Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: VIRUS-ai

Upon returning to the U.A.V, Hacker and Norton headed for the computer lab where they opened up 6 computers. Once all 6 computers finally open, Hacker installed on each computer one of 6 dev codes that belong to Void Ranger.

Once the dev codes began to run, Norton and Hacker have finally seen everything. They discovered that Total AV's original intentions were to turn Void Ranger into the first ever artificial intelligent anti-virus which combined every last method of virus detection, removal and prevention.

"So... Total AV wanted Void Ranger to surpass us... And yet, we never let him." Said Norton as he bowed his head in shame realizing that if Void did surpass the ministers, "If we did, Total AV would have dethroned me and become the new CEO of the U.A.V."

"But now, looking at this... This is definitely revenge." Said Hacker as he pointed to one of the dev codes on one of the 5 computers.
Norton walked over to the last computer which contained the 6th dev code that was used to install the Void Ranger that SNT knows too well. Norton smiled at the computer showing the 6th dev code that was displayed before him and then looks up at the night sky.
"We're all lucky... This boy is exactly the anti-virus we wanted." Said Norton, "One who knew nothing about payloads, nothing about disinfection, nothing about prevention, about removal, about backups."
Hacker was confused, "But isn't that a bad thing?" Asked Hacker,
"It may be bad for now. But if we teach him, and train him. Who knows... One day, he may even surpass the very first anti-virus in existence. We just have to leave fate to chance." Said Norton as he and Hacker looked out into the night sky.


Back at the underground base of Optical Illusions, after many attempts to break the door down, SNT had an idea. She curled into a ball and bashed the wall next to the door, creating a hole for the trio to escape through. Upon exiting the room they were trapped in for hours, Void and SNT were shocked to see the base was filled with hundreds of programmers working in their respective cubicle office desks; the evil base was still intact despite the virus war that occurred above ground. Void, SNT and Saki Chao snuck inside a nearby vent door and were snooping around the ventilation system trying not to be seen.
"This place could really use a makeover or two." Whispered SNT.
"I agree, if only there was more colour to this place other than black and red. I guess my father grew too attached to his logo colours that he forgot about variety." Whispered Void.
As the trio kept sneaking in the vents, they came across an open vent door. Void saw this as an opportunity to perform a stealth attack. He gestured SNT and Saki Chao to stand back as he took out his network tap and aimed it to a programmer's head.
When Void threw the sword, it slashed and electrocuted the employee which caused the employee to leave his seat and open a couple of doors before he returned to his desk.
The network tap then returned to Void's hand as a boomerang. "Right on queue, cmon ladies!" Whispered Void as they dropped down the vent and proceeded to enter the doors which the employee foolishly opened.
When the trio finally entered the last room that the employee opened the door for, they found themselves in a large room surrounded by computers, machinery, fuel tanks and more. At the centre of the room was a large rocket that was preparing for liftoff. It was a launch site for the space shuttles that were preparing to blast off into space.
Void pointed at the rocket, "These rockets are carrying the VIRUS infested missiles, if they launch those missiles..." Shouted Void,
"Then the computer world will be destroyed!!!" Shouted SNT.
Suddenly, Void heard a familiar voice nearby. It was Total AV, and he was walking with a mysterious gold and silver robot alongside an army of red, aqua and silver robots who were carrying electro shock spears. This is the first time Void has ever encountered these types of robots.
"Now pay attention Gigabot, you and your army of nanobots will be patrolling the launch site as project VIRUS-ai enters orbit. Once all space shuttles have blasted off into cyberspace, do not hesitate to cut the power of this very establishment." Gigabot nodded his head in agreement.
"But if either SNT or my son decide to show their faces, be sure to thank them for the pain and suffering they caused me." Said Total AV as he headed towards the shuttle to prepare for liftoff.
"Yes sir." Said the robotic voice coming from the Gigabot,
"Alright nanobots, take your positions!" Shouted the Gigabot as the army of nanobots performed fancy spinning moves with their spears before returning to patrol the launch site.
"So, that's the game, huh? Send an entire army of robots to patrol the underground base just for us to trash the place?" Asked Void, "How unoriginal." Said Void sarcastically.
