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Lately, I've been thinking about this book and I realized "wtf was I even writing". I started writing this story in the 6th grade, and y'all when I tell you I was struggling, I mean I was GOING THROUGH IT. I was lowkey delusional back then. And this story really reflects that. Somehow I'm only now realizing how crazy this story is. Like, I knew it was crazy back then but I was also crazy so I just thought "I'm so quirky lol🤪😝". But no, this story is actually crazy and I don't really want to be remembered and I kinda wanna delete it but I will keep it up just so the people who like it can read it. Also I wanted to clear up some parts of the story that I fucked up.

1. In the chapter "Detective work" where Nick finds the coloring book in one of the drawers in Chases hideout, that's part of the DDLB thing and Chase being a little.

2. I just realized that that was the only thing I wanted to clear up so I guess I'll tell y'all what my plans were gonna be for the rest of the story.
I had all of the chapters for this book already planned out so I'll just tell y'all what was going to happen in each one.

Coming out again - In this chapter, Nick and Tony were going to officially come out to their fans and their families. Ryland Shows his support for them and get a then a cake. And Chase and Thomas would be finding ways to work through their traumas together.

Date Night- Nick and Tony would be going out on a cutesy little date night and have some 𝓕𝓾𝓷😏 that night.

Chase, not again- This chapter would've been about Chase's sisters coming to the hype house for a week to catch up with chase. This would cause Chase to have a mental breakdown from having to think about all of what he had been through. Though Nick and Thomas would help him get thought it and he finally starts Therapy.

Charthia? - Charli contemplates leaving the Hype House to become a Sway girl and her reason why leaves the internet shook. The reason is because her and Cynthia have been secretly dating. The chapter goes over their relationship's backstory and everything. Though, in the end Charli decides to stick to her roots and stay with the Hype House and Cynthia becomes a new member as well.

Moving on and Moving in - The Hype House TikTokers move into a new house. This chapter talks about all the memories they had in the old Hype House. And Ryland leaves the Hype House which makes Nick especially sad because Ryland was his best friend.

Newcomers- Some new people join the Hype house including Olivia, Danika ( sorry (but not that sorry) if I spelt her name wrong), and Amelia (a white, bisexual, Alt tiktoker),  her girlfriend, Nevia {her name is pronounced Neh-vee-uh and she's a black,  lesbian, Alt tiktoker}, and Nikita and Larry became official members. I know Larry was a member before they moved, but let's just pretend that he wasn't. Danika flirts with Nick and Olivia flirts with Chase. Nick and Chase reject them so they leave the Hype House. And Nick, Tony, Cynthia, and Charli bond with Amelia and Nevia.

Leaving? - Charli comes up with the Idea to make an all LGBTQ Content House and all of the other LGBTQ people agree. Nevia comes with the name "Fruitloop Group" because Fruit loops are just gay Cheerios. Nick asks Chase and Thomas if they want to come and they say they need more time  but will probably join eventually.

The Fruitloop Group - It's 2 months later and Nick and Tony have finally found a house where the Fruitloop Group can stay in and they make start moving in. Then they make an Official Tiktok and YouTube Channel and start posting videos of them moving in.

Chase Hudson: EXPOSED - It's been 3 months since the Fruitloop Group formed and Chase can't take it anymore. He wants to stop living his life as a boy. His therapist and doctors have approved him for hormones and so all he needs to do is start them. Thomas makes the point that Chase has got pretty much everything he needs to transition ready. So Chase and Thomas come out to the Hype House and Fruitloop Group and explains all of what he's been through. Well he changes the part where he killed his own father and says that he died in a car accident. And he leaves out the part where he r@p3d someone. The Hype house supports her even though it was a lot to process. And she decides on the name Chelsey. Then her and Thomas make a YouTube video coming out. Chelsey also makes a tiktok where she takes her hormones for the first time.

Changes - Chelsey and Thomas join the Fruitloop group and everyone's a little hesitant to trust them because of their reputation.  But Nick Convinces the group that Chelsey is changed and the group accepts her. 

This is the End- After a wonderful Fruitloop Group photoshoot (try saying that 10 times fast😅) everything finally seems to be going great. But when Nick and Tony are hanging out in their room Nick sees a text message from a girl named SJ asking "When are we gonna hook up again? ❤️😏" which causes Nick to blow up at Tony. The other Thomas and Chase hear them arguing and they come in the room.  Nick tells them what happened and Thomas says that Tony needs to get out "or else". So Tony leaves and Nick starts throwing all of Tony's stuff out of the window.  When Tony hears Nick throwing his stuff out of the window, he comes to see and Nick says "This is the End".

So I'm yeah that's the end and I was going to make a 2nd book called "The Adventures of the Fruit Loop Group" so if you really want  me to make it I probably will.

Because of problems with my email, I cannot vote for stories, follow people, comment or reply to comments, or message or reply to messages. Which is why I will reply to the most recent comments and messages in this chapter and possibly future chapter.
@IamEnglish16 - I put a warning for drinking because it was in an alcoholic way and the person doing it was also underaged.
@JaylaSims589 - Thank you so much,  If I could follow your account I definitely would. 😊

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