Chapter Twenty Seven*

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You know you twist, little girl

You know you twist so fine

Come on and twist a little closer now

And let me know that you're mine, woo


Jaime's P.O.V.

July 6th 1997

"Oh we will, just gotta return the favor first."

My eyes went wide at what he was saying.

"You don't-," I pushed myself up on the couch to sit up straight. "You don't have to."

He sat back, looking at me confused. He ran a hand through his long hair that was falling over his eyes. He almost looked dejected. Probably how I looked when I thought he was denying me earlier.

"I just know you don't want to so you don't have to. Like you said, I don't want you to think either of us has to do anything."

He cut me off with a hand on my arm, smoothing up and down to calm my anxiety. "What makes you think I don't want to?"

"It's just um," My eyes wandered around the room. I cleared my throat and put my hands in my lap. "No one really has before so...."

His chin jutted forward like an overdramatic cartoon. Five minutes ago I literally had this man's dick in my mouth and before that I was describing my wet dreams to him. Now he is making me feel like an insecure little virgin. He stayed silent, urging me to explain.

"It's just the few guys I have hooked up with in past never did, and Kyle always said it was gross when I suggested or asked and-"

"Woah he said what?" Harry looked more offended than I was at the time.

I waved my hand to dismiss him. "It's fine, Harry. Really, it's no big deal."

"No no, hold on." He moved closer to me, throwing my extended legs over his lap. "So he told you he wouldn't go down on you, but how many times did you suck his dick?" He asked flatly.

"I mean I didn't exactly keep a journal," I said, hoping humor could dig me out of this conversation.

It didn't.



"Lay down."

The tone that he used in the back of the car yesterday returned. My thighs squeezed together from the look in his eye and the sternness of his voice. My eyebrows pinched together as I slowly began to recline back. I have to say, I'm a big fan of this dominating tone that comes out when he's confident. I don't know if he's faking it, but it's hot to watch him switch from soft to dominate.

Although, I kinda prefer when he's not in control? Does that make me terrible? I'm so used to guys being all fake macho and trying to 'dominate' and doing a shit job at it. But with Harry, so far it's been going back and forth. Yeah, I usually have to make the first move, but as a girl with control issues, it's kinda nice. And he doesn't leave me hanging. He's like a puppy who is happy to be here.

Harry started crawling over me and put his weight down on his elbows. One of his hands held my face and he lifted my face to kiss me. Immediately I was lost in him. How can I not? His lips are swollen from our kissing earlier. I still think it is completely unfair that his lips have this permanent berry pink color to them that makeup companies would kill to be able to produce. He tries to take his time, slowly pushing our lips together, sucking and nipping at my bottom lip. His hands move up and down my rib cage to hold me like I might slip through his fingers at any moment. I could kiss him for hours, and never get bored.

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