"How many times has this been done again?" Asked SNT,
"Probably thousands of times." Said Saki Chao looking unimpressed. Suddenly, the Gigabot passed by where the trio were hiding and spotted them.
"Halt! Intruders!" Shouted the Gigabot. Just then, the army of nanobots ran towards Void and SNT. Void and SNT were not afraid, SNT and Void took to the air and double boosted a couple of nanobots.
Surprisingly, Saki Chao felt the presence of another being who was channeling her powers towards Saki Chao as she grabbed a long metal pipe and began to use kendo attacks on some nanobots, knocking them out instantly.
"Saki Chao, how did you learn to do that?!!" Asked SNT who was surprised at what Saki Chao did to the robots.
"I don't know, I've never done this before!!!" Shouted Saki Chao as she continued using kendo attacks on the nanobots.
SNT then curled up into a ball and began to spin around and around as her speed increased with every spin. She was performing a tornado attack in which the force of her spins sent the nanobots floating in the air. Once the spinning stopped, she blasted all 5 nanobots that were caught in her tornado.
"Nice shot SNT." Said Void as he smiled at her.
"Thanks!" Said SNT as they were getting closer and closer to the rocket.
Suddenly, a couple of aqua and silver nanobots activated their invisibility powers and began to electrocute Void as they played a game of tennis with Void being the ball.
Having had enough, Void drew his network tap sword and surprisingly stabbed one of the nanobots which caused the robot to glitch out and stab the other 5 nanobots that were patrolling along side it.
"We did it!!!" Shouted SNT happily, "We destroyed all the nanobots!"
"Well... not quite." Said Saki Chao who stood next to SNT and pointed towards the Gigabot.
After eliminating as many nanobots as possible within the launch site, one nanobot emerged with the will to search and destroy, it was Gigabot, and he was pissed off as hell.
Suddenly, the Gigabot began to draw 2 spears and spun them around like nun-chucks. He then aimed his spears at the trio.
"SNT, fight me!!!" Shouted the robotic voice coming from the Gigabot.
"Why me?" Shouted SNT looking annoyed at the Gigabot.
"If you hadn't called for help back at the zoo, none of this would have happened." Said the Gigabot as he pointed one of his spears to SNT.
SNT and Gigabot then took up their fighting stances. Gigabot proceeded to throw his 2 spears towards SNT, SNT dashed away from the spears and dodged every spear that came after her. She then hit Gigabot's with enough force to slam him into a wall.
"Woohoo! Great shot SNT" Shouted Void as he and Saki Chao were cheering from the side lines.
Gigabot got back up and circled around SNT as he grabbed his 2 spears which he threw earlier. He then proceeded to spin his spears around once again before taking up his fighting stance for the second time.
SNT did not hold back, she decided to try the tornado attack again, but the Gigabot knew what was happening and grabbed SNT's leg. Gigabot then lifted her up and slammed her to the ground left and right repeatedly until she was down.
"SNT!!!" Shouted Void and Saki Chao.
But SNT wasn't out, she slowly got back to her feet and began to think,
"If I don't perform that tornado attack as soon as possible, we'll never be able to reach the rocket ship in time, and then... Void will never be able to confront his father again..." Said SNT to herself as she was feeling sad.
But SNT then snapped out of it, "No! I must give Void the closure he deserves!!!" Shouted SNT as she returned to her feet and gestured the Gigabot to put up his dukes.
Gigabot bowed before SNT out of respect and began by running towards her to try to slash her and stab her with his spears. But SNT wall jumped and avoid every spear that tried to hit her.
Suddenly, Void said something to SNT in which she immediately thought about Sonic "Cmon SNT, keep fighting, don't let your fear destroy you!!!" Shouted Void, as SNT heard this, she got caught off guard as a spear pierced her tail.
"AHHHH!!!" Cried SNT as she became incapacitated.
"Dammit Gigabot!" Shouted Void as he ran to SNT and pulled out a bandage, which he then used to bandage up one of SNT's tail. "Here you go SNT." Said Void as he tied the knot to her bandage.
