Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Internet:

When SNT finally woke up, she opened her eyes and groaned in pain. "Oww... my head." Cried SNT as she was laying down onto the grassy ground.

The blue robots then got up on their feet and approached SNT looking furious at her. They had windows 95 coloured capes, their eyes were surrounded by red binary code. They looked at each other before looking back down at her as she finally sat up.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." Said SNT as she apologized.

"Ohh, what's this, a little aqua haired virus?" Asked one robot to another.

"Yes, a feisty little virus." Said another one.

"What?!" Shouted SNT as she was offended by what they called her. She suddenly began to glitch out, "AHHHHH!" Cried SNT.

"Is she a detriment to disrupting our plans?" Asked the third bot.

"Yes... Lets get her." Said the 4th bot as they looked at each other.

Realizing what was happening, SNT slowly backs away looking concerned.

The robots began to approach her slowly.

At that moment, she realized that these robots were not gonna leave her alone. So she decided to take up a fighting stance in order to stand her ground.

But as she was about to attack, she glitched out once again and fell flat to the floor.

"What?! Not again!" The chimera cried as she looked at her static body.

As she continued to glitch, one robot jumped up and somersaulted midair, upon landing, he slams his foot onto SNT's back, pinning her down.

Suddenly, one robot pulled out some rope from his belt as the other robot was ready to tie her up.

"Hey!!! What are you doing you creeps?!!!" Shouted SNT. "LET ME GO!!!"

Just then, one blue robot bent down on his knee towards the frightened chimera and touched SNT's chin and said to her,"Don't be afraid, It's only

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Just then, one blue robot bent down on his knee towards the frightened chimera and touched SNT's chin and said to her,

"Don't be afraid, It's only... a game."

"A game? What kind of sick and twisted plans do you have in mind?!" Cried SNT in anger as she turned her head away from the blue robot's touch.

She then looked behind at the blue robot who nearly finished tying her up and shouted,

"LET ME GO, YOU PERVERTS!!! What are you gonna do with me?!!!" Cried SNT as she resisted against the ropes.

The robots hoisted SNT into the air and carried her to a special binary room filled with beautiful pictures. It was called the internet, and it was a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. 

They noticed a local zoo image where they were ready to feed her to one of the animals.

"GET IN THERE, YOU FREAK!!!" Taunted the evil bot as they threw SNT inside the cage and locked the doors shut.

"Ahhhh!!!" Cried SNT as her body slammed violently against the ground. She looked up and realized the situation she was in.

She was locked in a cage with possibly a live animal, and with the cage door closed, escape was nearly impossible. Even if she used her tails to fly, the cage bars were in the pattern of a grid making flying completely impossible. With no other option, SNT led out a cry for help,

"HELP!!!" Cried SNT as she screamed her voice out loud for the whole neighborhood to hear.

This unfortunately made her situation even worse as her cry for help suddenly awoken a beast who was sleeping inside the cell.


Suddenly, she heard a growl behind her and the sound of a giant snake slithering towards her. SNT attempted to run away and tried to boost, but she tripped over a rock and fell face first to the sand.

She then turned herself around and noticed a giant worm approaching her with hearts glowing around it.

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