▲Baking A Cake▲

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    "we should give each other piggy back rides," Ranboo suggested, "I call Y/N!"

    "oh uhm, ok sure," Y/n replied. The pair walked closer to Tommy's bed and Ranboo crouched near it and Y/n used the bed to help them get on his back. They ignored Tommy's "no touching" protests and instead raced out the room right to the stairs.

    "Oh my god, oh my god!" Y/N said as they clung onto Ranboo tighter in fear they'd fall off. Ranboo laughed at them and continued to run down the stairs, they had just reached the last step when he tripped and fell right on his face, hurting him but Y/N was perfectly.

    "are you ok?" they worriedly asked, pulling him up in a sitting position. they grabbed his face and turned it to get a good look at every angle. He had a small bruise on his left cheek but other than that he was miraculously ok, not even shedding a tear.

    "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern though," Ranboo said with a smile.

    "THATS KARMA FOR TOUCHING Y/N YOU BITCH!" Tommy shouted from the top of an obviously tired Tubbo, who heaved deep breaths with every step he took.

    "Mate I need to put you down, I'm too out of shape for this," Tubbo said, crouching down on the top of the stairs so Tommy could get off easier. Tommy groaned about having to walk down the stairs.

    "Want me to push you off instead and make your trip easier, prince?" Tubbo asked, fluttering his eyelashes and clasping his hands together.

    "No, not really," Tommy said. he and Tubbo walked down the stairs and joined the other two who were waiting for them.

    "Ok, someone go ask," Y/N said. 

     "123 not it!" the three 12 year olds said at the same time, but Tubbo said it just a second too late. Tubbo groaned and walked towards the parent's room. He returned a minute later giving the group a thumbs up.

    "Ok so first things first, someone get the sugar, cocoa power, eggs, butter, bowls, mixer, preheat the oven," Y/N said, the boys began to get the ingredients while Y/N pre heated the oven. All the needed items were placed on the counter, including a few not mentioned. The group was split into duos, Y/N and Tubbo and Tommy with Ranboo. Ranboo and Tommy were in charge of mixing the wets while Y/N and Tubbo mixed the dries.

     "Make sure you mix it in slowly," Y/N said to the boys as they slowly poured the sugar into the dry bowl while tubbo mixed together whatever else was in there.

    "Don't worry, me and Ranboo got this. We're great at baking," Tommy said, waving Y/N off.

    "Says the person who broke the toaster when i first got here," Y/N teased. Tommy tried coming up with an excuse, but he couldn't. Eventually, all the drys and wets were mixed together in separate bowls and were soon placed into the same one, to be mixed again. Tubbo volunteered to mix it he said he was the strongest of the four, which Y/N doubted after his reaction to carrying tommy. But the group let him mix it and began searching the kitchen for decorations and frostings for the cake, oh and a pan.

    "Let's make it double layered," Tommy said, grabbing two off the same sized pan.

    "Let's not, lets just do this simple single pan. It'd be more of a hassle to do two layers, we'd need dowels or something so the second layer doesn't fall," Ranboo suggested, grabbing a simple glass pan.

     "What do you think, Y/N?" Tommy asked.

    "I uh- don't know. Ask Tubbo, im not goood with making decisions, sorry," Y/N replied. The boys went on and asked Tubbo, who said one layer because he just wanted to eat the cake and not worry about having to set it up.  

    Tubbo soon finished mixing and looked very worn out. "Aw, Tubbo. Why don't you guys go wait in the living room while I put it in the oven, ok? You all did a great job," Y/N said in a very parental tone. 

    "Thats a great idea," Tubbo heaved with a deep breath, sluggishly walking off to the living room.

    "I'm glad you think so, Jak- Tubbo," Y/N  laughed, shooing Ranboo and Tommy to follow the brunette. Y/N began to pour the cake mix into the pan and place it into the preheated oven. They then began hastily cleaning up, worried one of the parents would see the house improper and punish Y/N. They washed all the dishes in the sink, swept the floor, and wiped off the counters. it was pristine by the time the cake was done. Y/N took the cake out and placed it on the stove tops, letting it cool down before they called in the boys to frost it. 

    The sound of footsteps instantly put Y/N in alert as a switch in their brain told them "danger".  It wasn't danger, it was actually the furthest from danger - a loving father. Phil entered the kitchen and looked around amazed.

    "I don't think the kitchen has been this clean since we bought the place!" He exclaimed. He noticed Y/N's off expression and his own soon saddened, "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

    "No, I'm ok," Y/N replied, 'an adult asked me if i was ok? i've only ever asked people that question, rarely received it'.

    "If you say so, I just came out to check up on you guys and to make sure the house wasn't burnt down. Glad to see your in one piece, all of you," Phil said with a smile, he ruffled Y/N's hair and left the room. Y/N stood there, dazed. Just so many emotions cascaded their being it hurt. But they had to stay strong, just like back in the foster home.

    "Frosting time!" Y/n shouted to the boys. They came racing in, excitedly grabbing a utensil to spread the frosting all over their hard work cake - mainly tubbo's hard work cake.

    In no time the cake was fully frosted, and Tommy had the bright idea to offer the cake to the people of the house. The rest of the group agreed so they grabbed the warmish pan and walked to the parents' room and knocked.

    Phil answered and saw the cake, said he'd take two pieces so, while Tubbo held the pan Y/N cut the cake and put two pieces on the plates Tommy carried, and then Ranboo added forks. They then went upstairs to the kids' rooms. They saw Wilbur's door was open and peaked inside, seeing him sitting on his back staring at the ceiling with his headphones on. Tommy was about to barge in but Y/N shook their head no, cut a piece out the cake, put it on a plate and grabbed a fork. They entered the room alone and said a small greeting to Wilbur.

    "Are you ok?" Y/N asked, setting the cake on his bedside as they stood near his bed.

    "Yeah, just one of those days I guess,"

    "Did something happen or is it really just one of those days?"

    Wilbur sighed, "Well, my girlfriend broke up with me and I really loved her and it feels weird not dating her, we've been together since middle school and i just, i don't know. I know it's stupid and it's just a high school relationship that would never go anywhere but i thought we could grow old together."

    "It's not stupid, how you feel will never be stupid. You feel that way for a reason. And sure it may just be a high school relationship, but that doesn't mean your feelings were fake or stupid. I've never been in a relationship, but I know in time you'll over come your sadness. And I'm always here to talk."

    "Thank you, Y/N,"

    "No problem,"

    Y/N left the room and saw the boys were at Techno's door giving him a piece. "Impatient?" Y/N teased the group, taking the pan from Tubbo and the plates and utensils from the other two. The boys went off to do their own thing while Y/N washed the dishes because they had been touched and had nasty fingerprints on them so they were dirty. After they finished, they wrapped the top of the cake in foil so no bugs could get into it.

    They left to their room, fixing the couch pillows on their way because they were imperfect.


not proofread

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