SNT grabbed Void and hugged him, "Thank you." Said SNT with a smile.
"Anytime SNT." Said Void as he grabbed SNT's hand to pull her back up.
SNT then slowly returned to her fighting stance as Gigabot gestured her to 'just bring it.'
SNT and Gigabot ran towards each other, Gigabot threw his spears to the side and one spear almost hit Saki Chao.
"Hey a*hole!!! Watch where you throw that thing, you nearly took my eye out you f******d!!!" Shouted Saki Chao as she was furious.
SNT and Gigabot then engaged in a grappling contest, in which SNT and Gigabot had to use their hands to push each other back.
Luckily for SNT, by stepping forward and putting as much power as she could, she pushed Gigabot back, jumped up in the air and used her blaster to shoot down the Gigabot in his chest; destroying him instantly.
"Great job SNT, you did it!!!" Shouted Void who was happy for SNT. He ran to her as Saki Chao flew in and hugged SNT by her neck.
Void and Saki Chao then cheered on, "SNT! SNT! SNT! SNT!"
But the celebration was short lived, as the trio still needed to escape the space shuttle's exhaust and head to the shuttle door as soon as possible before the shuttle took off.
Meanwhile, inside the space shuttle, Total AV witnessed the entire battle between the trio and the nanobots. He then snapped his fingers and the shuttle's fuel engines began to start. Thus beginning the launch sequence.
With only 10 seconds left, the trio dashed into a nearby bunker in which Void pressed the door button to seal all bunker doors shut during liftoff.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... We have liftoff!" Said a robotic voice through the intercom as the space shuttle finally took off and flew into cyberspace.
"Dammit!!! We're too late!!!" Shouted Saki Chao as she and SNT bowed their heads looking sad.
Just then, Void had a face of delight, "Girls, look at this!!" Shouted Void who was excited as he pointed to what he saw.
It was another space shuttle that was preparing for launch.
"If we can enter this space shuttle in time before take off, in which hopefully; it takes us to the same location... then maybe we can reach Total AV after all!!!" Said Void,
SNT and Saki Chao looked at each other before looking at Void,
"We have to hurry! This may be our last chance!!!" Said SNT who was looking nervous towards him.
Void walked towards SNT and put his hand on her shoulder. "Everything is gonna be fine SNT, trust me." Said Void,
SNT and Void then ran up the stairs towards the shuttle door and raced to the shuttle before it's doors closed.
Void then pressed the button to seal off the door, and it was over. The trio managed to enter the space shuttle safely. And for the first time ever, both SNT and Void were ready to blast off into cyberspace.
As the launch sequence began, Void and SNT walked to the passenger seats and put on their seat belts while Saki Chao sat on SNT's shoulder. At the same time, an army of nanobots broke into the exhaust room and approached the shuttle trying to break the doors down with their spears to capture the trio.
But it was too late. The doors were unable to budge open and the countdown to liftoff began.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... We have liftoff!" Said the robotic voice a second time through the intercom as the space shuttle took off and incinerated every last nanobot stranded bellow.
SNT and Void looked out the window of the space shuttle and began to admire the beauty of the night sky as they saw bright stars and the gorgeous moon.
"So SNT, what will you do once we get back?" Asked Void who was loo at SNT.
"Honestly Void, I don't know, there are so many opportunities to choose from. I guess i'll have to figure that out for myself." She responded,
"Saki Chao?" Asked Void,
"I'm sticking with SNT, we're like 2 peas in a pond." Said Saki Chao as she and SNT smiled at each other before looking back at Void.
"What about you Void?" Asked SNT who was curious to hear what Void wanted to do for his future.
Void thought about it but was indecisive. "I wish I knew SNT... I heard a rumour that Minister Norton wanted to enroll me into the U.A.V academy where i'll be spending the next 5 years in school learning about cyber security, virus culture, and how to detect and remove viruses and prevent viruses from spreading." Said Void who was looking unsure at SNT.
"Wait, U.A.V academy? What's the point of going to school when you already know so much about viruses?" The chimera asked out of curiosity.
