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Epilogue: The U.A.V Academy

It has been a year since Void and SNT worked together to save the computer world from the wrath of Total AV and Optical Illusions. Since the destruction of the virus infested missiles and Total AV flying into orbit, the computer world was at peace once again.

SNT went back to Angel Island helping Sonic and his friends fight off an evil mad scientist with a crazy moustache named Doctor Eggman who was trying to take over the island in order to build his theme park.

And from time to time, SNT would put on the VR headset to visit Saki Chao inside the simulator she once saved.


Later that year in the summer, back at U.A.V headquarters, a new building was built next door to the establishment.

Void Ranger was right all this time. Minister Norton enrolled him into the U.A.V academy where he was going to spend the next couple of years studying about cyber security, virus culture, and how to detect and remove viruses and prevent them from spreading.

Void walked into the classroom carrying his books while wearing a black tuxedo as he approached the 3rd desk near the window.

As he placed his books on the desk and took his seat, an aqua looking chimera slowly sneaked up behind him and covered his eyes. "Guess who?" The chimera asked.

She was wearing a school uniform, a watch on one of her wrists and she was carrying the same books as Void was.

It was SNT. She took her seat next to Void and smiled at him,

"SNT?!!!" Shouted Void as he looked surprised to see her, "What are you doing here at the U.A.V academy?"

"Void!!!" Shouted SNT as she walked up to him, "Didn't you hear? We're now in the same class together! After Saki Chao and I returned home to Angel Island, Minister Norton sent me an invitation to join the U

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"Void!!!" Shouted SNT as she walked up to him, "Didn't you hear? We're now in the same class together! After Saki Chao and I returned home to Angel Island, Minister Norton sent me an invitation to join the U.A.V academy for a summer course on the same topic we're studying!!! Isn't this great?!!" Shouted SNT.

Void looked back at SNT confused, "Wait, what? Norton invited you into the academy? This doesn't make sense. What is the purpose of Norton inviting SNT when she still has little experience with cyber security?" Void thought. "Is she really a student here in the U.A.V academy? Or is she a lab experiment?"

"But SNT, why have you joined the U.A.V when you're not even a computer programmer?!" Shouted Void looking very happy to see her.

"Why are you called a robot, when you're really just a computer programmer?" Snarked SNT as they smiled.

Suddenly, the bell rang and class was about to begin.


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