Chase's Secret pt.2

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⚠️𝓜𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓜𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓻⚠️
May 15,2020
♕♥︎990 words♥︎♕

Nick POV
Me: I don't think that's a proper answer Chase, but I'll let it slide. Well I'll let you get dressed and we can talk about this later,
I said as I stopped the video and put my phone in my back pocket.
Chase realized that he was still completely naked and got under the covers while scrambling to get dressed. I waited in the opposite corner of the room as they got dressed.
Me: Are you two decent?
Thomas: Yeah
Me: Great, now would two like to explain what I just saw?
Chase: I don't think I have to,
He said getting up to try to look intimidating.
Me: Is that supposed to scare me?
Chase: I know for a fact that your weaker than me, so yeah, it should scare you.
Me: But you know for a fact that I'm faster than you and I could definitely run to the car and drive to the house where I could post the video,
He started to look nervous, letting me know that he knew I was right.
Me: Or... you could sit down and tell me what the fuck is going on here.
Chase: Wait can I see what was on that video?
Me: Why, do you wanna watch a sex tape of yourself?
Chase: Kind of, but I asked because I want to see if you're just bluffing.
Me: Fine
I said as I took my phone out of my pocket and showed him the beginning of the video. He fast forwarded through the video.
Chase: Ok, it checks out. I guess I'll tell you what you want to know. But What do you want to know?
Me: I want you to start from the beginning. I want know why you are the way you are. Why do you hate me? Why do you have your violent outbursts? Why are you a homophobic, racist, sexist, bigot!?
Chase screamed at me as tears started to roll down his face. Thomas came to his aid and hugged him. I just stood there looking at Chase cry in Thomas's arms. I felt like I needed to leave, but my curiosity over took that feeling.
Me: I'm sorry for having this happen like this, but I want answers. I need answers. I want you to start from the cause of your attitude and end at this very moment.

And he did. He told me about everything he had gone through. He explained everything. And left me in complete shock.

Chase's Backstory is the next chapter so you'll have to read that and then come back to this story.

Me: So, you're bisexual and trans ,correct?
Chase: Yeah, that's what I just said.
Me: And you're into DDLG?
Chase: Yeah, that's what I just said.
Me: And you and your sisters k*lled your abusive father?
Chase: Yeah, that's what I just said. And if I have to tell you that again, I'll break your knee caps.
He said with a smile.
Me: Sorry, I just really don't know how to take this all in. I feel so bad. Why couldn't you have just told someone?
Chase: The only people who I've trusted to tell this to are Noen and I didn't want to be fixed when I was with him. You, but I knew I couldn't show you my vulnerable side after the whole Jenna situation. And finally Thomas, who is ok with keeping my secrets and letting me stay the way I am.
Me: But now that I know all of this, I want to help you.
Chase: Oh we're far past the point where you could help. I'll just stay closeted until I lose the hype and get a normal life. I don't know why you're mad like you're not that innocent either. 
Me: What have I done that was even remotely as bad as something you've done?
Chase: You're literally faking a relationship for clout.
Me: First of all I actually love him, I was just going along with what you said so I wouldn't get beat up.
Chase: Oh, that makes a lot of sense. So I guess I'm the only bad guy here.
Thomas : No, I'm the bad guy too. I let you stay in this state for too long. We both need to get our lives together.
Chase: Who's side are you on here?
Thomas: Ours, and since I'm on our side I need to do what's good for us,
He lectured chase. Chase sat back down on the bed, stone faced. It was silent for a moment.
Chase: Ok let's make a deal. I'll try to start working out my issues on my own and if I haven't made noticeable progress by the beginning of the summer, then I'll go into therapy, Chase explained. Thomas looked at me for approval. I nodded with a shrug to let him know that I was ok with it, then I looked back at chase.
Me: It's a deal,
I said as I put out my hand for him to shake. He shook on the deal and got up from the bed.
Chase: Now what?
Me: I guess we go home.
Chase and Thomas: I guess so,
They said in unison.

And we did just that. The car ride home was completely silent. It was pretty quiet once we got back home as well. I went up to my room to contemplate all the stuff Chase told me. It was so crazy that I didn't even know if it was true. I eventually dozed off to sleep. That was probably the first night in weeks that I didn't go to sleep thinking about Tony.

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