Author's Notes

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Chapter 11: Author's Notes
I had fun making this fan fic as this was the very first fan fic I ever wrote where I combined my favourite youtube characters I enjoy watching with my own original characters into a "special" action-packed story that is fun for all sci-fi lovers.
Coming up with these ideas came from a list of favourite movies and video games. The first being a 3 part episode of my own YouTube sprite series called Axer Rangers S in which the episode is called "Into The Matrix" which heavily revolves around The Matrix movie, while telling the story of the epic virus battle between the viruses of decades past and the united anti-virus movement. It also introduced the audience to the evil Void ranger clones as well as the main antagonist of the series; Total AV.
Unfortunately, because "Into the Matrix" was only 3 episodes long and was action-packed but not long enough to support a complete fan fiction. I decided to include the final 3 episodes of season 7 and season 13 which were titled "TITAN-ai" which introduced the series to the army of nanobots. And "Curse Of The Golden Idol" which featured the battle aboard the space platform and Virus Ranger's gauntlet which Void Ranger endured in order to gain Virus' script.
I had interest in writing this fan fiction because I got inspired by opuscon789 who; before me wrote a popular fan fic with a similar formula, but unlike his SNT vs Sonichu fan fic, I wanted to tackle an original story with a topic that was rarely ever touched upon in the fan fic community: Cyber Security.
Cyber Security is what sparked ideas for episodes such as "Into the Matrix", "Curse Of The Golden Idol", "Control-Alt-Delete" and "TITAN-ai" in the first place. In fact, "TITAN-ai" was the original blueprint into calling this fan fic "VIRUS-ai". As for my knowledge on viruses, worms and other forms of malware, I have Danooct1 on youtube to thank for, i've watched Danooct1's video "RELIGIOUSLY" and learned everything about viruses, their payloads and stealth techniques and various ways to either annoy the user or destroy their data.
Project SNT also added a spark to my fire when I was looking up sprite comics one night and I stumbled upon her old sprite comics which brought me back down to memory lane. I used to create sprite comics myself on a old website that unfortunately was taken down and is now forgotten history. Although my comics were not sonic related but rather Mario related since I was a Mario fanboy back then. It was Project SNT who introduced me to the world of Sonic.
As for OCs, I never actually had a sonic OC, I did however had a Mario OC which I never revealed to the world. He basically looked like Mario but without a moustache. Eventually, during my years in college, I gave my Mario OC a complete overhaul by changing his color from red to blue and giving him an axem rangers body after being inspired by episodes 5 and 6 of the best flash sprite animation at the time. It was made by Alvin Earthworm and titled "Super Mario Bros Z".
After watching Super Mario Bros Z as well as an old basic sprite series called "Super Mario Adventures X" by Rachetlombax, I began making my own sprite animations, they're not as good as Alvin Earthworm, in the sense that I did not own the sprite animation software he was using at the time. But I did earn the knowledge of how sprite animations work. Today, I am currently on season 14 of my new series "Axer Rangers S" which is a still ongoing series I began since October 25, 2009.
I then watched the complete movie of SNT Forces and read Opuscon789's fan fic of SNT vs Sonichu again and again. Finally, I decided that it was time to write a powerful sci-fi story; complete with teamwork, romance, action, adventure, danger and drama featuring all my favourite characters and favourite YouTube stars.
SNT Forces as well as Opuscon789's fan fictions helped me greatly in writing this story about 2 amazing OCs who never met before and had to team up together in order to save the world.
Aside from my sprite show that's been in production since 2009, I got inspired by other videos, movies and video games as well such as: Super Mario Bros Z, Project SNT's comics and SNT forces, The Matrix, James Bond 007 Nightfire and Danooct1's virus demonstrations.
Now many of you may be wondering, why did I make my OC Void Ranger fall in love with SNT? Similar to SNT's backstory, Void Ranger was the 6th virus along side his 5 clones created by a former united anti-virus movement member named Total AV. Originally, I planned for Void Ranger to be an axem ranger who was never supposed to fall in love in the first place. He was originally supposed to be this sad, dark, lonesome warrior who only ever cared about his allies, as well as completing the mission. So while giving Void similar traits to his original character, I also gave him the personality of a young boy who has yet to learn new things and will stop at nothing to learn as much as possible during his mission. Plus a chance to romance and spend time with SNT definitely gave my OC Void a much bigger personality than what was originally intended.
Another quick topic to explain, In this sci-fi story, SNT was dealing with a brand new enemy of a completely different species than what she had faced before in previous adventures. With that in mind, she basically had no knowledge whatsoever of who these characters were, what powers they possessed or their weaknesses. In fact, Cyber Security was a completely new realm for SNT to jump into. Which is why I ended the story with SNT joining Void Ranger in the U.A.V academy; to study about viruses and the realm she ventured into throughout this adventure. To put it simply, it was as if she was heading towards Eggman's base for the very first time while blindfolded.
Also, why did I make Saki McGee's OC into a Chao? I got inspired by Serge Nekoiichi on twitter and Instagram who made a poster of SNT and Saki's OC that looked like a Chao, and because Saki Chao was never introduced in any SNT stories I watched or read, I thought that VIRUS-ai would be the perfect story to introduce Saki Chao as a member of the SNT universe.
Finally, about the United Anti-Virus Movement, as I wrote this story, I had a vision that all Anti-virus companies would come together in glory to sit down at an auditorium and discuss the one topic that all companies have in common, cyber security. In doing so, I decided to give the majority of these known anti-virus companies more presence in the story as they would eventually play a major role in the final battle against the viruses of decades past.
Honestly, I am proud of this fan fic, it is everything I ever wanted in an adventure between 2 amazing OCs, it is definitely not perfect than the other fan fictions, but honestly, I definitely did a good job in giving the audience a story that many fans will remember for years to come.
As for Project SNT? Honestly, I don't know what her reaction will be of this fan fiction, I just wanted to share a beautiful story that has yet to be told in either SNT or Void Ranger's universe. If she discovers this fan fiction and wishes to read this story in a live stream, by all means. Please pm me and keep me posted.
I would like to thank Kanakarogoh, MarioSonic24601 and opuscon789 for proofreading this fanfic, and provide feedback throughout the development of this fanfic.
Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying my fan fiction as I poured my heart and soul into writing this beautiful story just for you; the Sonic and Axem Rangers community.

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