Chapter XXII: Reaper Pt.1 (Edited)

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The cold night air wrapped itself around her as she moved silently through the dense forest. She had been on a week-long mission, unaware of the chaos unfolding back in Kunugigaoka. Her focus was sharp, her mind trained on her mission's objective, but she felt a tinge of uneasiness that gnawed at her gut. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, and unfortunately for her, when she felt something was wrong, something was wrong.

Upon completing her mission, she felt a buzz from her pocket, reaching in and fishing out her phone, she noted that she'd received a message from the snarky redhead she'd come to enjoy the company of. Her eyes narrowed in confusion for a moment before what the message's contents meaning had dawned on her. While she'd been in a similar situation many years ago, this time it was different. This time it wasn't strangers. This time it involved people she'd come to know.

But this message she'd received. It wasn't an actual message of sorts, it was Karma's location and a single word, 'Reaper'. And to her, that word and his shared location could only mean one thing. Murder.

Emiko clenched her jaw tightly as she punched the tree next to her in anger, feeling the skin on her fingers tear as a cracking sensation burned through her, her hand going numb after the initial sharp feeling stabbing at her hand...

'If that fucking cunt of a bastard thinks he can take my prey, then I'll fucking kill him'

She clenched her eyes shut for a good while before opening them firmly, looking into the distance as the blood from her hands dripped onto the ground, quickly absorbing into the soil

"Fucking bastard" she hissed

Clenching her eyes shut, she forced herself to breathe through her rage. Taking a moment, she reopened them, now filled with focus and a cold hard look.

Emiko wasted no time. She had to find them, and she had to do it fast.


By the time Emiko had arrived at the area of Karma's location, the sun could be seen in the far distance. By the time she had entered the building and could hear voices, fifteen minutes had passed...


All while Karasuma had managed to start fighting Reaper, Emiko had finally made her appearance. She scanned the room, taking into account how Karasuma was in the centre, still fighting the bastard she despised, and Karma was not in the room, so she could only assume that because Karasuma was fighting him, they were still alive. Meaning that she had arrived, right on time.

She ran up quickly, taking advantage that neither man had noticed her presence, and jumped, kicking Reaper in the head and knocking him far back, taking everyone by surprise.


"Neh, Karasuma, that jump was gutsy"

"You're late"

"Forgive me, princess, I was on the other side of the country"

Hearing Reaper groaning in pain, she was quick to turn around, slamming his own blade into his shoulder as she landed in a crouched position. Before he could react she jumped to her feet and swung her shin into his stomach.

"Lone Wolf you—" unsheathing her own knife, she stabbed him in the upper thigh

"Mizuki!" Those of 3E exclaimed from the room they were in, their faces etched with fear and despair, and as the realisation of her appearance settled, they turned to her with a mixture of hope and disbelief.

Punching Reaper in his face, her fist successfully breaking his nose upon contact with a satisfying crack, she spoke. "There are two things you seem to have forgotten." She held the knife's handle, "One..." she slowly twisted it, smiling beneath her mask as he cried out in pain, "You do not steal a wolf's prey." she slowly pulled the knife out and jammed it into his other shoulder, "And two.." she narrowed her eyes, her lips curving into an angered smile, "mess with the pack, you deal with the alpha"

As Emiko had been dealing with him, Karasuma found himself busy as he left her to release Korosensei and 3E from their prison cell

"Mizuki I think he—" A dagger embedded itself in the wall beside Korosensei's head, effectively shutting him up as he let out a little shriek.

With her anger fuelling her actions, she stood straight and she kicked him in the stomach once again. "That, was for taking my prey" she stomped him in the groinal area, "and that, was for Lovro sensei"

As Emiko went to slam the heel of her boot into Reaper's already bloodied and broken body, she felt a familiar set of arms wrap around her, pulling her away, unfortunately stopping her from her initial plan. The main reason she didn't respond to being touched was because she not only felt his familiar presence, but also knew the unique combination of sandalwood and jasmine.

"Calm down" he whispered to her ear

"Hah?" she rolled her eyes, "Shut up, don't tell me what to do"

He let out a low chuckle as he set her down, back onto her feet.

Letting out a huff as she smoothed her clothes out, before snapping her head toward her sister as she tried to run away.

"Irina" her voice was low, but firm. She watched as Irina visibly froze, slowly turning around. Everyone backed away from the two, giving them some room

"Listen, I can explain—!" She stared at her in disbelief, cupping her cheek, unsure if she was dreaming or if Emiko had really just struck her...

"That was for joining him and going behind my back"


She pulled Irina forward by the wrist and flicked her forehead, hard.

"If you ever run off or pull this type of stunt again, I'll kill you"

"Y-Yeah" she nodded, unable to fight against the younger girl

After ensuring she was okay, Emiko stood in the empty spot next to Karma. Watching quietly as Karasuma had given Irina a rose, although, to Emiko's confusion, she understood the gist upon hearing something about the blonde's birthday.

"It all ends well, then?" Karma spoke, though she didn't spare the redhead a glance

"I suppose so"

"Thanks for coming to get us"

"If you hadn't texted me then I wouldn't have known"

"I'm sure you would've figured it out eventually"

"It'd have been too late by then"

"Nah" she looked at him from the corner of her eye as he responded, "You came right on time" he flashed her a toothy smile, his hand brushing hers, "You always do"

Emiko stared for a moment, her cheeks tinting a reddish hue, "Yeah..." then she remembered their 'intimate' moment from the day prior, causing her face to blow up into red. She coughed and looked away, making sure that no one could see her face- even if she was wearing her mask anyway.

"You o—?"

"Shut up. I'll kill you"

Her harsh words seemingly made him recall his bold actions, and quickly he too became red.


"We don't speak of such things. Strawberry" Lightly punching his arm, she walked away, very much over the events that had occurred today.

"Hey wait up!" Karma called, following after her as the rest of 3E filtered out of the building


Word Count ~ 1213

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