▲The Minecraft Family▲(edited)

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(Not proofread)

"The kids are all great, although two are trouble makers." Kristen said, looking back at Y/N in the backseat.

"I'm sure you'll get along with them great, they're good kids. They just like mischief." Phil said. Y/N silently nodded, the rest of the ride was silent. Well, until they got there.

"Ok, before we head inside, we only have your bed set up. But, if you are a permanent part of our family soon, we'll go shopping and get you more things for your room." Phil explained, Y/N nodded in understanding. Their thoughts were clouded as they felt so elated to finally be someone besides the foster home.

The three exited the car and entered the 2 story house. "Wilbur!" Someone shouted. "Tommy!" Another shouted back.

"What's going on?" Phil asked. the house went dead silent, you could probably hear a pin drop.

"Tommy broke the toaster, again!" Wilbur said, snitching on his younger brother. The two appeared in front of the front doorway, where Y/N and the adults were.

The brunette had a white shirt on with black jeans and belt, a black jacket tied around his waist.

The blonde had a red shirt sleeved shirt with a while long sleeve under it. He had beige cargo pants on. Y/N noticed he had a heart shaped locket on and a green and red bracelet on his hand.

"Well how was I supposed to know I can't put a fork in there to make it hot?!" Tommy, the blonde,  argued. "You did what?" Phil asked.

"Are you hurt?" Y/N asked, their voice barely above a whisper. Tommy tilted his head to the side and stared curiously at Y/N.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, I guess." Tommy said, looking away from Y/N and crossing his arms.

"Tommy don't be a prick. Who's this dad?" Wilbur, the brunette, asked. Phil face palmed, almost as if he didn't expect this from his chaotic children.

"Let us in first." Phil replied, the two boys got out the way and the three in the doorway walked in.

"We told you before we left that we might be coming back with someone new." Kristen said, "Sometimes I wonder if you boys pay attention."

"Sorry, mum. But in our defense, you left at like 10 am, normal people start functioning at 12 - at least!" Wilbur said.

"On average, people usually wake up at 8 - sometimes 7 on a good day or work day. I usually wake up around 1 or 3." Y/N said, their voice hardly heard but they then blushed form embarrassment from their little info dump, "Oops, sorry."

They were embarrassed because usually when they info dumped on something random Ms K would always shut down their excitement for pointless information. But that was ok, because random facts aren't perfect. And everything needed to be perfect.

"Huh, that's interesting." Wilbur said, he ruffled Y/N's hair. Them just staring curiously at him. Affection from people older than them came very rarely and only happened when people were drunk - or if they wanted something.

"Oh god we have another sibling interested in statistics." Tommy said, Wilbur flicked his forehead. Y/N looked down, they felt even more embarrassed and wanted at find a way to hide and just die.

"Tommy." Phil said, his tone stern as Tommy mumbled a small apology.

"I-it's alright." Y/N mumbled, still looking down and avoiding eye contact. They didn't really mind Tommy saying what he did, it's not like they weren't used to it already.

"Wilbur, can you give them a tour?" Phil asked, Wilbur shrugged and grabbed Y/N's hand. Y/N got a good look at him - well a better look than from in the doorway.

His brown hair was dark, fluffy, and a little curly. His brown eyes complimented his hair as they matched almost perfectly.

"I like your outfit." Y/N mumbled. Wilbur smiled down at them, "Thanks, I like yours too."

Y/N looked down at their outfit, it wasn't much and was only an old pastel blue sweater with jeans- nothing special.

A bubbly sensation arose in their stomach, it wasn't a stomach ache, it didn't hurt. If anything, it made them feel... loved. Love was a word they barely heard, and when they did it was sarcastic.

Wilbur showed them the entire house, the kitchen, the five bedrooms, the living room and bathroom. The upstairs had five rooms, 4 bedrooms and one bathroom. Each bedroom door was different, one had two music discs, another had an orca whale, the third had a crown and the last was blank. That was Y/N's room.

"Will you be alright on your own?" Wilbur asked, Y/N didn't hesitate to nod, they didn't want to bother him any more.

Wilbur waved goodbye to Y/N as they opened their door. The bed was made of a light wood, almost white but not quite. It had a built in bookcase in the headboard and cube compartments at the foot. The blanket was black with some constellations on it, the pillows were similar.

They set their singular bag down and admired the room. The walls were blank but they didn't mind. There was a closet with some hangers already there. So they hung up their clothes and folded their pants into the dresser in the closet.

A small knock on their door interrupted them from their thoughts as they rushed to open it for whoever.

"Ah, I see you're moving in well." Phil said, "Dinner's almost done, if you'd like to join us."

Y/N nodded and Phil exited the room, closing the door completely behind him. The last thing in Y/N's bag was a small, pocket sized, notebook. The pages inside held many facts of different things- ranging from animals to human biology.

They placed the tiny notebook in the bookshelf headboard and silently sat on their bed, sitting cross cross(applesauce) and staring at their wall- spacing out and staying in their thoughts.

"Y/N?" A voice said, they blinked and saw Tommy standing in the door. "Oh, hello." Y/N quietly said.

"You coming to dinner? Or should dadza bring you up a plate?" Tommy asked, Y/N shook their head and got off their bed, walking out the door and following Tommy down the stairs into the kitchen.

There was someone at the table Y/N didn't recognize, they had long pink hair tied in a braid, the roots were fading into a dark brown- their hair was obviously dyed. They had a black hoodie and sweat pants on.

"Y/N, this is Techno, Techno that is Y/N." Phil said. He was sitting at the front of the table, Kristen on the direct opposite end. On the left of the table, Tommy and Wilbur sat next to each other with one spare chair next to them. The right side also had three chairs with Techno sitting on one of them.

"Do I sit next to him or next to Wilbur and Tommy?" Y/N asked. "I don't bite." Techno said.

Y/N took that and decided to sit on his side, but the chair furthest from him- wanting to give him space and not intrude.

Y/N was given a plate of spaghetti, which they then thanked Kristen for(since she handed it to them). The family ate their dinner in peace, no one spoke, well until Tommy wanted to.

"Hey dad?" He asked.

"Yes, Tommy?"

"Can my friends come over, Ranboo and Tubbo?"

"I mean it is the weekend, so sure." Phil replied, "But don't cause a ruckus."

"We won't!" Tommy said.
Next chapter you shall meet Ranboo and Tubbo -Pixel

I thought I published this when I completed it-
(Edited: 10/6/21)

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