Detective Work

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⚠️𝕄𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕞𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘⚠️
Takes place on:
May 15,2020
★♥︎1835 Words♥︎★

Nick POV
I woke up feeling nervous since I had planned to hang out with Chase for the day. It sadly wasn't the first time I felt this way either. I woke up at 10 which is kind of early for me. I went on tiktok for a bit before getting up. After that I took a shower and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and realized that I still had that mark on my neck and needed to cover it. So I snuck into Kouvr and Alex's bathroom to get Kouvr's concealer. I got it, applied it, then left. After that I went down stairs to see Chase, Thomas, and Ondreaz on the couch. I waved to them and proceeded to walk into the kitchen where I saw Tony making some oatmeal.
Me: Hey
Tony: Hey Nick
He said as he gave me a hug.
Tony: How'd you sleep?
He asked as I grabbed a box of cereal from the pantry.
Me: Good, How about you?
I replied as I continued to make my bowl of cereal.
Tony: Great actually
He responded. We continued our conversation in the kitchen as I ate my cereal and he ate his oatmeal. When we finished we put our bowls in the sink. He went back upstairs and I walked over to the couch.
Me: Hey chase
I said as I sat down next to him.
Chase: Hey bud, whatcha got planned for today?
Me: Well I was thinking we could go to the mall then get something to eat.
Chase: Sounds good, and I was thinking that I could take you to my secret hideout after.
Me: You have a secret hideout?
Chase: Yeah, doesn't everyone?
Me: If everyone was mentally 12 yeah. Anyway, you wanna leave in an hour or two?
Chase: Sure
He answered. I then went back to my room and hung out in there. I watched Netflix and scrolled through tiktok and Instagram.

Time jump to 1:42

I got a text from Chase asking if I was ready. I replied with yes and headed downstairs. I saw Chase and Thomas at the bottom nod the stairs.
Chase: Hey, Are you ok if Thomas comes with us?
Me: Yeah, it's cool with me.
I said before following Chase and Thomas outside and to Thomas's car. Chase got in the passenger seat and I just sat in the back. I wondered why Thomas and Chase were hanging out so much lately. But I realized that it was probably nothing and pushed the thought away. We made it to the mall, found a really good parking spot, and walked in. We went to a few stores and bought a couple of things. I noticed that Thomas paid for his and Chase's things. Once we got everything we wanted we went to the food court. We choose to get Chick-fa-la. We got our food and sat down.
Chase: I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick.
He announced after he finished his food.
Thomas: I have to use the bathroom as well.
Me: Ok
I saw them walking in the literal opposite direction of the bathroom. They weren't even trying to be sneaky. I decided that I wouldn't follow them because that's pretty creepy

Chase POV
I hoped that Nick wouldn't notice where we were going.
Me: Do you think he saw us?
Thomas: Probably not.
Me: Are you sure?
Thomas: No, but it's not that big of a deal right.
Me: Yes it is, if he follows us he'll know that I wear make up and we'll get into a whole fight about it.
Thomas: I'll just tell him it's for a prank or something, or that you're getting it for someone else.
Me: Ok, fine. I'll stop worrying about it.
Thomas: Thank you, I don't like it when you worry. It makes me worry and...
Me: and then you get ichy, and you hate being ichy. I know, I know
I said finishing his sentence.
Thomas at me softly as he grabbed my hand. We continued to walk to Sephora, hand in hand. We got there, and I got a new eyeshadow palette. It was hard to resist buying anything else but I only went there to get one thing and I needed to get back quick. I realized that I needed to hide the palette somehow so Nick wouldn't notice it. I came up with the idea to put it in my hoodie, so I hid behind a plant and did so so no one would think I was stealing. In retrospect it would've looked like I was stealing either way.
Thomas: What are you doing?
He asked as I was putting the palette in my hoodie.
Me: Hiding it
I answered as he looked at me confused.
Thomas: Oh, that's why
He said once he realized why I was hiding the palette. We continued walking until we got back to the table in the food court.

