Chapter 2

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Harry had luck of bunking with Pugsley. He Obviously didn't know much about the Addams kids but from what he had seen he considered himself lucky when it came the boy. Pugsley was quiet, but he was also deranged according to Wednesday. Harry trusted her for some odd unknown reason. Wednesday was with Hermione, who Harry had said was also off her rocker, so the Addams kids wouldn't be completely board. Harry glared at the other campers that looked at him and Pugsley oddly as they entered. Draco wouldn't have looked out of place among the see of blonde hair and light eyes but they sure and Godric did.

The next morning was swimming. Harry looked out the window at the sun and groaned, "Is it possible to kill one of sun gods," He asked rhetorically. "Ra, Apollo, Sunna it doesn't really matter which one. Killing one should scare the others."

"Sadly, it's hard to find them," Pugsley sighed disappointedly.

"If you do let me know."

"Rise and shine," Garry Grangers voice rang out as he entered the cabin. They both hissed Harry overing his head with his blanket and Pugsley looking up pleading for the gods to strike him down. Harry would have actually preferred his aunt's shrill voice. This perkiness was enough to incapacitate a normal person let alone someone like the Addams kids, Harry, or Hermione.

Harry groaned and stripped down changing into a pair of black swim trunks that stood out against the other boy's bright blue ones. His skin was littered with scars from his adventures, if you could call them that, around Hogwarts as well as his uncle and cousin. As he walked down to the docks with Pugsley the boy caught sight of the scar on his arm and one across his chest. "How did you get these two," he asked pointing to them.

Harry raised his arm, "This one is from a basilisk" he answered as Wednesday and Hermione approached. "I sadly had to kill the poor girl, but I managed to salvage her venom it taste quite good."

"You're hard to kill," Wednesday smirked. "Do tell me was it painful? Do you have anymore?"

Harry grinned a bloodlust forming in his eyes, "excruciatingly so and I'm sure I could spare some," he answered smoothly. She hid it well, but Wednesday's heart rate picked up. "This one is from my uncle 'spilling' hot coffee on me, a second-degree burn the most painful kind. I was young only 5 that was when I realized I enjoyed pain."

"That's odd seeing as they don't seem they type to play like that," Pugsley queried.

"They're not, it was on purpose but not a game to them," If he didn't know any better Harry would've said he heard a low growl rumble in the Addams girls throat.

"Do you have any Hermione?" The dark-haired girl asked interested in how much of a death trap their school really was.

She nodded almost proudly, "I have one straight across my stomach from the homicidal tree on school grounds last year, and this one." She pulled back her hair to reveal on on her neck, "Is from a werewolf that would have killed me if not for Harry's god father."

They made their way to the docks to see just about every girl in a orange one pieces, Hermione gagged over dramatically. "Oh joy their all ogling at your quidditch assets brother," Hermione told the raven haired boy.

"I find it odd considering girls like this aren't usually attracted to scars," Wednesday voiced.

"You said girls like this," Harry smirked, "Meaning you are?"

"Please. If I ever desired you, you would know but it would not be easy for you," she hissed. Harry saw that as a win.

They lined up on the docks the four kids already done conversing before they started. Garry blew a whistle electing a growl from Harry and a hiss from Hermione, "Lifesaving. We're all top-notch swimmers. Now we show our stuff and earn those certificates," the surrounding kids clapped. "How about our first little pair of life saving buddies? Amanda, Wednesday."

"Is that your bathing suit?" Amanda commented, as they walked up.

"Is that your overbite?" Wednesday shot back making her new friends smile.

"One of you will be the drowning victim. The other one will be our lifesaver."

Harry couldn't help but notice the girl's ribcage showing though her swimsuit, how disturbing, and not in a good way. He took a moment to wonder if it was her doing or her parents. If it wasn't for Hogwarts, he would look just as concerning. The Grangers didn't seem to care. Amanda jumped at the chance to volunteer, "I'll be the victim."

"All your life," Harry choked back a laugh.

"I'm going to be an actress."

Harry scoffed quietly, "Yeah right They look for pretty," he whispered to Pugsley who didn't look at him but gave an evil smirk in acknowledgment.

Gary Gasped in fake admiration of her ambitions, "Brava. Now jump in, swim out a few yards, and start drowning," he instructed.

She did as told going out maybe 15 yards, "Help me! Help me! I'm drowning! Help me! I'm dying!"

"And talent," Harry added.

The Addams girl just looked at Gary with a deadpanned face, "I can't swim."

Hermione actually did laugh, making her uncle frown and glare at her, she glared right back and scarier. He shuddered and turned away; his niece was a disturbing little thing. "Harry go show Wednesday how it's done," he groaned but the compulsion charm Dumbledore placed on him took over and he jumped in and did so. He needed to get that removed while he was in the states.

The compulsion charm may make him act heroic against his will, but it didn't make him nice or happy about it. "Bloody hell! You can see your ribs, how are you so heavy?!" Amanda sputtered in pure humiliation.


That night Harry walked down to the girl's cabin. He heard them screaming in fear he didn't hear Hermione or Wednesday so he could only assume they were the causes of it. When the delightful noise died down, he knocked on the window, Hermione opened it while holding a feather leg Baboon Tarantula one of the most venomous tarantulas in the world though the screams weren't loud enough for them to be from the tarantula. She looked at Harry who had a vile of basilisk venom and one more she couldn't see the labels of "Wednesday it for you." She walked back in to scare the girls again.

The ravenette came to the window, "What do you want?" While the words were considered rude, she didn't say them unkindly.

He held up the vials, "the venom I promised." He handed her the tube of purple liquid. "These are Phoenix tears incase it's too potent. The taste is rather acquired."

"Are you trying to win my affections Potter?" She asked with a slight smile. The most genuine authentic smile she had ever possessed.

"Perhaps," he paused to take a moment to drink from the flask at his hip.

"And what might that be," she asked.

"Unicorn Blood and arsenic," the girl gasped in delight, "a cursed life would be magnificent." The ravenette smirked, "perhaps I will win your affections," Harry suggested, "I must retire for the night," he kissed the back of her hand, "Good night, Shrike" he smirked. It wasn't until he retreated that she realized he called her psychopathic and sadistic she sighed in admiration leaning on the windowsill like a lovesick little girl maybe, just maybe she would fall for him.

Published: Jul 31, 2021
Updated: May 15, 2023

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