Chapter XVI: XX Time (Edited)

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Emiko peered into the room before walking in, though making sure to leave the door open. In the dimly lit room, navigated with caution, her senses heightened as she hunted for her target. Unbeknownst to her, the room's atmosphere shifted, near sealing her fate.

"Where are you, bastard?"

As she walked past the doors they shut automatically, whipping around she watched as the doors were barred. Without warning, an inhumane, cold, metallic voice resonated through hidden speakers. "I have to admit, I truly wasn't expecting you to fall for such a cheap trick, Lone wolf," the voice sneered, a cruel satisfaction lacing the words.

Suddenly, a hiss echoed in the chamber, and an ominous gas began to fill the space. The noxious substance, known as Venom Mist, wafted through the air, a deeply calculated move to weaken her. Shadowblade's movements slowed, her senses dulled by the insidious gas.

As the gas enveloped her, the room became a hazy, toxic labyrinth. Emiko, usually swift and agile, found herself struggling against the weakening effects of the Venom Mist. To her, the walls seemed to close in, and her once-confident self now faced the chilling reality of a trap carefully laid out by her cunning adversary.

The antagonist's chilling laughter echoed through the speakers as they revelled in their calculated move, leaving Emiko to look for a way out of her current predicament while grappling with the debilitating effects of the poisonous gas. She felt her deadly game of cat and mouse had taken a sinister turn, and Emiko's survival now depended on her ability to overcome both the trap and the weakening effects of Venom Mist.

With a pained expression, she forced herself to ask, "What is it you want?"

"I have a plan with your little classmates. I can't have you ruining it for me" She took in a short breath. "And to make sure that my plan happens with no interruptions, I have a little something special for you"

'That voice...'

"What do you want with them?"

"I just want a little payback, on them and you. Once I finish with them I'll get you. And seeing as we both know that you are far stronger than me, I have something for you, giving me an advantage."

As she felt the shortness of her breath, she punched the wall in anger.

"Face me.. like a fucking man!" She yelled, punching the wall again.

As the weakening effects of the poison took hold, Emiko fought against the encroaching darkness, her usually agile movements now reduced to unsteady steps. The room seemed to spin as she desperately searched for an escape route, her strength draining with each passing moment.

Time became a blur, as she succumbed to the poison's influence. Unconsciousness swept over her like a suffocating tide.

After a few hours, she finally regained her consciousness, while the disorientation lingered, she forced herself to her feet upon remembering her situation hours prior.

To her surprise, the once-locked door now stood open. Mild panic and frustration gripped her as she stumbled into the corridor, gasping for the fresh air that she internally wished for some time ago. With weak, trembling hands, she reached for her phone, her vision still slightly blurred.

Fumbling with the device, Emiko managed to dial the number she memorised. Breathless and weakened, she rasped into the phone, "Where are you?"

"With the group right now, we're in the main building. Why?"

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