Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: CMOS Memory Zone

The mysterious minister takes both documents from the clones and sits on his chair on the opposite end of the conference table and began to interrogate the adorable little intruder.

"As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now. It seems that you've been living two lives. In one life, you're Void Ranger, program writer for a respectable anti-virus software company. You have a Social Security number, you pay your taxes, and... you help your landlord with disinfecting his computers.

The other life is lived in computers, where you are guilty of almost every computer crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not. We're willing to wipe your CMOS memory clean. Give you a fresh start. And all that we're asking in return is your cooperation."

"Seriously? Wipe my CMOS memory clean? So that I forget about all the people I ever cared for? Ha! Do you honestly think you can scare me with your anti-malware crap? Now where is my damn phone call?!!!" Shouted Void looking angry after hearing his options.

The minister then snapped his fingers and the clones grabbed Void to hold him down while the minister showed Void Ranger the 2 coloured documents.

"You're going to help us Void Ranger, whether you like it or not." Said the mysterious minister as he grabbed the 2 coloured papers and placed them back on the table before closing the document.

He then put his hands together like a canopy and gave Void Ranger a reality check regarding his future.

"Computers are everywhere. They are all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church..." Said the minister as he was explaining the gritty reality of cyber security towards his opponent.

"Void Ranger, this is your last chance, after this, there's no escape. Should you install the blue script, the story ends and we wipe your CMOS memory clean. Or, install the red script, we join forces and I will lead you to the promised land." Said the minister as he offered Void the 2 coloured papers.

"Remember Void, all I ask in return is the truth." Said the minister as he then silenced himself giving Void some time to choose one of the 2 scripts offered before him.

But instead of choosing a script, Void began to struggle as he attempted to break free from the ropes. Realizing Void's intentions, the minister got up to his feet and ordered the clones,

"Give him the blue script." The minister left the room as the clones crumpled up the script and stabbed their hands through Void's heart with the script in hand.

As Void was infected by the grasp of the evil Void clones, the script installed onto Void erased his CMOS memory which destroyed all his memories prior to this point.

Later, just outside the Optical Illusions building, the clones carried Void and threw him to the sidewalks where they left him to die.

Luckily for Void, an old friend was walking by and noticed his lifeless body.

"Void Ranger, HEY!!! Void Ranger, wake up!!! Oh dear god, what the hell did they do to you?!!!" Shouted Hacker as he scooped up Void and carried him back to the U.A.V building.

A few hours later, Void Ranger woke up and found himself in a white room filled with nothingness. Suddenly, Void heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Void Ranger, wake up!!!" Said Norton as he was behind Void all this time, Void turned around and freaked out to see the large muscular ranger standing in front of him.

"Eeeek!!! Who are you?!!!" Shouted Void as he fell down and attempted to get away from Norton, looking terrified.

"Void Ranger, it is I. Minister Norton, don't you remember?" Asked Norton until he foolishly realized what happened.

"Of course not." Said Norton who facepalmed himself while realizing his mistake. "Well then, you have been trapped inside your own BIOS as your CMOS memory was recently deleted by the same perpetrator who's been targeting us all this time."

Void returned to his feet and approached Norton looking very concerned.

"Someone deleted my memories?" Asked Void Ranger looking confused.

"And while we are on the subject of recovering your CMOS memory, allow me to introduce to you the ministers who've been helping you recover your past memories."

Minister Norton then approached all the different coloured robots by walking by and touching their shoulders as he introduced Void to them who were sitting in front of computers as they were typing on keyboards.

"This is Sophos, F-Secure, Trend Micro, Kaspersky and McAfee. The green one behind you is Comodo." Said Norton.

Suddenly, Void heard another voice coming from the white room of nothingness, it was SNT, and she was running to Void all happy to see him.

"VOID!!!" Shouted SNT as she ran into the room. "Oh Void, i'm so happy that your safe!"

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