
775 38 51

{London- England}

"Louis... Louis... Louis!"

Louis's eyes shot up from his phone to the voice of his younger sister, who was sprawled across the sofa next to him.

"Finally," Millie Partridge said, rolling her eyes. "I've been trying to get your attention for like a minute." She held up the remote to the TV. "What do you wanna watch?"

"Um, I don't know," Louis replied, looking back down at his phone. "You choose."

"Really?" Millie questioned, a sceptical expression crossing her face. "You're usually so finicky about what's on the TV." When Louis didn't reply, she sat up and peered over at his phone, squinting her eyes to see Messages open and her brother's fingers hovering over the keyboard. She screwed up her eyes even more to see the name at the top of the screen-

"Hey!" Louis cried, yanking his phone away from Millie's prying eyes and holding it to his chest.

"Who ya' texting?" Millie said gleefully, shooting Louis a teasing smile.

"A friend," Louis grumbled.



Millie's face lit up and she bounced across the sofa to sit closer to her brother, staring at him eagerly. "Who is she then?"

"You know who she is," Louis replied defiantly whilst edging to the end of the sofa. "You literally watched 'Sex Ed' yesterday."

"No, obviously I know who she is," Millie said, rolling her eyes. "I meant who is she to you."

God, Louis thought. How the hell am I meant to answer that question. He couldn't even what she was to him in his own mind, let alone say it aloud to someone else. "Like I said, she's my friend," he settled on.

Millie noticed his eyes darting around the room, unable to settle on a particular point. She wasn't convinced. "Just a friend?"

"Yes," Louis said back, a little too quickly.

"Are you sure?"

"Firstly, she has a boyfriend-" Louis began, getting up off the sofa and starting towards the lounge door.

"So?" Millie chipped and rose to pursue her brother.


"What?" she said, shrugging. They were in the hallway now and heading towards Louis's bedroom. "You've never heard the story. You know? Boy meets girl... girl's already taken... boy falls in love with girl-"

"For fuck's sake, I am not in love with Y/N," Louis cried, spinning around in the entrance to face his little sister before slamming the door.

Millie stared at the closed door, furrowing her brow and suppressing a laugh. "Defensive," she muttered and turned on her heel back towards the lounge.

Inside of the bedroom, Louis lay on his bed on his back, gazing at Y/N's contact open on his phone. His finger's hovered over the keyboard, quickly typing something every so often but then deleting it as swiftly. He racked his brain for something to message her, anything.


i hope ur awake
i have no clue what time it is there
i think ur behind us
like 8 hours or something
but when u get this pls msg me

it's like midnight here
but i'm awake

okay good!!!
how was disney?

platonic,  𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞Where stories live. Discover now