Chapter 9

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It took a good four miles for them to stop hearing the sirens, and Two hours to get to the Addams grounds. When they were finally back in the manor, they found a beat-up Sirius and Fester with the rest of the Addams and Remus surrounding Gomez who looked to have been very close to dying.

"Uncle Fester!" Pugsley shouted.

Said man turned to see the two Addams children and Harry in the doorway of Gomez' room. "Children!" he threw his arms out Pugsley ran straight to him.

Remus and Sirius moved around to hug their godson, "Why are you a mess?" Harry asked Sirius.

"That woman is insane. Worse than Lily ever was. At least Lily pads was a good kind of crazy."

"Forget him, why are you covered in ash?" Remus fretted; Sirius huffed in offence. "And what in god's name are you wearing this is disrespectful young man."

Harry looked up at his uncle with a straight face, "I completely agree."

Wednesday was set in a glare at her uncle, "You sent us to camp." Gomez's smiled dropped seeing how much his kids really hated camp. "They made us sing." Now Harry's father figures were horrified looking down at their little demon. Sirius felt hum shudder under his touch. Both looked at one another in silent agreement, those wretched Muggles would never go near Harry again. At Festers apologetic expression Wednesday couldn't hold in her feelings anymore and she too threw her arms around her uncle.

"My dear family. How I've missed you all," the kids made work to move next to their parents.

"Our whole family, New and old." She nodded at Harry, Remus and Sirius who smiled at her. "Together at last. Three generations... Above ground," she tossed a glance at the Addams cemetery outside.

"In-laws!" a voice shouted, it was Debbie at the doorway with a manic gleam in her eyes and a comically large shot gun.

Remus was unfazed, "should I give it to Fester or Gomez" he said holding a wooden tablet with a craved blood seal buried within.

Gomez was more than happy to comply taking the blood seal from him and tapping it. A shallow but painful looking slashes started to appear across her body, staining her white dress. She chocked coughing up blood and toppled to the ground. Harry started giggling like a psychopath, Wednesdays whipped around at the sound and grinned brightly.

The wizarding worlds savior walked up and knelt next to her pulling her face up to look at them, "look at these wonderful people, this wonderful family, you tried to pull them apart. You were the cause of their son and Mr. Addams falling ill, and now you come here with a gun ready to kill them even if it wouldn't work. Well, you have another thing coming. You're going to learn all about magic, in fact how about a firsthand lesson."

Harry pulled out his illegal wand, "I think each Addams deserves a go at a particular curse called the Curciatus curse. Also known as the torture curse."

And one by one they did, each member of the family even Lerch getting a go. Sadly, it all came to a screeching halt when Pubert came crawling in and stabbed her in the chest with one of the knives from his mobile now back to his normal mustached self.


A few weeks later was Pubert's first birthday, so the Potters clan stayed in the Addams Mansions until them. They had disappeared for a few hours the day before and returned bearing gifts and Hermione came bearing a few more gift and stories of how despite the house still standing when she had retuned it had turned into a battle ground. She also told her story of the cops and all the different illegal charms she used with an insane gleam in her eyes. Morticia congratulated them on their first arson hoping it was the first of many and Wednesday's first murder.

"I can't wait to meet your family."

"You will soon mon cœur your parents are talking with Remus and Sirius about you and Pugsley staying with us for a week before school."

Hermione ran off with Pugsley at some point before the party, something about a guillotine. Maybe they just wanted to leave them alone. That was impossible though as Cousin It's baby boy What wouldn't leave his side, "he likes you." Margret smiled.

"It would appear so," Harry laughed picking up the child as best he could, His mountain of hair made it hard for him to get a good grasp, and placed him on his hip.


After Gomez's speech Harry took a walk with Wednesday in the family cemetery, "I love you so much." Harry said suddenly before nipping at Wednesday's lip then roughly kissing her. "I really do I love you so much mon cœur."

"Since when did you become so clingy and vocal Raven," she laughed. Harry didn't though, this worried her deeply, she took his face in her hands, "What's wrong Mon Cher."

"Something will happen this year Wednesday," her name sounded foreign on his lips and she didn't like the fear he said it with. "I can't tell if it will be bad or good yet. Luna can't either which is what worries me most, but she did say it will be hard, it will be strenuous, and it will be drawn out."

She runs her hand though his hair and kisses him repeatedly, "And well do it together whether it be retched sunshine or wonderous rain. We'll be partners in crime, and we'll have Pugsley and Hermione and the rest of your wonderful family."

Harry leaned his head in on Wednesday shoulder, "You always know what to say Shrike." He held her close, "Wednesday Friday Addams, my murderer, my arsonist, my heart." He plucked up a dead rose and placed it behind her ear, thorns and all letting the blood drip down her neck.

"Harry James Potter, my killer, my darkness, my love." She looked deep into his Avada kadavara eyes, "Mine." He was pulled close, and she nipped at his ear.

An animalistic growl rose in Harry's throat, "Yours." He answered back, "and you are mine. We are partners, though my heart belongs to you."

"And mine to you," Wednesday finally found the love her parents had. Someone who would be her partner, her equal someone who would love and support her though her rainy days and clear skies. Harry finally found someone who would love him forever, never treat him lesser then, someone whose love was unconditional. "My heart belongs to you," Wednesday echoed back.

Published: Jul 31, 2021
Updated: May 15, 2023

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