Mallin' and Ballin'

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3:25 Pm, Tuesday, 4/2/21

Seven children were squished together in a minivan the Watsons had rented for this day specifically. For about a month or two, Kristen and Tommy had planned a mall outing with a few of Tommy's friends. And by a few, he means 5. He had begged Kristen to let Y/N go with them, it didn't take much pleading to let Y/N go. But now, Tommy sat in the front seat as Y/N was in between a bickering Billzo and Ranboo. The two were arguing about some game they played together, Y/N swore they heard Sims 4 or something along those lines.
"How much longer?" Tommy groaned, letting his head fall to his knees as he whined.
"Tommy, shush," Aimsey said.
"Agreed!" Freddy called.
"I third that," Tubbo said.
"Will both of you be quiet?" Y/N huffed at the two boys that sat on either side of them, "If you're that pressed about your sims or whatever kissing, just make a new save file or something."
"Sorry, Y/N," Ranboo smiled.
"Yeah, sorry, little cheerleader," Billzo apologized with a tease.
"You're the one who's actually on the cheer team," Y/N replied, rolling their eyes at the younger.
"Yeah but you'll always be a little cheerleader," Billzo teased, sticking his tongue out.
"I'm blocking you," Y/N scoffed.
"Oh come on, you know you love me," Billzo said, pressing himself against Y/n's side as he made "kiss" noises.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Freddy warned.
"And why not?" Billzo asked, moving away from Y/N's side and instead just putting an arm around their shoulder.
"Wouldn't want the star football player coming for your throat," Aimsey teased.
"Dream?" Y/N, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy asked.
Freddy rolled his eyes, "Yes, Dream. Who else?"
"You like Dream?" Tommy asked, picking his head up from his knees and looking at Y/n. Tubbo stifled his laughter along with Ranboo.
Y/N's face turned red, "I do not like Dream!"
"Isn't he Techno's rival?" Kristen asked.
"I mean, yeah. But he's not that bad," Y/N said, "He's actually kind of nice."
"Ew, gross," Tommy gagged.
"Oh, he was totally checking you out when you cheered, by the way," Billzo teased.
"Billzo!" Ranboo scolded, a laugh following his words as he slapped Bill at the back of his head.
    "Ow! You American fuck!" Billzo shouted, lunging at Ranboo, pushing him into Tubbo who sat next to him.
    "Bill!" Tubbo groaned, pushing Ranboo into Y/N.
    "Boys!" Kristen called, turning her head to the back seat. The three troublemakers sheepishly apologized.

    The ride continued in silence, besides Billzo and Freddy cracking the occasional joke. It was something reminiscent of peaceful, being surrounded by all these people who know you and are friends with you really makes you think. Eventually, the minivan arrived at the mall. Aimsey was the first out, followed by Freddy with Tubbo in tow. Billzo pushed past  Y/N and Ranboo to try and leave before the two. Ranboo sighed and pulled Y/N with him out of the van. Tommy got out of the front seat as did Kristen.

    "Now," The mother of four spoke, "I trust all of you will be well behaved, if not I will call your parents and have them pick you up. Do not worry about the price of anything, me and Phil have been saving up for months to treat you guys. You may go off on your own but I want a text from you guys every 30 minutes ok? Make sure you stay in a group. Here's $200 each, if you need more; find me."

    The teens and pre-teens nodded to the terms, each bubbling with their own excitement- though Y/N was ridden with anxieties. They thought of all the ways things could go wrong today, turning this lovely day into a sour one. Freddy seemed to notice as he threw them a quick and friendly smile, which they returned. Kristen led the children to the mall's entrance. Since it was a school day, multiple teenagers were scattered around the place, each in their own group of friends.

    Y/N was pulled from their thoughts as they felt a tug on their arm, panic filled their body before they looked and saw Tubbo. "The others all split. Its just me and you."
    Y/N looked around and saw Ranboo and Bill, Aimee and Freddy, and Tommy with Kristen. Y/N hummed, "Yeah. Where do you wanna go first?"
    "What I wanna do first is know why Dream was at your locker today," Tubbo replied, looking Y/N in the eyes with a teasing stare. Its like he expected something, maybe romance or even heartbreak.
    "He returned my tote bag," Y/N easily replied, shaking said bag which hung on their shoulder, "I left it at the park yesterday and didn't realize."
Tubbo hummed, though it seemed that answer wasn't enough, "are you sure it wasn't to give you a romantic gift?"
Y/N sighed, "Yes, Tubbo. I'm sure. Me and Dream have nothing going on."
Tubbo whined, "i wanted more love drama." He whispered something under his breath, but Y/N paid no mind to it.
"Sorry to disappoint," Y/N replied, ruffling his hair. "Now, where do we go?"

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