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A/N: Void Ranger and the United Anti-Virus Movement Characters are owned by BiohazardStudios, SNT is owned by Courtney (Project SNT), Saki Chao is owned by Nekoiichi

Prologue: United Anti-Virus (U.A.V) Headquarters:

A computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program, software, or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed.

Nowadays, PCs are everywhere... they are all around us. Even now; in the modern world, computers continue to dominate our lives. And for every computer, there's a new world waiting to be discovered.

And inside every world, an avatar is created from every software installed, in order to simulate real world physics and believability. But in the computer world... Even the realism is non-existent.

With that in mind, why don't we focus our attention on one specific computer. A computer that once belonged to a cyber security firm. And that is where our story begins.

Suddenly an application revealing 4 random windows of different worlds created by the software installed began to open.

The mouse then moved towards the bottom left window showing a large blue binary coded city. From there, the maximize button was pressed, and that is where our story begins.

One night, in a dark alleyway, a few feet away from a large blue building in the heart of the city, a mysterious figure wearing a ski mask and a dark cloak was wandering around the alley; trying to sneak inside the building. No one had a clue what his motives were, but those who knew this figure were already aware that he was up to no good.

When he finally reached the heavily guarded building, he decided to climb a nearby tree to the top of the largest branch where he noticed his way inside. A conveniently opened window was his only ticket inside before anyone noticed he was there.

The mysterious figure stepped back a few steps hoping not to fall, he then made a run for it, and surprisingly, he managed to jump off the branch and into the window where he somersaulted to his knees upon entering.

To his surprise, the figure noticed an opened computer on a nearby desk that was exposed to intrusive attacks by perpetrators. The figure did not hesitate to touch the computer. He began typing up a script.

Suddenly, just as he finished typing and saving his script before executing, sirens began to blare all over the building followed by an announcement on the intercom from a robotic voice, 

"Attention, this is a high level security alert, we have a level 5 breach, location: room 4. Activate your quarantine procedures immediately!!! I repeat, activate your quarantine procedures now!!!"

Realizing that he's been caught, he leans towards the nearest window and looks down, only to discover dozens of cop cars parking their vehicles. 

With no other option, he opens the office door and makes a break for it as police officers chase the suspect out of the building. Along the way, a couple of officers were blocking his path, but the suspect gave good punches to the officers, knocking them down instantly.

Suddenly, without hesitating, he broke down the nearest door in front of him and barged into another office where he crashed through a window and fell 3 stories. Luckily for the suspect, he grabbed onto a branch of another nearby tree and began climbing down before he made his escape.

The police tried to draw their pistols and open fire at the suspect, but he was long gone. As the suspect went back to hide in the alleyway, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a USB stick, inside the stick was his code that he finished writing before he escaped the building.

"This is the script that will change the virus war forever", the suspect said as he marveled over his beautiful creation.

Back at the crime scene, a big muscular figure wearing yellow and gold armor, and a yellow cape with a logo on his armor emerged from the office doors to investigate the area. He wore an armoured suit and had buffed arms, a heavily metal armor plating and an antenna on his head.

"Who could have done this?" Asked the mysterious man who had the face filled with anger.
During his investigation, a pink armored robot was brought to the crime scene in handcuffs as he was led into the room by 2 other muscular robots all having different coloured armor as well as different logos. The gold figure turned around to confront the pink armored robot.

"Hacker Ranger, you fool. You almost crashed our computers to the point where they were rendered useless. As minister of the United Anti-Virus Movement (U.A.V), I order you to investigate why the firewalls failed to detect and protect our computers from intruders!!!" Roared the powerful minister as he pointed his index finger towards Hacker.

"Minister Norton, have no fear, I promise to get to the bottom of this." Said Hacker as he bowed down to his superior. In doing so, he promised to bring justice to his employer and to all employees of the establishment.

"For your sake, you better bring back our important documents, or it will be 30 years in quarantine for you!!!" Shouted Minister Norton as he grabbed Hacker by his chest and hoisting him in the air.

"Minister Kaspersky and Minister Avira, take this ranger back to the lab!!!" Shouted Minister Norton as he lets Hacker go.

Kaspersky; a second big muscular figure wearing green and aqua armor, and Avira; a third big muscular figure wearing red and maroon armor took Hacker and escorted him out of the crime scene while Minister Norton looked on towards the outside.

"Just you wait, once the firewalls are back up and running, we will hunt you down and lock you up in quarantine for the rest of your days." Said Minister Norton as he looked out the window and a cold breeze entered the room.

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