Coming Out

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⚠️𝔽𝕒𝕘 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘⚠️
Nick POV
I woke up and checked my phone to see that I'd been asleep for like 5 hours. Tony woke up after me.
Tony: Is it morning yet?
He said while rubbing his eyes.
Me: No, silly, it's 10:43.
Tony: oh ok. I'm hungry.
He said. It made me remember that we had ordered postmates.
Me: I'm gonna go get our food.
I told him before leaving to go down stairs. I went into the kitchen to see Chase sitting on the counter.
Me: Hey chase, umm did you get my postmates.
Chase: Yeah, it's in the microwave.
Me: K, thanks.
I then got the bag from the microwave, took out the sauces and napkins, and put the bag back in the microwave to heat it up.
Chase: Ya know practically everyone in the house could hear you, right.
Me: Wdym?
Chase: Playing dumb when everyone knows what you did is really stupid. We all heard you screaming "Daddy" to Tony.
Me: Ok, so maybe we fucked once or twice, it doesn't mean anything.
Chase: But it's still gay.
Me: Not on my part. He's the one that does stuff to me and I call him daddy to keep him happy .
Chase: So you're not a fag?
Me: No!
I answered almost yelling at him because of how angry I was. I hated when he said "fag".
Chase: Ok, chill, just checking
He said as the microwave dinged. I took the food out of the microwave.
Chase: I have an idea.
He said with his I-thought-of-an-evil-plan voice.
Me: What is it?
I said annoyed.
Chase: What if you "came out" to the house to explain everything. Then you could use Tony for clout.
Me: Um...fine. But what are you gonna get out of that?
Chase: You two can be in some of my videos which will give me clout. Which I really need after the whole Charli situation.
Me: Ok
Chase: You gonna bring that food up to "daddy"?
He asked mockingly.
Nick: Haha, fuck you.
I replied sarcastically while making my way back upstairs.
Me: Your food has arrived.
I announced as I got back into my room. I put the food on the bed and sat down next to Tony.
Tony: Thanks
We started eating our food. It was really awkward just eating in silence so I put on a movie.
Tony: I'm gonna go throw this trash away.
He said after we both finished eating.
Me: Ok, I'll pause the movie.
When he came back he sat down on the bed again.
Me: Their's something I have to tell you.
Tony: What is it?
Me: Well almost everyone in the house heard us earlier which in retrospect is kinda my fault.
Tony: So what are we gonna do?
Me: I don't know! But it kinda gets worse.
Tony: How?
He said slightly getting louder and angrier.
Me: Well I basically told chase we're friends with benefits except I don't fuck you back.
Tony: please don't tell me there's more.
Me: Well...
Tony: Stop saying "well" and just get to the point!
Me: Fine! Chase thinks that I'm gonna use you for clout as well so now I kinda have to do that which means I have to come out to my fans and I don't what to do and I'm freaking out!
I ranted. Tony sighed as he put his arm around my shoulder. I put my head on his shoulder.
Tony: It's all gonna be ok. I'm sorry for yelling.
Me: I'm sorry for freaking out. It's just that I've always resented the fact that I liked boys. I've had some pretty homophobic friends and chase is one of them. I just don't want him to find out that I really what I'm gonna pretend to be.
Tony: Wait, Chase is homophobic?
Me: Yeah, he pretends to be a good guy with good morals around some of his friends, but when he's around his close friends, he shows who he really is.
Tony: Wow...why tho?
Me: I think it's because of his childhood. He never talks about his life before fame. And his sisters acted weird when any of us asked about their lives
when they we're little kids.
Tony: That's...really sad. Why are you friends with him then?
Me: He was really nice at first and he's not all that bad sometimes. But you can't treat him any differently because of what I said because if he finds out I told you this, he would kill me.
Tony: Ok, but like what would he actually do to you?
Me: Expose me for some shit I did like a year ago or something dumb like that.
Tony: I just can't believe he'd actually do that.
Me: It's the sad truth.
I said putting my head back on his shoulder. I resumed the movie and we both watched movies until we fell asleep.
Time Jump to around 3:00 the next day. They woke up at 1:00 and chilled around the house until that point.

Tony POV
Me: Hey Nick, what are we gonna tell the house to explain what happened yesterday?
Nick: I guess the truth. We have to tell them that we're a couple now.
Me: How are we gonna tell our fans?
Nick: Idk right now. It's all my fault that we're in this mess.
Me: Wdym?
Nick: If I wasn't so fucking loud no one would know and we would've been able to come out when we were ready.
He explained.
Me: It's not your fault. It's no ones fault. Don't worry, I'll come up with something.
I said trying to comfort him by putting my arm around his shoulder.
Nick: No, I feel like it's my fault so I'm gonna fix it.
Me: Ok
Nick: I got it! We can host a movie night and tell them there.
Me: That's a great idea!
Nick: I'll set up all of the stuff for it and you can tell people about it.
Me: Ok, but how should I tell them? Through text or should I just go around and tell them? 
Nick: Whatever way you want, idc. But let's wait a while to set it up, I'm lazy.
I laughed.
Time Jump to 7:12. Everyone is in living room for the movie night and Nick and Tony are about to make the big announcement.

Nick POV
Tony and I got up on the ottoman so we could make our announcement. Everyone was gathered on the couches and chairs.
Me: So me and Tony have an announcement to make which is the reason we're having this movie night.
Kouvr: Is it that you're gonna get me another hamster?
Me:We're not getting you another hamster Kouvr.
I replied.
Kouvr: What about another cat?
Me: We're not getting you another cat!
Tony: We gathered you here to tell you that we're dating.
Calvin: So you both got girlfriends?
Tony: No, Calvin
Me: We're dating each other.
Thomas: Prove it.
Me and Tony: What?
Thomas: I don't really believe you so kiss to prove it.
Tony: Fine then
He said before gently grabbing my face to turn towards him, and kissing me. It was a kinda quick kiss but definitely long enough to prove it.
Tony: Do you believe us now?
He asked Thomas.
Thomas: Uhh yeah.
He said slightly embarrassed.
Ryland: I have one question.
Me: What is it?
Ryland: Are you bi or what?
Tony: Well I'm pansexual which means I like all genders.
Me: And I'm deciding wether I'm bi or gay.
Ryland: Ok
Alex: Well can we get on with the movie now?
Me: Yes
I said as me and Tony got off of the ottoman. We sat down with everyone else and started the movie which was Avengers Endgame.
Chase: I forgot to get a drink, Hey Nick you wanna come with me?
Me: Sure I guess.
We got up and walked to the kitchen. 
Chase: Good job on telling them. I say you should keep the relationship going for a good 2 and a half months.
Me: Ok but how should I end it.
Chase: I'll figure something out.
He replied. He then got a sprite from the fridge and we went back into the living room to watch the movie. I didn't really know what I was getting into but I knew it wouldn't be good.

Author's Note
💕💖Omg thank you sooo much for 3k reads💖💕
Sorry for making chase sound like a cringey villain in this. I'm even more sorry for having this chapter so late. I just have a lot of stuff going on so I won't be updating on this story as much as I'd like. Thanks for reading, bye 😊.

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