Chapter XXIV: School Festival Time (Edited)

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"The main campus sure is getting hyped about this year's festival" Isogai began, standing in front of the board, many ideas scattered neatly across it. "Probably figure we're up to something, even if we can't win"

"I hear that Asano actually contracted with a restaurant" Sugino piped up

"I wouldn't put it past him" Nakamura added

Korosensei spoke, his bright yellow smile as per usual, "We'll just have to go for the win." He announced, matter-of-factly. "This match will likely hinge on a compilation of everything but assassination and studying"

"I really don't wanna lose to Class A..." Sugino mumbled, "But what can we do?"

As Korosensei began to waffle on about what they should do, Emiko leaned over to Karma in question

"What do you usually do?"

"Don't know, I'm not usually here for it"

She raised a brow in question, "Oh really?" She smirked amusedly, "And why is that?"

"It's basically a free day to do nothing"


Karma hesitated when she'd said that, his cheeks tinting red in embarrassment, knowing that she knew him too well, "and I had gotten suspended..."

"You truly do enjoy getting suspended, don't you?"

"It's not my fault" he rolled his eyes, "If people weren't annoying then I wouldn't have"

"Yeah, okay. I believe you"

"Are you going to join in?"

"If I'm free then I may drop by" She shrugged, not missing Karma's smirk as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Don't look at me like that"

"Like what?" He feigned innocence, "I didn't even say anything"

She scoffed, "Yeah, didn't have to" She karate-chopped the top of his head, rolling her eyes at the male.

But she knew he looked at her that way for a reason. Because she knew that he knew she'd go if he asked her to...


"A new taste sensation made with the mountain's goodness!" Yada, who was stationed at the base of the mountain, was the face of 3E's event. "Come on by! Acorn noodles made with real acorns!" She smiled, holding up a menu, "A new taste sensation made with the mountain's natural goodness. Even upperclassmen like—" a group of males began to surround her, "adults who recognise value, will never have tasted deliciousness like this!"

"Oh yeah?" One of the males started, "Is it really that good?"

"Of course! Taste the just-picked freshness!" Yada continued politely. "Please follow this path up to the top and they're one of my classmates will greet you"

"Hm," they looked between themselves, obvious smirks on each of their faces, "Okay. Thanks~"


However tough as they thought they were, that trek up the mountain had killed their motivation, even if they had pursued up to the top.

The moment they had actually reached the top, Sugino- who was one of the first to notice them, instantly recognised them, and was quick to garner the attention of those who he had shared a group with; and while she wasn't officially a part of their group, Emiko was still with them nonetheless, although at present time she had left the school and was off elsewhere doing other things, though Karma made her give her word that she'd come by soon.

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