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After a brief farewell to Frank Davies and a blur of airport security and customs, Y/N sat uneasily on the plastic chairs provided in Terminal 5. People buzzed around her, excited for their trip to England, something that Y/N did not reciprocate. She watched the minute hand on the huge clock mounted on the south-facing wall tick tediously by. Every time the hand would reach 12, Y/N would wince knowing that with every minute that passed she was a little closer to being back in 520 West-street.

She tried being positive and thought of all the good things awaiting her in England:

Her birth-city
Her grandma

Holy shit, Y/N thought, Nana!

It took her about 8 seconds to take out her phone and have her grandma's number on speed-dial. She paused for a moment before hitting the call button and considered whether this was really her best option, but after only a few seconds of contemplation she came to the decision that staying with her dad and Ivy was the worst thing that could happen to her right now.

5 rings and her grandma picked up.

"Hello?" came the voice of Fiona Calflin down miles of miles of telephone wires from Guilford, England to Los Angeles, CA.

"Hey, Nana," Y/N replied cheerily. "It's me, Y/N!"

"Oh!" Fiona exclaimed. "Hello, Y/N!"

"Hi, Nana," Y/N repeated.

"Are you alright dear?" Fiona asked.

Y/N laughed a wry laugh, knowing all the things she had not to feel alright about. "Yes, I'm okay," she said to her grandma, not wanting to worry her too much. "You?"

"Well, I'm doing very well at the moment," Fiona said, smiling through her voice. "I played Monopole this morning at the club and then had lunch with some friends of mine there. And I had a delicious dinner a few hours ago so I'm feeling quite content. "

"Dinner?" Y/N queried, confused due to it being mid-day and not nearly the time for dinner. "Nana it's one PM."

"Unless my clock is terribly mistaken, it's nine darling."

Y/N checked the clock once again out of cautiousness and furrowed her brow when she saw it was most indeed 1:02. "Nana are you quite-" Y/N began before stopping and mentally slapping herself due to her stupidity. "Oh... sorry, Nana... my mistake. We're in different timezones."

"Different timezones?" Fiona exclaimed, astounded. "What do you mean different timezones? Aren't you meant to be in London at the moment."

"Meant to be, yeah."

"Well, where in the world are you?"

"Los Angeles."

"Visiting your mother?"

"Sort of."


"This might take a while."

"I have all the time in the word, dear."

Fiona didn't say a word as her granddaughter explained the events of the past week. She listened intently to the list of upsetting ordeals that Y/N went through and, when the list came to an end, she said with unwavering confidence, "Well, you must come and stay with me then."

Y/N let out a breath and smiled in despite of her sadness, due to that being exactly what she was hoping to hear. "Really?"

"Yes, of course really!"

platonic,  𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞Where stories live. Discover now