Three days at the hospital

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tw// child abuse mentions(cause you know)

Eventually, Phil had to leave for work, so Y/N was alone. The dark hospital room was only illuminated by the tv in front of Y/N's bed, they were watching star verses the forces of evil and enjoyed it. Still, they felt lonely. To pass the time they fell asleep, just waiting for one of their brothers to walk in.  

The next day at around 3:30 all three boys walked in. Tommy was the first to greet them, "Y/N!" he exclaimed happily. The boys were happy for them just existing. 

"You doing ok?" Wilbur asked, pushing past Tommy and getting closer to the hospital bed.     

 "Yeah, trust me I've had worse injuries that I've had to treat at home. I'll be out of here by Thursday," Y/n answered, "might even push my luck and try getting released tomorrow."

"are you sure? We want you to get better before you go home so your injuries don't get worse," Techno replied. They cared, all the Watsons cared for Y/N. They wished they realized this before it was too late.

"Psh, yeah. Don't worry about me," Y/N said with a smile, 'no please continue, please tell me you care and are there.'

"We're your brothers, dumbass, we're never gonna stop worrying. Kinda comes with the adoption papers, right in fine print "your family will never stop worrying"." Tommy said, smiling at Y/N. 

"Y/N must've missed that part cause you know they were kinda in this hospital bed getting their burn wounds healed," Techno sarcastically said. 

"Gee thanks for ruining my metaphor." Tommy scoffed. 

"Aw Tommy used a big boy word! I'm so proud of you, did you just learn it in ELA?" Wilbur teased.

"Woah, Tommy knows some figures of speech. Real improvement." Techno added. The twins laughed together while Tommy stuttered with a comeback. Y/N giggled at the three, hoping one day they could be as close with them as they are now. Now that'd feel like a family.

"The treachery, Y/N i grace you with my presence here and in return I get you laughing at our brothers bullying me like the highschoolers they are," Tommy dramatically said, "Us middle schoolers need to stick together."

"Oh yeah, I forgot Y/N was only 13. That means Y/N gets Ms N when they go to school! HA!" Wilbur teased, laughing about the "Ms. N" Y/N didn't even know.

"I hated her so much. She taught history when we were in 7th grade so we had to sit through her boring lessons on Greek myths and not the cool ones Tommy gets now." Techno complained.

"Speaking of that, we learned about Psyche and Eros. So uh what city-state had that oracle or whatever that told Psyche where to go?" Tommy asked.

"Delphi, it was Apollo's oracle, i think. I haven't heard the myth in a long time," Y/N answered.

"Good job," Techno said with a tiny smile. The four siblings continued to talk, more or less Y/N watched them talk and put in a few small sentences here and there. By 7 pm the boys went home and Y/N was alone again.

Again, Y/N fell asleep after the nurse finished checking up on them. The next day they woke up late, at around 2, they were expecting the boys so they just watched tv and aimlessly scrolled through their phone. Then they got a text.


Today at 3:00 PM

Hey y/n so Tommy isn't able to make it today so its only me and Wilbur visiting 
read at 3:01

Thats ok! you guys have your own lives
read at 3:02

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