Chapter Thirty Seven

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Do I even need to put the lyrics here?


Jaime's P.O.V.

July 19th 1997

I wake up to soft humming. Fingers are running through my hair and my cheek is pressed against a hard chest. I keep my eyes closed as soothing words start filling my ears.

You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine.

You make me happy

When skies are gray...

"I know you're awake Jaime."

I groan and squeeze my eyes shut. "What gave me away?"

"Your toes curl when you wake up, and you did it two minutes ago."

I smile and open my eyes, resting my chin on my hands on his chest. "When did I fall asleep?" I stretch out my limbs, staying on top of him.

"Mhmmm, about five sudoku puzzles in," he smirks and tucks my hair behind my ears. His hand holds my face and his thumb moves back and forth. His eyes are so light and clear. The sun coming in from my window makes it feel like a movie scene. I wiggle my toes and he intertwined his legs with mine.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep. I've never fallen asleep after a night like that. Did you go back to sleep?"

"Don't apologize. I'm glad you got some sleep. I nodded off here and there, but I wanted to stay awake and make sure you were okay."

I push-up and kiss the scratches I left last night. I'm so ashamed. I'm not used to people being near me when I have nightmares. I didn't know I could be violent. Does that make me like him? I wasn't conscious of it.

"I want to say I'm sorry again. You didn't have to stay or take care of me."

He pulls me higher on top of him so we're pressed chest to chest. Both of his hands cradle my face. "Stop apologizing." A smug look takes over his face as he pecks a kiss to my lips. "I gotta take care of my girl."

I roll my eyes and smile. "Oh god." My forehead connects with one of the swallow tattoos on his collarbones. The warmth of his skin presses against my check. Can I stay here forever?

His hands slide down my back and his palms rest against the curves of my ass. "No way. No going shy on me. You said you wanted it, so you're gonna have to deal."

My head shoots up and I poke my pointer finger in the middle of his chest. "I'm not shy! Jaime Jackson does not get shy over boys."

His face falls flat. "Just shut up and kiss me, Sunshine."

I relax and kiss him. His hands on my ass squeeze and his groans into my mouth. I untangle our legs to properly straddle him. His lips move against mine. He hums into the kiss. I smile as his hips thrust up against me. Oh he's really enjoying this kiss.

I look down at him. "Well good morning."

He blushes, which adorably reddens his ears. It's hard to see it because his hair is long, but right now his hair is tied back and I get a full vision of his pink highlighted ears. "Sorry, J. Just kinda happens around you."

"I'm not complaining," I roll my hips down against his. I go back to kissing him, getting lost in the feeling of his mouth against mine. I take the hair tie out of his hair and slide it onto my wrist. I run my fingers through his hair, selfishly loving the way his hair becomes greasy from my hands. A car zooms by outside blasting music. Isn't it too early in the morning to blast that?

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