," Harry said giving his best Gryffindor, savior grin. It took Pugsley a minute to gain his own smile, Hermione took a deep breath and flashed her own Gryffindor golden girl grin. That made Gary and Becky gape, they had finally broken her. "Right Mi amor," Wednesday looked up at Harry who gave her and encouraging smirk. It took her a good moment to smile rather than smirk looking like she was in pain the whole time.

She then turned to the rest of the crowd batting her eye lashes, they gasped and leaned back. "Isn't she pretty?" Becky announced, she had broken the 'unbreakable.'

"She's scaring me!" Amanda cried, clinging to Becky but didn't get any back talks from any of the four surprisingly so.

Yes, this was going to turn into a glorious shower of pain, fire, rage and blood.

Published: Jul 31, 2021
Updated: May 15, 2023

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