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{london, england}

"Louis, can you please focus?"

Millie's voice dragged Louis back to the trailer the pair of them were sitting in, scripts open on their laps and their eyes drooping in tiredness.

"I know it's late but we need to nail this scene by tomorrow and it's not even 50% there," Millie continued to complain. "Harry will slit our throats if it's not good. He would not stop going on about how vital tomorrow's scene is and how we need to get it done quickly- blah blah blah."

Louis rubbed his eyes, not only in an attempt to wipe away the exhaustion ebbing at his eyes, but to diminish the pestering thoughts of Y/N clouding his mind. Anxiety accompanied every image of her: sitting alone with a cloud of deep sadness hovering over her head: tears running down her pale cheeks: her broken heart banging in her chest. The words on the page of his script blended into a mass of undecipherable ink every time he looked down at it and Millie's sentences were overwhelmed so easily by the thumping in his ears.

"Yes, yes sorry," Louis mumbled and peered back down at his script, only to find that his line was lost amongst the jumble of other lines.

"Uh, um, where are we?" Louis queered.

Millie glared at Louis. "Page forty-five, line fifth-teen," she sighed.


Millie cocked her head and looked at Louis curiously, her intuitive nature telling her that his mind was plagued. She of course instantly knew what was keeping Louis from focusing on the scene; one particular girl took complete status over anything, Netflix movie or not.

"It's YN, isn't it?" Millie said tentatively.

Louis let out a short laugh. "How could you guess?"

"That look," Millie said, closing her script and pointing at his face. "The look you have when you worry, especially about her."

Louis furrowed his brow: he wasn't aware that he was so transparent.

"You're obviously going to worry, Lou," Millie comforted, and slid across the sofa closer to him. "I am too."

Louis was silent, just nodding rhythmically for a while, the cogs turning in his muddle of a mind. Millie caught herself about to say something about the boy who had wrecked her best friend's heart when she noticed Louis's expression of contemplation and thought it wise to hold her tongue as not to distract him.

"We should go to her," Louis said after a while.

"To LA? God Louis I love her but I'm not sure if we can-"

"No, no, not LA," Louis interjected. "She's come back to England."

"She has?"


"I don't think we have time," Millie sighed. "We have scenes all day tomorrow and the day after and the day after that. And we just-"

"We'll go tomorrow night. We finish at four, we can find out were she is and go," Louis spluttered, flustered and desperate to find some sort of way to leave London.


"She's alone right now, Millie!" Louis exclaimed.

"If she's in England she will be wit her family right now, Lou," Millie explained calmly. "She's not alone."

Louis opened his mouth and then swiftly clamped it shut again to stop himself from insulting every member of Y/N's family in one sentence, even the members he had no clue about; unlike Sam and Ivy he was sure they didn't deserve that.

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