Chapter Eighteen

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Why are you looking down all the wrong roads?

When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul

There may be lovers who hold out their hands, but

They'll never love you like I can, can, can


Jaime's P.O.V.

June 15th 1997

"Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads."

"Oh Jesus Christ I am going to kill him."

The front door slammed shut and I heard Jess' keys hit my dining table. My house was open plan and all one floor, so the second she walked through the door she saw and heard Back to the Future Part II playing on my TV.

My body was wrapped in a blanket and I was laying on the couch that Harry held me on three days prior. I caught up on sleep at Monica's. I could not believe how late I slept, but it made me more tired because I never got my day started. After talking to Monica about last night's events, I made my way back to my own house. I didn't have the energy to do anything but collapse on the couch. I put my VHS tape of Back to the Future in the player. I ended up falling back asleep for a good chunk of it, and woke up when Marty was performing "Johnny B. Goode". I made myself a cup of coffee and watched the movie finish before stumbling up to put the second movie in. It had just started when Jess walked in.

She plopped down on the couch opposite of me. She kicked her black sneakers off before throwing her body along the couch and turning on her side to mimic mine.

"What happened?" She asked me softly.

I turned my blanket wrapped head from the TV to her. "How did you know something was wrong?" I groaned out, realizing I haven't spoken since last night. There was a bad taste on my tongue, remembering how my last conversation with Harry went. My mind is not the place I want to be right now.

Jess never changed her expression, waiting to hear my story before she made any sort of judgment. I was going to end up telling her everything, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to process it all. I huffed out a sigh and sat up so I could pause the movie.

"It's not a big deal," I said, shaking my head.

I was trying to convince myself it wasn't a big deal. And as much as I put on a brave face, promised myself to never cry over a boy, and told myself that I am the most important person in my life, the truth of the matter is that it still fucking sucked.

Jess stares back at me, still waiting for an explanation.

"Um. So I wasn't gonna go, and then I decided I should just get it over with. I couldn't find him so I stayed by the fire for a bit. Then Kyle appeared, drunk, trying to get in my pants, as per usual. He kept trying to kiss me and lean on me. Typical Kyle bullshit just not taking a hint. I finally had enough and decided to go find Harry, because I knew he had to be there somewhere. Well," I let out a humorless laugh, "held up is one way to phrase it. I saw Harry and Annette together leaning against a tree and from where I was standing it looked like they were kissing."

As soon as I said Anette's name Jess had shot up. By the time I finished my sentence she was stalking towards her room yelling, "Is your bat still in the closet?"

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