Chapter Twenty Two

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We didn't know that the sun was collapsing

'Til the seas rose and the buildings came crashing


July 4th 1997

Jaime's P.O.V.

I pulled up to my house and I didn't see any other cars by me. I couldn't help but thank some power above that he didn't drive.

The second I got out of the car I heard singing. Awful, off pitch singing, but I knew it was Harry. Worst of all, he was singing Mmmbop by Hanson. God that song will never go away. Right now? I don't care. I have never been so happy to hear that song.

Once I emerged through the archway that separated my backyard and driveway he turned around. The crunch of the rocks under my feet gave away my presence. His cheeks were tinted slightly red. I was going to pass it off as sunburn but then I saw the bottoms of his eyes were swollen as well.

I felt my stomach drop. I was the one that caused him pain. He squinted his eyes to make sure it was me, and once he did, he let out a dramatic gasp and a particularly loud, "SUNSHINE!"

His feet were dangling in the water, but he quickly sprang up and started running toward me. Before I could even process what was going on, his arms were wrapped around me and I was pulled into his chest. I panicked for a moment from the pressure and the smell of alcohol. Two seconds later, I relaxed. Sure he smelled like booze, but he also felt like Harry.

"Sunshine, I'm so sorry," he squeezed me even tighter. "I don't know exactly what I did so please tell me so I can apologize but I'm sorry. I was doing the whole 'playing it cool' thing that guys say to do to get girls' attention. That's what he told me to do. And I figured he knows you well enough that he would know best, but now it's been days without hanging out or going on little adventures and it bothered me. I couldn't figure out why, but you're so special, Jaime Jackson. So so special."

I reluctantly hugged him back. I didn't know what else to do. The second my hands were placed on his back he relaxed into my touch. There was something comforting about his hugs, like I was on the coach napping with him. Even as we melted into each other, his drunken rambling continued. It didn't make a whole lot of sense, but I was just happy he was here.

"And I was doing so well. But then I started drinking tonight, and it reminded me of how you don't drink, and then I got mad at myself for always thinking of you. But as I continued to drink, I got more and more upset with myself. I'm bit of a weepy drunk it seems. But then I got even more sad because we only have so many days. So many days on this planet, so many days of being young, so many days, here, together. Who cares what her friends say? I'm her friend too. So if I want to spend time with her I will. And now I'm here. But you're also here so that's something."

I couldn't process what he was saying, not when he was mumbling it into my neck and I was concentrating on keeping us both upright. Even if I could make out everything he was saying, I wasn't sure it was coherent. I tried to pull away, but he tightened his arms, only lifting his head back. He looked like he was about to cry again. How much alcohol had he consumed today?

"I don't really know what you're talking about. Other than it seems you were ignoring me on purpose and that really hurts."

I exhaled through my nose, took his hand in mine, and brought him over to the dock. I sat down next to where he was before I got here. I looked out at the lagoon, feeling like this conversation would be easier if I didn't have to look at him.

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