Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Quarantine Prison Zone

As SNT cried her heart out, she heard a noise on the other side of the room, an automatic door opened up and Void entered the room where SNT was sitting and crying.

Void approached SNT and bent down on one knee.

"Greetings miss, I notice you're finally awake." Said Void with a smile as he looked at SNT,

SNT stopped sobbing and looked at the blue robot who looked very similar to the ones who captured her.

"Where am I?!!! What's going on?!!! Who are you? Can you please let me go?!!!" Cried SNT as she was panicking in front of Void.

Void lifted his hands in an attempt to calm her down, "Hey, hey... remain calm. Everything is gonna be okay."

"Can you at least tell me where I am?" Asked SNT as she got back up to her feet slowly and looked down at her body as it was glowing green from head to toe.

"You are in quarantine, you have been infected by the infamous love letter worm, the love letter worm can cause avatars to become sick in love to the point that they can destroy themselves. As a member of the United Anti-Virus movement, it's my job to save you from destruction." Said the robot.

"But I don't understand, love is a powerful emotion, how can love become destructive?" Asked SNT looking confused.

"In your case, tis a worm that causes victims to become disorderly sick; sick in love, that is. When the worm bit you, you became what we like to call a yandere. It means a person who is lovable and affectionate for others until their romance becomes destructive enough to harm others through violence and insanity." The robot explained,

"But how can a worm force me to fall in love against my will?!! This isn't right!!!" Shouted SNT in anger.

"Viruses are programmed to harm computers by damaging programs, deleting files or formatting hard drives, even harmless viruses can disrupt computers by slow downs, sapping computer memory and causing blue screens resulting in death of computers and emotional scarring on victims.

Some viruses can even deceive computer users by their appearances. For example, some viruses can look like horses, while others look like worms... like the one you recently encountered hours prior to your disinfection. 

And sometimes... viruses can be more intelligent than programs. Depending on how much code was written over the years within their scripts."

"So let me get this straight, if a virus infected me, how long will I be trapped in quarantine?" Asked SNT as she approached Void and held onto him.

"Until you are finally disinfected my dear." Said Void as he held onto SNT by her waist while lowering his head to show her that her body was glowing green as it was being disinfected.

Upon hearing this, SNT began to cry as her anger grew exponentially, she curled into a ball and tried her homing attack on Void, but every time she tried her homing attack on Void, he always dodged every attack by jumping over her or side stepping to move out of the way.

Other times, when she tried homing attack, the shackles would pull her back down to the wall that was holding her, thus causing her to crash down to the wall behind her.

"LET ME GO!!! LET ME GO, YOU CAN'T KEEP ME LOCKED IN HERE LIKE AN ANIMAL FOREVER!!!" Shouted SNT as she was filled with anger towards Void.

Suddenly, SNT flew up as high as she could, she then tried to drop kick Void Ranger, but upon landing, Void stepped to the side again to avoid her attacks.

Fearing for his life, Void drew his sword and aimed it towards the chimera.

"What is your name miss?" Asked Void.

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