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The second Y/N step foot in that house, that ever so dreaded house, they felt numb. The returned to their stoic ways and only ever smiled when one of the youngers were present because they needed to let the children know that its ok, it'll be ok. Even if they don't believe that themself, false hope is what makes the child mind go round. The plan they had made with the Watson boys had slipped their mind; perfection once again infected all of their brain. 

But three days after they were "home" they looked through their camera roll and saw a picture of the four of them. Techno, who holds intelligence that could rival Athena herself. Wilbur, music more graceful to the ears than Apollo could ever imagine. And Tommy, bravery and wits that challenged the mity Heracles.  That was their family. The love they wanted, the love they craved and needed. The house that radiated happiness, the house they yearned.

The plan. They needed that home. That was their drive, to go home. They got a taste of an imperfect perfection and needed more.

"Y/N!" Ms. K called, her voice echoing through the house, "Make dinner for me and your siblings!"

Y/N almost mindlessly walked downstairs and obeyed, but instead shook the thought off and grabbed their phone. They prepared the camera app and walked downstairs, seeing Ms. K in the kitchen, waiting. 

"I called you down a minute ago, you should've already been here," Ms. K seethed through her teeth. But for once Y/N wasn't scared. instead, they imagined Tommy cheering them on with a big megaphone, Wilbur starting a cheer rally with his amazing voice, and Techno waving a tiny flag with a smile on his face as he somehow connects this moment to some obscure Greek myth.

"I apologize-" Y/N stopped themself a strong feeling took them over they couldn't live like this anymore. They needed to go home. "For not getting here in 10 seconds! I'm not going to run because your lazy drunk ass can't do shit herself. You are a monster, ever since I've been here I haven't had a single break. IM SICK OF BEING YOUR PERFECT LITTLE PUPPET WHO LISTENS TO EVERYTHING YOU SAY, IM MORE OF AN ADULT THAN YOU! YOU ABUSED AND MANIPULATED ME, YOU LET THAT HORRIBLE THING HAPPEN! I left my bio parents because they weren't good enough to take care of me, but here is way worse."

All the rooted anger and sadness came up from the dirt as if a hurricane was tearing it from the earth. They felt alive, for the first time in 5 years they stood their ground against their foster parent. Pride conquered their mind but it was very short lived. 

Ms. K laughed. She laughed in the face of a person who had spilled their entire heart out, someone who had been through and done so much but received so little in return. Y/N was exhausted of life. They wanted to lunge at Ms. K and her stupid laughing face but they couldn't. And then Ms. K turned the stone on an dragged Y/N over to it. Y/N tried resisting by tugging back but their efforts were futile as their hand was placed on the scorching hot stove. Y/N screamed loud enough to wake the animals in Australia.

They yanked free from Ms. K and screamed once more. They turned the stove off and Ms. K laughed once more. Ms. K kicked them, "you stupid fucking ungrateful brat, I have done everything for you. Everything i do is for you. You're ungrateful and deserve to be punished."

"No, i dont," Y/N whimpered with the strength they had left, "I don't deserve this. No one does. I'm tired of your lies and being perfect. I hate you."

Ms. K grabbed a spatula and turned the stove on once more, heating the metal. she hit Y/n, many times in the same spot. She expected them to flinch and beg and apologize but instead Y/N stood their ground for the first time in their life and tried fighting back with their little energy

after a few minutes, Ms K was done and left Y/N bloody, burnt, and blistered on the kitchen floor. Y/N pulled their phone out of their pocket and sent the video to Techno, the address, and a photo of their hand. They leaned against the counter, not being able to move. Blood poured from their body and onto the floor.

10 minutes pass and police barge through the door, finding a half-conscious Y/N, sleeping children, and a drunk Ms. K. Y/N was put on a hospital stretcher and saw the Watsons.  Y/N lifted their head slightly to get a better look at them and when they did, they smiled and went to sleep.




Y/N awoke hours later in a hospital and a sleeping Phil by their side. They didn't want to disturb him but needed to, they reached over and tapped his shoulder. They saw the trails of bandages that went across both their arms and hands.

"Phil, wake up," Y/N said to the male. 

"Y/N..? Y/N!" Phil said drowsily. 

"I'm alive," They said, "what happened?"

"Well after you passed out, the rest of the children were taken out of the house, and she was put in jail," Phil explained.

"When can i go home?"

"Well, you'll be coming to our house when you're better, so probably 3 days at most. So you'll be home Thursday. The boys said they'll be visiting you every day after school so just beware of that," Phil explained.

"You're adopting me? Like actually?" Y/N asked, too happy to even process anything else.

"Yes, me and Kristin are legally adopting you into the Watson family. Which means as soon as you're better you get to go shopping for new clothes and your room," Phil smiled, "and because we're your parents you can tell us anything, that includes all your struggles and everything you went through. We care, we are here for you. We love you, Y/N."

we love you, y/n. Those four words seemed to echo in Y/N's head. They meant something, and Y/N knew that. Those words held meaning and Y/N took them to their heart.


not proofread

grrrrrr chapter 

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