Nick POV
Me: Hey guys, What took you so long?
I asked as they sat back down at the table.
Thomas: We realized we went the wrong way and had to go to the other bathroom.
He explained.
Me: Oh ok
I replied. That did explain it, I just was a little suspicious because they would've been able to see the sign for the bathroom. I guess they we're just distracted. We put our stuff in the trash, grabbed our bags and left the mall.
Chase: I have to get something from the house real quick and then we can go to my hideout.
He said after we got in the car. And this time both me and Chase were in the back.
Me: Ok, cool
Once we arrived at the house, Chase got out and went in and Thomas soon followed. I was still suspicious of what was going on between them. I was getting worried just think of the possibilities of what it. Then I started wondering why they were taking so long, which distracted me from my previous worries.

Chase POV
I got out of the car and went into the house to get my bag. I went upstairs, into my room, and then grabbed my book bag that I usually bring to my hideout. I remembered that my eyeshadow was still in my hoodie so I took it out and put it in the bag as well. I was surprised that it didn't fall out the whole time. Right when I was about to leave the room, Thomas came in.
Thomas: So what's the plan for tonight.
Me: What do you mean?
Thomas: Well we were going to, ya know tonight and now Nick has to come along.
Me: I'm sorry, I forgot about our plans when I agreed to hang out with Nick. But I came up with a plan. I'll ask him if he wants to smoke a blunt, he'll say no, I'll blow up at him, he'll leave, and then we can do what we want.
Thomas: That is a pretty good plan.
Me: I know
I said jokingly. Thomas rolled his eyes sarcastically as he chuckled. I then grabbed my bag and we left the room. We headed back into the car and left the house once again.

Nick POV
We arrived at a park which confused me. Chase grabbed his bookbag and we all got out of the car.
Me: What are we doing here?
Chase: Don't worry about it, just follow me okay?
Me: Okay
I said as we continued to walk through the park and into the woods. We kept walking until we reached a small building. I guessed it was a cabin, but it was far too small to be one. Maybe an old pool house, I thought.
Chase: This is my fungeon.
Me: Your what?
Chase: My fungeon, ya know like the fun dungeon from Wreck it Ralph.
Me: oh, ok
Thomas: It looks creepy and gross from the outside but me cleaned out the inside
Me: Why don't you clean the whole thing?
Thomas: So it won't draw other people's attention.
Me: Makes sense
I said as Chase opened the door. He walked inside as Thomas and I followed. I looked around the room in amazement of how clean it looked. There was a bed in the corner, a tall dresser in the opposite corner of the room, a big container in between them, and a pole right in the middle of the room. I walked in more and turned around to see that the other side of the room was lined with storage drawers.
Me: Pretty cool place, but why do you have this stripper pole?
Chase: First;Thank you, and Second;That's none of your business.
He answered as I chuckled.
I walked around a little and opened up one of the the drawers. I saw what looked like coloring books before Chase came up and shut the drawer.
Chase: NEVER touch my stuff without permission, GOT IT!?
He yelled in my face.
Me: Ok fine
I said defensively backing away.
Thomas: Chase, chill
He said to chase.
Chase: I'm sorry I guess, just don't do it again.
He said eyeing me. It weirded me out about how much power Thomas had over Chase. And the fact that only him and Thomas had been to his hideout weirded me out even more. I sat down in a chair in the corner.
Me: So what do you want to do?
Chase: I usually come up here to think, journal, or just get high. And I don't wanna do the first 2 so getting high it is.
He said before taking out some bl*nt wraps and some we*d.
Chase: You wanna try it?
He asked me.
Me: No, I'm good.
Chase: C'mon, You did say "maybe next time" the last time.
Me: And that "maybe" meant no. I think I'm gonna leave I'll just get an Uber.
I said getting up and heading to the door.
Chase: Fine buzzkill
He said as I walked out the door. I started walking back to the car. I went to pull out my phone but it wasn't in my pocket. I started looking for it on the ground which was difficult in the dark. I started walking closer to the "fungeon" and it was right at the door. I picked it up and started walking back down the hill when I heard a strange noise from the cabin. I was a little scared of what it could be so I walked to the door, crouched down, and slowly opened the door a smigde. I couldn't believe what I saw when I opened the door.

A͓̽u͓̽t͓̽h͓̽o͓̽r͓̽'s͓̽ N͓̽o͓̽t͓̽e͓̽
Thank you all so much for over 270 votes. I will start normally posting on Sundays, and I'll be posting 2 more chapters soon. Also, did you like the cliffhanger? Thanks for reading, bye.

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