The Party

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Nick POV
It had been a week since I fell in the pool. I had recovered really well. You could barely see the bruise on my head and the headaches weren't as bad or as often. The party was today and I was really excited. I can't believe I asked Tony to come with me. I never really hang out with him alone, we're usually all in a group.
It was almost 7 and I was getting ready for the party. Once I got dressed and ready I went to see what Tony was doing.
Me: Sup
Tony: Hey
Me: Are you ready to go?
Tony: Yeah
Me: Well come on, let's go.
I drove us to the party. I wanted to make the ride a little bit longer so I didn't take the shortcut. He looked good as usual. Why was he so damn hot.
We arrive at the party a little late but that's usually when the party starts to get fun. We walked in and greeted some people we knew. Some of the Sway boys were there. Griff, Bryce, Ant, and Kio were all in a little cluster. I finally saw Loren who was hosting the party. I went to go say hi to her and Tony stayed with the Sway boys.
Me: Hi Loren.
I said as I gave her a hug.
Loren: Heyy Nick. How have you been?
Me: Good, nothing really exciting has happened lately.
Loren: Wait, is that a bruise?
She asked as she kinda squinted her eyes while pointing at the bruise on my forehead.
Me: Ohh yeah, kinda funny story, I hit my head when Alex pushed me in the pool last week.
Loren: Omg really!
Me: Yeah, but it's all cool. I like blacked out but then Tony jumped in the pool and saved me. He even took me to the hospital and stayed with me the whole time.
Loren: Sounds like a hero. Did you thank him?
Me: Yeah, I thanked him the day after it happened.
Loren: Cool.
Ariel: Loren, come dance with us, our song is on.
Loren: I'll talk to you later Nick!
She said as Ariel pulled her away. After that, I wanted to see what Tony was up to but I could find him. I finally gave up and found a little corner where I could vibe by myself in. I listened to the music, ate some food, talked to people, ya know normal party stuff. After about an hour, Tony and I met up again.
Tony: Oh, Heyyy, man
He said with a drink in his hand while wobbling a little. I could tell he was drunk.
Me: I think I need to get you out of here.
Tony: C'mon, I wanna stay!
He whined. Then he sat on the stairs, put his drink down, and crossed his arms. He sat there pouting while I just looked at him trying not to laugh. Eventually I sat down with him.
Tony: You know, it's weird.
He said while chuckling
Me: What's weird?
Tony: How the universe brings people together. How people can have such strong feelings for each other.
Me: yeah kind of
Tony: Like how the universe brought us together at this very moment.
He looked deeply into my eyes as I looked deeply into his. We both leaned in and kissed. It was probably the most passionate kiss I've ever had. It made me realize that I might be gay and not just bi.
Tony: That, was very adequate.
He said after we finished kissing. We both smiled. I realized a lot of people were starring at us. When they saw that we saw them they just turned around and  acted like nothing happened.
Me: I think it's time to go now.
I said to Tony. I grabbed his hand and rushed through the crowd to get to the front door.
Tony: But, uhh, why!
He whined while we were running.
Me: Because I said so!
I replied
Me: Hi Loren, great party, thanks for the invite, bye.
I said rushing out the door.
Loren: But, ok, later!
She yelled out the door. I got in the car and Tony got in on the passenger side.
Tony: I dOn'T wAnNa Go!
He complained.
Me: Well we're gonna go.
Tony: Why tho?
Me: Because everyone saw us kiss.
Tony: Why do you give a fuck?
Me: because I'm not ready to come out, and I don't even know what my sexuality is, and yeah. Plus you only kissed me cause you're drunk.
Tony: No, I kissed you because I like, I might even love you, Nick!
Me: What?
I said as I looked over at him.
Tony: keep your eyes on the road.
He said.
I looked back to the road. I almost couldn't focus since I was so surprised. I knew I wouldn't be able to wait long enough to get home to talk about it so I kept looking around for a place to stop. I finally saw an abandoned gas station and parked in the parking lot.
Tony: Why'd we stop? And why here?
He asked.
Me: Did you say you loved me?
I asked ignoring his questions.
Tony: yeah
Me: I think I love you too, and I have since the first time I saw you.
We looked into each other's eyes. I had never noticed that his eyes were so hypnotizing. We kissed and a simple kiss turned into a lot more. Before I knew it I was in the backseat in only my underwear, cuddled up under Tony. It was only my second time because I'd only had sex before to lose my virginity. It was another thing that made me question my sexuality.
Me: So, are you gay or bi?
Tony: I'm actually pan.
Me: Never would've guessed.
Tony: How 'bout you?
Me: I'm kind of questioning if I'm gay or not. I've always thought I was bi but I haven't been sure since you kissed me.
Tony: Well I'll still love you either way.
Me: Why are you so fucking sweet?
I said as I kissed him.
Me: Well, we should go home now.
Tony: Ok, I guess.
We both got dressed and I drove us home. When we got there I went up to my room with him and we just fell asleep in each other's arms. It was probably the best night ever.

Author's Note
I hope you guys are enjoying the story. It's my first story so it's probably kind of crappy, but I'm trying. Anyways, there will be a lot more chapters to come so I hope you stick around for it. 😊😁

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