Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Manhunt Speedway Zone

Suspiciously realizing that AVG might have been the suspect behind the ambush on the rooftop, Void takes out his walkie talkie and radios Hacker and Norton for further instructions.

"Minister Norton, members of the U.A.V, I think I found the minister responsible for the ambush against Minister Avira." Said Void, "You're not gonna believe this... but it's Minister AVG."

"Minister AVG... the weakest minister within our ranks." Growled Norton as he was unamused by what he just heard. "Very well Void, but do proceed with caution. This minister is not to be underestimated."

"Yes Minister Norton, understood." Said Void as he and SNT got up from their chairs and slowly approached AVG's table with caution.

SNT and Void walked towards AVG's table as AVG was sharing a glass of wine with his new 'friends'. Void and SNT frowned towards AVG ready for a confrontation.

"Minister AVG?" Asked Void, "We need to talk."

"Oh sh*t." Said AVG realizing what was just about to happen as he suddenly draws his sword and destroys his virus 'friends' who sat with him at the same table.

AVG then gestures to SNT and Void to have a seat with him.

"Minister AVG, we know what you tried to do to Void!" Shouted SNT, "You led him right into a trap!"

"It's over AVG, the entire U.A.V knows what you have done. The evil clones infected you, didn't they?" Asked Void as he drew his sword.

"Do you know how viruses work?" Asked AVG as he smirked while he sipped wine.

"Yes, but I bet you're gonna tell me anyway." SNT snarked.

"Tis an obsession i've had since the dawn of computers. A virus is a malicious code or program written to alter the ways a computer operates and spreads from one computer to the next. Such examples of harming the operating system include corruption or destruction of data." Said AVG as he began to monologue about his fascination with the virus culture.

"Minister AVG, we're done here. Come quietly and let us take you to quarantine where you will be disinfected of any virus within your system." Said Void as he got off his seat and pointed his sword to AVG's neck.

Minister AVG smirked, "You want me? Come and get me!" Shouted AVG as he splashed his glass of wine towards Void and then smashed the glass to his face causing him to fall to the floor.

SNT ran after AVG who was heading outside of the night club to steal what looked like a motorcycle with jet engines attached to the sides. AVG was in fact stealing a parked glide cycle. The hijacking was a success and AVG began to roll into the binary coded city.

SNT began to give chase to the fleeing Minister AVG who was rolling towards the highway. As SNT caught up to AVG, SNT began to perform a homing attack on the tires of the glide cycle.

"Give up AVG, you can't even delete one virus, even if you tried!!!" Shouted SNT as she was trolling the infected minister.

"Grrr," growled the minister as he drew his own sword and threw it at SNT like a boomerang. This was a mistake for AVG as he left himself open to attacks. SNT avoided the boomerang sword that AVG threw at her and began to fly towards him where she finally delivered a drop kick to AVG.

The drop kick was super effective as it sent AVG spiralling out of control towards the opposite lane of the highway and into oncoming traffic.

SNT had to stop AVG before he crashed the glide cycle into other motorists or pedestrians crossing the intersections.


Meanwhile, back at the night club, Void finally got back to his feet from the glass shatter and saw a new weapon laying on the ground near the table. Possibly a weapon that the viruses were smuggling to deliver to AVG after the shady meeting in the club?

Void proceeded to assemble the weapon itself. Suddenly, to Void Ranger's shocking surprise, the very weapon he assembled was called the RCH-1.

It was a guided proton cannon capable of firing and remote controlling solar beams that contained the payloads of the infamous CIH virus which was responsible for blue screening and bricking thousands of computers worldwide.

Void then went outside the night club with the RCH-1 in hand and loaded a thermal cartridge in the back of the cannon. Once loaded, Void opened up an infra-red laser scope where he began to set his sight on his target.

Finally, Void opened up a computer with a joystick positioned in front of the red screen and the computer began to speak with a female robot voice similar to Miss OS but more human-like.

"Danger! Malware reloaded and ready, evacuate immediately!" Said the cannon's computer voice.

Void took aim to the sky with the RCH-1 and fired the first 5 solar beams. Void then used the joystick to direct the beams straight for AVG and the stolen glide cycle. It was a direct hit.

