Will you be my Boyfriend?

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⚠️𝕊𝕞𝕦𝕥 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘⚠️
⚠️"𝔽𝕒𝕘" 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘⚠️
⚠️-𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘⚠️
(I'm black and pansexual so I can say/write both. I do feel a little guilty for say/writing fag because I'm not completely gay, but it's for the story. Also if you can't be classified as a certain slur or racist name then don't say or write it.)

Tony POV
I woke up next to Nick with a pounding headache. I barely remembered what happened the night before. As I started to wake up, I started to remember more of what had happened. I couldn't believe it. I actually had s*x with NICK AUSTIN. The literal guy of my dreams. Then Nick woke up. He rubbed his eyes and then looked up at me.
Nick: Hi, morning
He said before he gave me a good morning kiss. It made me feel all special. 🥺😊
Nick: How does your head feel?
Me: It hurts a lot but it's fine.
Nick: Ya sure you don't want me to make you some coffee and get you some Tylenol?
Me: You'd do that, foOrr mEeEeE?
Nick: Duh
Nick then got out of bed and put on his shirt. Then he left the room.

Nick POV
I walked down stairs. I saw Chase, Thomas, Calvin, Alex, Ryland, and Patrick just standing at the bottom of the stairs with their arms crossed.
"Hi Nick"
They said simultaneously.
Me: Sup
I replied awkwardly.
Me: How long have you guys been standing here?
Chase: 15 minutes
Thomas: Why were you and Tony out so late last night?
Me: We were just at the party.
Alex: That's weird because you were out till 1 and we called Loren and she said you 2 left around 10.
Calvin: What were you doing for all that time, Nick?
Me: Uhhh
Ryland: You came back in the house with your shirt backwards.
Patrick: We know whatcha did, bro.
Me: Idk what you're talking about.
Thomas: Bruh just say it.
Me: Say what
I said continuing to play dumb.
Chase : That you were out with a GIRLLL. We all know it. So who is she? Ohh is that why you didn't want to tell us, cause she's ugly.
Me: I just don't fuck and tell that's all.
Chase: At least tell me, I'm your best friend.
He said getting closer to me. I leaned in so I could whisper in his ear.
Me: Ariel
I lied.
Chase: Omg fr
He said chuckling
Me: Yeah
Chase: Now I understand why you didn't what to tell us. That bitch is annoying. You must of been drunk when you fucked her.
Me: Yep
Chase: Wait, you don't drink.
He said confused.
Me: Well I did yesterday.
Chase: Cool, man
Me: Well I'm gonna go make some coffee.
Chase: Ok
Calvin: Questionnaires, DISBAND!
He said before Naruto running away.
Alex: And that is why he's a virgin.
We all laughed. I made some coffee,got some Tylenol and water, and went back upstairs.
Tony: Hewo
He said as I walked in the room. He looked so cute and precious. 🥺
Me: Hi
I said before handing him his coffee and putting the water and Tylenol on the night stand. I got back in bed. I picked up my phone and started looking at TikTok.

They ate breakfast in Nick's room and chilled in there until 5pm. It was around 11am in the last part btw.

Tony POV
I was scrolling through TikTok when I saw a video of this really cute gay couple. It made me realize that that's what I want with Nick.
Nick: Hey, you wanna get something to eat? I could order us some postmates if you want.
Me: Yeah sure.
Nick pulled up the postmates app on his phone.
Nick: What do you want?
Me: A whopper jr with fries and a sprite.
Nick: Ok
He said while putting the order in.
Me: And for you to be my boyfriend. Like, publicly.
Nick: Well I do want to be your boyfriend of course, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to come out yet.
He explained as he sat next to me.
Me: That's completely fine, it's whatever you want.
Nick: Thank you, I love you.
Me: I love you too.
I replied. Then we kissed.

Nick POV
I started to kiss him and the longer it went on the more I wanted. I sat on his lap while kissing him. He started to kiss my neck and I moaned. Then I took my shirt off and I helped him take off his. He pushed me down on the bed as he kept kissing me lower and lower. He pulled my pants and underwear down and started to give me a blowjob. Then he went full out and started sucking me off.
Me: Uhh, Da-DAddy!
I moaned loudly. Then he started going faster.
Me: AnH, FUCK!
I moaned loudly as I c*mmed in his mouth. He swallowed it all then laid down beside me.
Me: Now I wanna repay the favor...Daddy.
I whispered in his ear as I got on top of him. I pulled his pants and underwear down and gave him a hand job. He started to moan.
Tony: Fa- Faster please
Me: What'd you say?
I asked teasing him.
Tony: Faster!
Me: Ok, sorry daddy.
I said as I started to kiss his neck. I kept jacking him off until he c*mmed. Then I licked the c*m off my hand. After that laid back down next to him and fell asleep.

Time jump back to when the Postmates came. Btw Alex was filming for a YouTube video the day this chapter takes place. Also idk how postmates exactly works so, um, yeah 😅.

Chase POV
*door bell rings*
Me: I'll go get it.
I told Alex before walking to the door. I opened it to see a man holding a Burger King bag.
Postmates Guy: This is for Nick Austin.
Me: Oh ok, thanks, I'll give this to him.
I said while taking the bag from him. I closed the door after he left.
Someone from upstairs moaned. The voice kinda sounded like Nick's but he's not a faggot so it must have been someone else.
Me: Did you hear that?
Alex: Hell yeah, I got my camera nice and ready.
We ran upstairs and followed the moaning sounds to see where and who it was coming from. We stopped in front of Nick's room.
"AnH, FUCK!"
We heard someone moan. And I knew that it was definitely Nick.
Alex: I'm gonna have to mute these sounds. I don't want it to get demonetized.
He told me. He had been filming this whole time.
Me: Ok, let's just go.
We went back downstairs.
Alex: I guess I'll film what that part was about later.
Me: Don't you think we should talk to Nick about it before you start filming about it. You don't wanna film something for no reason.
Alex: Yeah I guess so.
Me: You don't think the person Nick is with is Tony ,do you?
Alex: It might be. Tony has always seemed a little over protective of Nick. Like when I pushed Nick in the pool Tony didn't want me to. Plus he saved him, stayed with him at the hospital, and went to the party with him. What if Nick wasn't with Ariel last night?
Me: It makes so much sense. Wow, I have a fag for a best friend.
Alex: Don't say that word.
Me: Why do you care if I say it, it's not like it applies to you. I thought you were cooler than that.
Alex: It's stupid to think that it's cool to hurt people.
Me: You're stupid Alex! I'll say whatever the fuck I want!
I said walking away.
Alex: There goes another infamous LilHuddy Tantrum.
Me: Fuck you, Nigga!
I said while flipping him off and continuing to walk away.

Author's Note
Corona doesn't exist in this story. On the topic of Corona, I hope all of you and your families are ok and safe in this really weird time. Also I'm gonna try to post 1 or 2 chapters every weekend. Thanks for reading, bye.

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