Chapter Ten

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You just call out my name

And you know, wherever I am

I'll come runnin' to see you again


Jamie's P.O.V. 

June 5th 1997

Around 6pm as I was making drinks behind the bar I saw a familiar head of long curly brown hair walk through the door. Did he get his days mixed up? No, he knows we're hanging out tomorrow. Plus he's supposed to be coming over to my house anyway. He's probably here to cancel. I don't blame him. And good on him for doing it in a public place. He probably went home after our not-date and realized it was pointless to chase around some girl who didn't want to get in his pants. That's fine with me though. I kept my head down to keep focus on what I was doing.

I thought he was heading my way, but then he started talking to a group of people that were hanging out in the corner by the jukebox.

Does he have friends down here? He hasn't mentioned any. I am not that self centered that I expected him to spend all of his time on me, but he never mentioned knowing anyone down here. I need to calm down. Just because I don't like making new friends doesn't mean other people don't as well!

I knew two of the girls he was talking to. They have been coming up every summer for the past few years. They must have finally turned 21 because the names on their IDs conveniently went from "Sandra" and "Barabara" to "Grace" and "Beth".

They were both stunning, wearing shorts with bikini tops and sunglasses pushing their bright shiny dark hair back. There were also a couple of guys by Harry, all good looking of course. I think there is something about summer that makes everyone feel better about themselves, allowing their confidence to come through, making everyone at least 15% more attractive.

The girl, who I think is Grace, placed her hand on Harry's arm and leaned into him. He leaned his other arm on the wall above his head and smiled down at the shorter girl. She looked to be almost a whole foot shorter than him. Do guys prefer when girls are smaller than them? Do guys normally look sexy when they lean? I look over at James who is attempting a very similar lean over the bar, talking up some girl. Yeah, no. Not all guys.

I do not appreciate the feeling in my stomach right now. I've known him for 6 days. He can have other friends.

The last hour flew by quickly. I buried my head in work, trying to pretend like Harry not coming over to at least say hi didn't bother me. I wasn't going to go home and cry about it, but you would think after a few rounds of mini golf I would have at least earned a hello.

I wiped down the bar and untied my apron. I walked to the back to grab my bag and sweatshirt and started heading out to the front. As I passed by Harry he was still leaning against the wall talking to that girl. She was extremely pretty, and I was happy for Harry. Maybe if he got laid he would back off trying to sleep with me and we could focus on becoming good friends.

I didn't even look his way to give him the satisfaction to know that I knew he was here. If he didn't want to acknowledge me today, then I was going to let him live his life. I don't need another reminder that I am not important.

As my palm hit the cold glass of the front door, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist behind me and pull me lightly back. I would've panicked if I didn't feel the cool touch and unique indentation of rings around the person's fingers.

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