Chapter 3

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The next day Wednesday was in a really bad mood, she told Harry she had woken up to a disgustingly joyous feeling and it was haunting her all morning. Harry listened to her vent letting her lean on him back-to-back as Hedwig flew into him to deliver a letter from Sirius and Remus.

He read his letter out loud which were basic rundowns of how everything was going for them with Sirius on the run, so Wednesday had a distraction from the horrid feeling. "Why is he on the run?" The Addams girl asked leaning over his shoulder.

"He's a mass murder. Though the crime he was committed for was not his own, he has killed many. Him and my father seemed to have done it for sport back in school."

"Didn't your mother join later on?" Hermione asked.

"I believe so. My other Uncle Remus is a werewolf, I don't think he's killed any though, at least none he can remember." Harry nor Hermione were aware of the existence of Andrea Daring. Dumbledore had done everything possible to erase her from Harry's life, even putting a temporary block on Severus and Minerva memories of her.

Wednesday's hand was dreadfully close to his own, "Have you killed any?"

Harry smiled euphorically, "Only four not nearly as many as Hermione she kills just about everyone who knocks on her door."

Pugsley looked up in interest, "really?" He seemed very excited.

Her eyes gleamed madly, "Yes they all have gone 'mysteriously missing,' as the police say."

"How did you get away?" he asked sitting up.

"I usually don't kill them till later but after they leave, I deliver then some homemade goods made with castor beans so it has a high level of ricin, Then I dig a twelve-foot hole cover most of it up and bury and animal carcass so if they bring dogs out their body will never be found." Hermione smiled wistfully, "Harry always preferred a much more drawn-out approach."

"I like to play with my pray," the boy smirks. "So, shrike how many have you killed."

"None yet I want my first time to be memorable, surely you two remember it."

"That boy scout never saw it coming," Hermione said in a daze.

"I'm always fending off some maniac, stay around me and you probably will have some yourself,"

Almost instantly Wednesday scooted closer anticipation clear in her dark eyes. Hermione's aunt and uncle came in to give the girls their letters. Wednesday grabbed her letter and immediately opened it, "oh, no," she said standing in shock.

"What is it?" Pugsley asked his sister, nothing every worried her,

"This is unspeakable."

Becky noticed the dark-haired girls concern, "Is something wrong Wednesday? Bad news?"

"This is the worst thing That has ever happened in the history of human events."

Harry stood and took her hand making her look at him, "what's wrong Shrike?"

There was slight horror in her eyes though her face was blank, "our uncle fester is getting married."

Pugsley's eyes widened fear and concern grew on the boy's face, Hermione did what Harry did with Wednesday and grabbed his hand making him look directly at her. Reassurance danced across her features.

Gary congratulated the siblings, "A wedding? But that's great news."

"To whom?" Amanda asked.

"The nanny," the sister deadpanned.

"Get out of the cabin," Amanda, spoke up, "I'd kill myself. The help?"

"Well, I'm sure she's a very nice lady." Becky said trying to defuse the tension.

Amanda didn't get the memo and kept going, "I think that's disgusting. Their whole families like some weird medical experiment, I think they're like circus people."

Pugsley's gaze snapped away from Hermione. He stepped forward Hermione's hand still in his grasp a glare very present. Pugsley wasn't intense 24/7 like his sister, "what did you say?" but when he was intense, well Hermione had to admit she was quite enthralled. It scared everyone not on his side. Harry saw Hermione's look and would definitely pick on her later.

Becky stepped forward and clapped loudly, "Tempers!" she shouted, "Group hug."

They all looked at the four expectantly Harry gave a terrified look, The girl in his grasped squeezed his hand almost cutting off his blood circulation, oh how he loved the feeling. "Wednesday, Hermione. Pugsley, Harry. Will a hug hurt us?"

"We don't hug," Wednesday gritted at the same time Harry spouted, "I don't like being touched." He noticed the side of her lips twitch up slightly. He didn't like being touched but she let him grab his hand no problem. A feeling of triumph washed over her.

"Oh, they're just shy," Becky tried. Gary's hold on his niece's shoulder was clearly painful and not a good kind she seemed genuinely annoyed a freaked out by his mere presence.

Pugsley face was still contorted in a glare, he had dropped Hermione's hand, "We're not shy."

"We're contagious," Wednesday said making Harry snort. The two counselors withdrew their hands.

"Remove yourself," Hermione hissed like the snake she should have been.

Gary hesitated but continued, "I'm sensing some friction here, something not quite Chippewa."

There was a collective 'Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.' From the surrounding girls. "Hey, no problem-o. All they need are good friends, good fun, and a little time in the harmony hut."

Hermione grew terrified, "Please no. Just kill me it would be more fun in hell," she whispered.


All four were placed in a cabin full of teddy bears bright colors and fanciful music, "how long do we have to stay in here?" Pugsley whined.

"Until we crack," Wednesday deadpanned. Unluckily for the campers and councilors that wouldn't happen to any of them.

"What's so bad about your uncle getting married?" Harry asked from his place on the floor besides Wednesdays lap.

"She's fake," she threaded her fingers though Harry's raven locks unconsciously. "She's cheerful and wears pastels. She's suspicious," her finger gripped Harry's hair more painfully each word and he was enjoying every moment of it.

Pugsley was more worried then angry, "we have to help him."

Hermione and Harry shared a look, "We can help." Wednesday look down at him still gripping his Hair. Him and Hermione flicked out their wrist at the same time and out flew their wands, "Knockturn ally wands untraceable, Blackthorn wood, thestral hair and Pegasus feather."

"Cherry wood, Vela hair and dragon heartstring." Hermione said proudly.

"You would do that for us?" Wednesday asked Harry.

"For you," he corrected, "Anything." He kept eye contact as he kissed the back of her hand then flipped it over in his and kissed her palm.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "just get married already."

"Perhaps after you two do," Harry said his eyes not leaving the girl in front of him, the two sputtered but their siblings could not be bothered with their mindless babbling they were to be focused on each other.

Published: Jul 31, 2021
Updated: May 15, 2023

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