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3/27/21, 3:00, Wednesday

    School had just gotten out, and a plentiful amount of middle schoolers and high schoolers rushed out of the building, eager to get home after a long day of cramming knowledge into their brain.  Y/N and their friends had been sticking together when Boomer had the amazing idea to create a group chat with the entire friend group. Meaning Y/N, Sam, Punz, Boomer, Sniff, George, Sapnap, and Dream.

8 people

Boomie Woomie 🥺🥺
Yooo what's up pissers??

Sniff, my love 🥰
we are 3 inches next to you

Boomie Woomie 🥺🥺
I know what else is three inches

Dream 🧍🏻
That's just sad

Punz 🏈🕺
Dw boomer It's not that small

Sapnap 🏈🕺

Boomie Woomie 🥺🥺 changed the group name to the swagters

    "That's a beautiful name, boomer," Y/N said, with small sarcasm.
    "Hey, what can I say? I'm just gifted like that," Boomer replied with a laugh and a big smile.
    "I've got to go guys," Sam said, putting his phone in his pocket. Y/N assumed he had just gotten done texting someone, probably his parents.
    "Byee!" Y/N replied, waving off as he left, "I like your friends, boomer, sniff. Including you four!" Y/N said towards George, Dream, Sapnap, and Punz.
    "So glad to know my enemy's sibling likes me," Dream sarcastically said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms like an angsty teen angry at his mother.
    "I will drag you by your ear again, mister," Y/N threatened. Dream stared into Y/N's piercing eyes, trying to stare back with just as much force. But he ultimately failed as Y/N had years of experience with "the glare".

    "Sorry guys, I've got to go too. My friend and I are supposed to walk home together," Sniff said.
    "Bye sniff! Have fun!" Y/N said.
    "But not too much fun!" Boomer called after. Y/N slapped the back of his head as he complained afterward.

    "Hey, are you guys down to hang out at my place? My mom said she was fine with all six of us," Dream asked.
    "Wait, all six? As in including me?" Y/N asked, counting and recounting the group multiple times just to be sure they were included.
    Dream rolled his eyes once more, "yes, including you."
    "I'll ask Phil," y/n replied, trying to ignore the swelling excitement in their stomach that could burst at any moment.
    "Eh, my mom doesn't care," boomer shrugged, "I guess I'll hang out with you losers."
    "Our mom said it was ok," Sapnap said, speaking for Punz as well.
    "My dad is fine with it," George added.
    "And Phil is ok with it too!"

    "Ok, let's get going," Dream said, leading the group of 8th graders to his house.
    "I'm surprised you invited Y/N and boomer, seeing as you don't even talk to them much," Punz said.
    "Just because I don't talk to them doesn't mean I don't like them, and I just met Y/N. Obviously, I don't talk to them much," Dream replied, rolling his eyes.
    "Awww, you like us!" Boomer teased slightly, he was going in for a teasing hug.
    "Shut up, you frog," Dream said, pushing Boomer away from him.
    "You know, the next time your roll your eyes they might get stuck in permanent motion," Y/N said, completely amused at how often Dream rolled his eyes. It was a kind of concerning amount.

    The group of six arrived at Dream's house soon enough and went straight to his room, not leaving time for his sister to greet them.
    "I like your room.." Y/N complimented quietly.

    The room was pretty simple with a Queen sized bed in the corner a small closet, the walls painted a dark greenish color, a tv mounted on the wall opposite to the bed, and a desk with a pc on it.
    Dream let out a small chuckle, "thanks." Near tv, there was an Xbox 360, an Xbox 1, a play station 4, a Wii U, and a Nintendo switch.
    "We feeling left for dead, Minecraft, Mario kart, Mario Party, Wii sports?" Dream asked, sitting on one of the 3 bean bags around the tv. George took the one next to him and sapnap took the last one. Punz sat on the floor next to sapnap while Boomer and Y/N sat next to each other near Dream.
    "Those are all like 4-player games though," Punz said, "if you haven't noticed there's 6 of us."
    "I'm very well aware, stupid. We can take turns," Dream replied.
    "I'm fine with just watching you guys play, I've never really played video games before," y/N said.
    "Now that's just sad..." George muttered.
    "Not really, I've always been more of a watcher than a player, to be honest," Y/N shrugged.
    "Whatever you say," George replied.
    "I say we play left for dead and when one of us dies we switch out with someone else," Sapnap said.
   "Bet," Punz replied.
    "Whatever," George said.
    "Fine with me," Boomer added.
    "Y/N, can you connect the Xbox 360 to the tv and put the left for dead disc inside?" Dream asked although it didn't sound much like a question. They stood up and grabbed the cord that lead to the Xbox 360, they then stood on their tippy-toes to plug the cord into the HDMI on the tv.

    "Thank you," Dream said. Y/N only nodded and sat back down near boomer but directly in front of Dream. Dream began the game after clicking on his profile and allowing the other three(Sapnap, Punz, George) to sign in as well. He selected the map, the first one, and the game began.
    "Heal me your fucking whores!" Punz shouted as he was being eaten by zombies.
    "None of us have a medkit!" Sapnap replied.
    "But I was so close to the safe room," Punz complained, making Y/N giggle a bit which then made Punz smile with a certain satisfaction.

    Punz gave his controller to Boomer as the other three safely entered the safe house. "Dude I swear I'm cracked at this game," Boomer said, "real, not fake."
    "I'm sure you are," Dream replied.
    "Yeah, real, not fake," Sapnap added.
    "Here, Y/N, take my controller. I wanna teach you how to play," Dream said.
    "Um, are you sure?" Y/N uncertainly asked.
    "100%" Dream replied, a cheeky grin on his face. He slouched down, looming over Y/N, as he taught them how to correctly play the game.
    "Nice shot, Y/N," He praised as they had gotten a headshot.
    "Dude I told you I was cracked at this," boomer said just as he died.
    "Totally," Dream said.

    "Oh no!" Y/N complained as they were trying to fight the zombies surrounding them but panicked and missed every shot. Their heart raced as they continued to panic and tried killing all the surrounding zombies. They began to get overwhelmed as seemingly hundreds more zombies came in from all sides. Their efforts were futile as they ended up dying. 
    "That's ok, don't get all worked up, now," Dream said. He wordlessly handed Boomer the controller as it was now his turn.
    "ok. I'm sorry for losing," Y/N replied, from their spot on the floor they leaned back onto Dream's beanbag.
    "Don't worry about it," Dream shrugged, he mindlessly played with their hair, and their heart rate decreased to its normal speed as he watched the screen and while Y/N stared at the ceiling, enjoying Dream's attention.

All good things come to an end eventually as Phil, two hours later, had come and picked Y/N up.
Not proofread
Affectionate friends??? Oh no 😱😱

oh no, this was the last of the core chapters I was rewriting. now I have to come up with my storylines 

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