🎁 Author's Note 🎁

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I'm here to address a few things.
This is the second or third time I've had a long break and I've just come to accept that, that's just the kind of writer I am. I'm sorry for letting you guys down, but I can't stick to a normal posting schedule like other writers.

If you can't handle the breaks but you still want to know how the story ends, then you can come back in around three months when the story is over with. I hope to only have 1 more break before the story ends though. Also there are around 11-13 more chapters to go, then I will be working on another story that's a continuation of this one.

I also need a couple of suggestions. Since Tony is cancelled, I was thinking I could have something happen to him. Probably not death, but definitely something to take him out of the story. I also would like some suggestions on who Nick's new love interest should be.

Anyways thanks for reading, and thanks for coming back if you aren't new. 😊💖

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