Chapter 17

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'Hange...?' You thought to yourself as you forced yourself to stop crying. You wiped the tears away and put on a stoic face similar to Levi.

You just stopped crying so you couldn't put out a smile. If you do, the tears would start to fall again.

You went quiet and answered. "I'm fine I just needed to use the bathroom. What's wrong?" You said trying your best to cover up your shaky voice.

You hear Hange sigh in relief. "That's great. Are you coming out now?"

You went silent knowing your eyes would still be red from the crying. You had a little conversation with yourself whether to get out or not.

"I'll be out in a sec" You ended up saying.

"Alright, I'll be waiting outside the washroom." Hange said as you heard her faint footsteps fade away.

'She's gone now.' You said to yourself and started to get out of the stall and look at the mirror. You wash your hands and face. You rubbed your eyes trying to make it look like you haven't been crying.

You went out the washroom and was greeted by a big hug. Of course it would be Hange you laughed.

But when you opened your eyes it was Levi.


"Why the heck did you run away?! Are you okay?!" Levi cut you off asking you questions shaking you by the shoulders.

You look around to see if Hange or anyone was there but apparently it was only you and Levi. You knew you were late to your next subject.

"You don't have class?" You chuckled covering up your husky voice.

"Damn you, don't avoid my question. ARE. YOU.ALRIGHT?" He said one more time.

You pull away from the hug looking at him straight in the eye. "Saying I'm fine would be an understatement." You smile.

"You're shaking."

"Am not."

"Yes you are."

"I'm heading to class." You quickly glared at him and walked to class. He grabbed your hand and you turn to face him.

"Tch, you're skipping class today." Levi said grabbing a hold of your hand dragging you away. You didn't even resist but you did ask how you're going to explain to the teacher.

"Hange" That's what Levi only said.

"What's with Hange?" You asked.

"Tch, she obviously gave a shitty excuse letter about you being sick so you're excused." He said holding your hand and this time intertwining both of your fingers.

"Levi let go." You said calmly.

He looked at you with a questioned look. He held your hand tighter looking at you.

"Why" he replied calmly but failed to keep his stoic expression. His eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm fine. I'm excused so I'm going home." You said smiling at him. You were actually a little okay now. You calmed down from your breakdown and since you were excused, you wanted to be alone and rest at home.

"No." Levi said with your hand still in his.

"Yes." You said getting out of his grasp and started walking out the school headed for your house.

Levi followed you behind and you turn to look at him. "Why are you following me? Don't you have class?" You asked him rather amused by his actions.

"Tch, I'm free." He said looking at you.

"Then go do your homework or something. Leave me alone I'll be fine."

"I'll walk you home."

"I'll be fine alone."


"I want to be alone right now. Please leave me alone." You said giving him a forced smile. Your tears starting to give out. The feeling of being pressured once again got to you.

You managed to turn around to not let him see how vulnerable you are in that state. You started to walk faster and he started to catch up too.

He had enough when you arrived at home. You opened your door and went inside but before you could close it Levi stopped you.

"Go away." You said completely not comfortable.

"I'll visit."

"Are you even allowed to?"

"Am I not?"

You sigh and look for your dad but he was no where to be found. The house was quiet. You sigh and open the door to let Levi in.

"Welcome I guess. Feel free to make yourself at home. I'll be in my room if you need me. It's upstairs last room to the left." You said.

"Knock before you enter I don't want you entering without me knowing." You added giving him a glare. He rolled his eyes and welcomed himself inside.

"It's clean" Levi said making you turn around to face him.

"Of course it is it's not a dumpster you clean freak." You said bored and rushing up the stairs obviously not feeling like yourself. Another anxiety attack. You sigh.

You found yourself drifting to sleep when you flopped on your bed. You didn't even bother if Levi was still there or not.

A little while later you hear a faint knock on your door. You were too mentally and emotionally tired to get up and open it so you groan in frustration.

Levi possibly heard it and slowly opened your door. He peeked inside and saw you asleep.

You were half awake so you knew someone was coming in your room. You didn't expect it to be Levi though. You were too tired to open your eyes.

"Already asleep? You didn't even keep me company you brat." You heard him say. You came to the conclusion that it was Levi.

"So much for welcoming a guest in your home." Levi sat down on your bed beside you. He moved a strand of hair behind your ear and stroke your hair.

You were smiling at the warmth being given to you. You liked it when someone took care of you or just came to accompany you.

You 'hum' giving out a small smile. Levi saw this and covered his face with his hand looking away.

"Damned brat. I'll be going now. You're smile is contagious." He said marching out of your room.

"Looks like I really have to win the shitty talent
show." Levi said storming out of your house leaving everything untouched.



So sorry, I forgot to update yesterday. I just got back from answering a test.

This is a chapter in my drafts I finished. I decided to post it since I have time. Hope y'all like it.


I'll try to post daily 🥸👍

have a great day!

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