Game Day

778 31 41

3/31/21, 1:00 PM, Sunday
(I deadass have no idea how any sports work, so uh y'know just pretend they work differently in this canon, yeah?)

     Y/n had been looking forward to the football game the past two days. Dream had been hyping it up all week. Sapnap and Punz seemed less enthused, but Y/N could tell they were just as excited- and competitive- as the sophomore. In the past two days, Y/N and Dream had grown closer. Honestly, Y/N had been trying to get closer with all their friends. Next week they have three days planned just for spending time with them. But right now they were trying to convince their brothers to join them in going to the game. 

    "Come on! It'll be fun. It's my first school game," Y/N attempted. The boys were sitting on the couch watching tv as Y/N talked, the trio paying them no mind, "Ugh, please? I don't want to walk there alone."
    Techno, not looking away from the tv, said, "Just go by yourself or have Dream pick you up. That's the reason you're going, no?"
    Y/N scoffed, "No, he's not. I'm going to support my friends. Which, weirdly, most of them are on the team."
    "Ha! Do you even like sports?" Tommy laughed. Y/N looked down and shook their head. 
    "No, but I've been reading about football to understand my friends more. I still don't really get it, but I'm sure Boomer will explain it to me while we watch," Y/N replied.
    "Have him pick you up. We're busy," Wilbur said, waving his hand dismissively. Y/N sighed and walked out of the living room. They put their shoes on and was about to grab the door handle before a voice shouted.
    "Hey Y/N? Can you get me a coke?" Techno shouted. Y/n loudly groaned and walked to the kitchen, grabbing said drink before returning to the living room to give it to their brother. When they walked inside, they saw the boys putting their shoes and coats on. The tv was turned off and they just blankly stared at Y/N. 

    "Here," Y/N said, handing Techno the cold drink.
    "Well, let's go," Wilbur said, gesturing to the front door. 
    "What happened to you guys being busy?" Y/N asked as they followed the three out the door.
    "Since we're such good brothers, we decided to join you in your after-school endeavor," Techno plainly replied. Y/n smiled brightly, happy their siblings had decided to join them.

    The four walked to the school, seeing tons of cars in the parking lot and loads of people in the bleachers. The Watsons walk over to the football field and separate to find their friends. Y/N looked around in the crowd for a minute before spotting Boomer and Sniff. 
    "Hey, guys!" Y/N greeted, pulling the two in for a hug. 
     "Hi, Y/n," Boomer laughed. The trio separates and watches the empty field, just waiting for something to happen. 

    "Good afternoon, students and parents alike!" The announcer greeted.
    "They have Jack doing the announcements?" Boomer laughed, Sniff soon joining him.
    "Who's jack?" Y/N asked, looking around and seeing Tommy laughing with Tubbo.
    "Jack Manifold, he's our friend. And he's friends with your brothers. He's just the last person we'd expect to be announcing things," Sniff explained. Y/N just smiled and nodded.

    "Today our Feral boys," Jack said, "as they'd like to call themselves, will be versing Robux high! Our captain, Illumina, is sure to win us this dub, but let's be nice to the Robuxians, ey?"
    "Feral boys?" y/n questioned. 
    "Yeah, I came up with the name after watching them play a few times," A voice behind the trio said. The three 8th graders made noises of surprise, "Oh sorry! I'm Karl."
     "Nice to meet you, Karl," Y/N said, extending their hand to the boy.
     "Oh hey, you're friends with Jimmy Beast, right?" Boomer asked.
     "Yeah. Oh shoot, sorry guys, Chris just texted me. It was nice meeting you three!" Karl waved as he ran off to the opposite end of the bleachers. 

    "What do you mean one of our cheerleaders quit?" Mr. Herobrine said from the announcer box, not knowing the mic was on. The people in the bleachers unanimously gasped. Just then, an angry purple-haired girl stormed out of the field and threw her pom-poms on the ground. The cheer team tried calling her back but their efforts were to avail. 
    "Sorry folks, the game will have a 10-minute delay due to unforeseen circumstances," Jack said. The bleachers groaned. Y/n sighed and left to use the bathroom.

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