Chapter 4

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That night the two witches and two wizards snuck out of their cabins toward the wired fences lined with barbed wire, it truly was a prison. "Hurry up," Wednesday hissed at her brother.

"I'm coming," he hissed back at her. Harry flicked his wrist and out came his illegal wand, knowing American schools were even stricter than Hogwarts, though looking back he had no idea why he did, so they were transferring and thus off any radar at the moment. He promptly slipped it back in the holster as they heard dogs and a siren.

"There they are! I saw them sneak out," Amanda snitched.

Two boys slipped off the Addams siblings mask, "children What do you think you're doing?"

"We have to see our family. It's important."

"More important than summer fun? More important than making new friends? More important than sharing?"

Harry seemed to have gotten a taste of freedom this summer and forgot where he landed on the authority food chain, "I can name 78 things more important than that."

"Your aunt and uncle warned us about you boy," Becky accused, Harry flinched at that word, Boy but hid it well. Wednesday side glanced him and frowned whatever the implication in that word was that caused him to flinch couldn't be good. "But I would have never thought to this extent."

Gary stepped forward, "And Hermione we are very disappointed in you, you're lucky we don't tell your parents."

"This place is a literal prison," Harry whispered to himself. "They need to leave," he spoke up. "They wouldn't have gone to these lengths otherwise."

"I think they should be punished," Amanda spoke again.

She started a chant, "punished! punished! punished! punished! punished! punished!"

"No! We are not here to punish. We are here to inspire. Know what our little ninja friends need? Know what might turn their sad, wasted lives around?"

"What?" Hermione snapped.

And just like that the entire camp started singing "~ Kumbaya, my lord ~ Kumbaya ~ Kumbaya, my lord ~ Kumbaya ~ Kumbaya, my lord ~ Kumbaya ~ oh, lord, Kumbaya ~~"

Wednesday grew terrified and backed into Harry who was already backed against the gate with his eyes twitching. Harry wrapped his arms around her pulling her head into his chest and covering her ears which she gladly accepted.


Harry was furiously writing at one point even ditching his quill for a pen claiming it was quicker, "What are you doing Raven?" Wednesday asked.

The Gryffindor stopped writing and despite his anger smiled at the Addams girl, "Are you calling me an Omen of death Shrike?"

She gave him a cheeky smirk, "amongst other things." He gazed at her lovingly. Finally, Wednesday understood her parents, and Harry understood what that word really meant, Love. How it was different for everyone and for him it happened to mean insane, crazy and dangerous. He wouldn't trade it for the world.

"So, Mon Cher..." the girl raised an eyebrow but didn't correct him, in fact her eyes gleamed precariously. "Have you asked your mother for a pass to the wedding?"

"Yes, she has granted me and Pugsley momentary freedom," she scooted closer to the foot of the bed where Harry was on a chair writing his letter. He tied it in a need bow and clipped a protection rune around Hedwig's neck knowing Pugsley had gone haunting with Hermione for small animals to torture. He wasn't a sentimental boy, but he loved his pets. "They have given us the option to invite plus ones, would you like to come? I know Pugsley has asked Hermione."

A soft smiled spread across his face, "are you asking me as a date Ms. Addams?"

"It would appear so Mr. Potter," her face was blank, but he could see the emotion dancing in his eyes. At his smile she rolled her eyes, "Don't get cocky Potter."

His smile only grew as he edged himself onto the side of the bed next to her, "Why shouldn't I?"

A frown grew on Wednesday only to be replaced by an insane smile upon feeling the tip of his wand aimed at the base of her neck. "well aren't you formidable?"

"I try, but I seem to have an equally strong opponent," her wand was positioned at his neck right below his Adam's apple.

"I'm an Addams we're difficult to kill."

"Well, I'm a Potter and we seek out danger to test our invulnerability."

The two drawn in by the moment leaned in and connected in a breathless kiss, it wasn't soft, it was demanding, needy, and became painful as Harry drew blood from Wednesday's bottom lip, it was perfect.

They pulled away; Harry gripped Wednesdays chin using his thumb to wipe away some excess blood. He started deeply into her eyes, never breaking eye contact as he licked the blood off his thumb. She shuttered in excitement, she found someone to match her intensity and sanity which she thought impossible.

"You never answered me, who was the letter to?"

"My god Fathers simply me asking for the best way to burn this hell hole to the ground."

"That's and insult to hell Brother," Hermione said walking through the door with blood on her shirt and hands.

Pugsley nodded, entering in the same sense as Hermione, "Hell would be much more fun."

"They're right Cara Mio," Wednesday said, not even fazing the two who knew it was bound to happen. "The four of us would torment the devil."

"Right, you're Shrike," he then looked at his sister, "For such a talented murderer sister you sure are sloppy today."

She rolled her eyes, "They were animals Harry. As sad as it sounds no one cares for animals," she pulled out a vile of venom which was watered down with Phoenix tears and downed half of it offering the rest to Pugsley who took it gratefully. Both Hermione and Harry started Fiddling with the assortment of matching charms on their bracelets, Hermione the Skull and Harry the Blade. A nervous tick the Addams siblings noticed.

Published: Jul 31, 2021
Updated: May 15, 2023

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