SNT was shocked to realize that a couple of solar beams were chasing AVG on the highway.

"Void." Whispered SNT as she discovered that he was helping her from back at the night club.

Void then loaded his second thermal clip and aimed with the scope in the air once again.

"Danger! Malware reloaded and ready, evacuate immediately!" Repeated the cannon's computer voice.

Void opened fire with the RCH-1. And again, with the joystick, he guided the solar beams to hit one of the tires of the glide cycle causing AVG to lose control and land into a ditch.

"Good shot Void." SNT shouted while still giving chase to AVG who suddenly fled from the crashed glide cycle and ran on foot.

SNT then curled up into a ball and bashed AVG from behind causing him to fall face first to the ground.

"Danger! Malware reloaded and ready, evacuate immediately!" Repeated the cannon's computer voice for the 3rd time. Void aimed and fired and guided his 3rd and final solar beams towards AVG causing him to explode, thus putting a stop to the chase once and for all.

SNT stopped and saw AVG was down and out. His armour was burnt extra crispy, just the way a morning person enjoys his bacon and eggs.

Suddenly, Void finally caught up to SNT as they reunited together in front of the injured AVG.

"Oh Void!!! Wow!!! That was incredible!" shouted SNT, "How did you do that?"

Void then showed off his new weapon that he assembled. "I found this... the viruses were trying to smuggle it to AVG. I'm thinking about placing an order for 3 of these. The ministers will appreciate the accuracy of this powerful proton cannon."

"Void, you're chalk full of surprises! But how did you find me?!" Asked SNT happily.

"The highway is filled with surveillance cameras, so it was easy to track you down and meet back with you." Said Void as he bowed before her.

SNT and Void then looked on towards AVG who was still lying face first on the ground, Void then cautiously approached AVG and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

"Minister AVG, by order of the United Anti-Virus movement. For violations such as breach of trust as well as unauthorized possession of malware... You're under arrest minister." Said Void as he placed handcuffs on AVG.

AVG growled in pain as he finally admitted defeat, "Grrr, you blue little b*d!" Growled AVG as he was taken into custody.

Back in quarantine, this time; it was AVG who was on the receiving end of being disinfected. He was strapped to a table and had a tube filled with binary codes entering his arm through an IV. (Intravenous Tube)

As AVG woke up, he saw Void looking at him who was very nervous to see the only minister who hated Void since he was recruited to the U.A.V.

"Void... Ranger... I-Is that you? W-w-where the hell a-am I?" Asked AVG who was feeling sleepy from the medication that Void was administering within AVG's system.

"Minister AVG, you are in quarantine. You were infected by Poison-Ivy, it's a virus that can allow attackers to remote control you against your will." Said Void as he was explaining to AVG the diagnosis.

"B*****ds, and who is the jack of eights responsible for this infection against me?!" Asked AVG as he became furious upon hearing the news.

"Your former friend and business partner... Total AV." Answered Void with a serious look on his face.

"Grrrr!!! Total AV, you did this to me. By the time we get our hands on you... A PLAGUE ON ALL YOUR DEVELOPPMENT CODES!!!" Roared AVG as he was furious towards what happened.

Suddenly Void wept into tears and cried. AVG then realized his error as he finally understood that Void was in fact one of Total AV's creations.

 AVG then realized his error as he finally understood that Void was in fact one of Total AV's creations

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"Void Ranger, forgive me for misunderstanding you. Forgive me for resenting you for the past few years... I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING I'VE EVER DONE!!!" Cried AVG as he and Void hugged each other in sorrow.

"Minister AVG, I forgive you." Said Void as they both cried together in the quarantine cell.

"Disinfection complete, Poison-Ivy deleted." The intercom voice announced.

Void then removed the I.V from AVG and both rangers hugged each other.

"Thank you for your services to our computers" Said Void as he hugged AVG.

"My pleasure, and if you ever need any help, give me a call." Responded AVG as he finally placed his hand on Void's shoulder as both rangers walked out of quarantine; no longer as enemies, now as good friends.

Upon exiting quarantine, Void runs to SNT who was waiting for him.

"Hey Void! I found someone who I think can help us in the battle against Total AV." Shouted SNT.

"Really?!" Asked Void as he was surprised to hear the news, "Show me."

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