"Well... technically i'm still a novice, plus i'm only self taught. I only know about viruses from the modern era. If I am to become a fully fledged anti-virus, I need to learn everything there is to becoming a part of the U.A.V, not just what I already know about. Plus, one of those lessons in the academy deal with disassembly... the skill in need to learn to completely erase the love letter worm from your system." Void clarified,
SNT was surprised that the blue robot still remembered his task to help her.
SNT smiled, "Now that's an interesting subject that's destined to be discovered." Said SNT.
Suddenly, Void's walkie talkie began to beep and Void looked annoyed. He reached for his walkie talkie to answer the call.
Saki Chao laughed at what just happened.
"Talk to me Hacker." Said Void as he spoke into the walkie talkie.
"Void, listen to me. We studied your dev codes and discovered that you were originally meant to be developed as a real anti-virus rather than just rogue software. This is your big chance to change the computer world for many years to come." Said Hacker.
"Thanks Hacker, I do appreciate those words of encouragement. So, what do you know about VIRUS-ai?" Asked Void,
"When Total AV was preparing to test you against viruses, he was willing to send out 2 of his best viruses against you." Said Hacker.
"Stuxnet and MyDoom..." Void Said pitching in.
"Precisely. But now that Total AV is out for revenge against the U.A.V, he's planning to use Stuxnet and MyDoom as weapons of war to destroy the computer world once and for all." Said Hacker.
"And these Virus infested missiles have something to do with this?" Asked SNT,
"But of course, every missile aboard Total AV's defense platform is armed with the payloads of both Stuxnet and MyDoom. Once the missiles attack, every computer will be destroyed and all websites of every computer manufacturer will be shut down to prevent communication between victims and the companies." Explained Hacker.
"There has to be a way to stop them!" Shouted Saki Chao as she was becoming frustrated,
"Well, upon looking at the blueprints stolen from his registry keys, and observing the surveillance cameras aboard the defense platform. Total AV caught on to us and has destroyed the automatic self destruct button. With that said, you'll have to destroy the missiles manually.
Now listen up. Because the self destruct button was destroyed, there is only one way to manually stop the missiles from firing. Every missile has a claw which carries them from the containment center below the platform, and positions the missiles before launch. You must destroy all 10 claws in order for the claws to release the missiles down into orbit." Said Hacker as he explained how to destroy the missiles.
Void looked concerned, "There has to be more to this. My father will not just let us walk in and release the missiles into the orbit below."
"Now don't you worry about a thing Void, i'll fight by your side." Said SNT as she smiled and leaned her head onto Void's shoulder as Void then leaned his head on SNT's head.
They then slept together throughout the rest of the flight, as they had to get some much needed rest in preparation for the final battle aboard Total AV's defense platform.
Suddenly, a loud thump sounded as the shuttle began to shake slightly causing Void and SNT to wake up panicking as they held each other tightly.
"What's going on?!!!" Cried SNT as she held onto Void for dear life.
"I think we landed." Said Void as he looked out the window and saw what looked like the international space station.
Void was in fact right, the shuttle had landed on the defense platform and the final battle to save the world was about to begin.
SNT, Void and Saki Chao quietly snuck out of the shuttle and took their first steps onto the platform. They observed their surroundings and saw a large open arena filled with silver pipes, a large computer screen and 2 airlock doors surrounding the area.
Void proceeded to draw his sword while SNT took out her chaos emeralds and charged up. A beam of light shined bright causing void and Saki Chao to cover their eyes to prevent blindness. SNT became super, she then armed her blaster and prepared for battle. Saki Chao floated by SNT and took up her fighting stance.
Suddenly, the giant computer screen turned on revealing Total AV who appeared to be sitting in the control room of the platform with a control panel by his side.
"You're on a fool's errand, my son. I've just locked the launch sequence. Nothing can stop Project VIRUS-ai. Not even my own death." Said Total AV,
"I'll be sure to test your theory." Snarked Void, as he spun his sword in circles and took up his fighting stance.
Total AV laughed "And yet you have already failed. But tinker with my missiles if you must. By the end of this night, we shall see who the true anti-virus really is." Said Total AV as he inserted a key in the ignition and pressed the red button causing all 10 missiles to emerge from the containment center.

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