Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: U.A.V Rooftop Zone

Later that night, as Void was resting in the hospital room, a couple of cloaked suspects snuck into the United anti-virus movement building in hopes to steal more of U.A.V's property.

The suspects came into the building the exact same way as the thief from the previous break-in. In order to make sure that they were unable to be spotted, they snuck inside the ventilators and navigated around the building.

Meanwhile, back at the auditorium, Minister Norton stepped up to the podium with SNT by his side as he was ready to address the entire company regarding the events that unfolded.

"Earlier tonight, there was an attack on this very stage. An assassination attempt on our youngest member of the U.A.V!!! It is true, what many of you have heard. The cyber criminals have propagated and as I speak, these criminals are drawing nearer to our home.

Believe me when I say we have a difficult time ahead of us. But if we are to be prepared for it, we must first shed our fear of it. I stand here, before you now, truthfully unafraid. Why? Because I believe something you do not? No, I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that for 100 years we have fought to protect every last computer on this planet.

Tonight, let us be heard from red seas to black skies. Tonight, let us make them remember... We are the united anti-virus movement... and we are not afraid! For tonight we dine in our judgement day!" Shouted Norton.

When Minister Norton concluded his speech, he lifted his hands up in the air to prompt the U.A.V staff to applaud in celebration. All the employees of the U.A.V cheered on with happiness as they applauded towards their superior. Minister Norton then turned to SNT and put his hand on her shoulder as he led her out of the room and into his office to discuss a strategy of how to save SNT's friend.

During the speech in the auditorium, another Minister of the U.A.V was standing guard in front of Void Ranger's door, another big muscular figure wearing dark blue and regular blue armour, and a cape of the same color with a windows flag on his chest. It was Minister AVG, and he was watching over Void Ranger throughout the night as Void recovered from the attack hours ago.

Suddenly, a robot that resembled Void Ranger dropped from the vents in front of AVG and stabbed his hand inside AVG's heart, causing AVG's eyes to glitch out and turn into static. It was an evil Void Ranger clone, and he was infecting AVG with the Poison-Ivy virus; capable of remote controlling any victim's computer against their will.

"What are you?... Oh god!" Said AVG as he was out of breath while becoming infected.

"This will suffice." Responded the Void clone as he removed his hand from AVG's chest, thus completing the infection.

As the evil Void clone smiled at his latest victim, AVG grabbed a telephone and began to speak into the intercom using Void Ranger's stolen voice.

"Attention Minister Avira, I must speak to you. Please report to the rooftop as soon as possible." Said Minister AVG while speaking with Void's stolen voice. After hanging up the phone, he stared at the Void clone and nodded yes; implying that everything is now going according to plan.

Later that night, on the rooftop of the U.A.V building, Minister Avira was looking down at the city lights. As he was looking down, he heard the rooftop door open. It was Void Ranger, and he wasn't in good shape as he was struggling to stand up towards Avira with his hand clutching his chest.

"Void Ranger, my old friend." Said Avira as he walked towards the injured Void. "You wanted to see me?"

"Minister Avira, I'm here to give you a warning. I secretly overheard a conversation involving an employee of the U.A.V within this very building. And i'm here to warn you of an ambush that's about to happen." Confessed Void.

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