Chapter Five

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I've been spending the last eight months

Thinking all love ever does

Is break and burn, and end


Jaime's P.O.V.

May 31 1997

The late May sun beat through the windows in the bar, cooking the place from the inside. Luckily the air conditioning was on otherwise we all would have melted to puddles. Every summer my body seems to conveniently forget how intense the heat here can get.

Regardless of the scorching sun, I continue to clean up around Lon's getting ready for the rest of the day. I anticipated dragging my feet this morning, but after a sleepless night, I couldn't wait to get out of my house. Jess desperately needed sleep, so I was opening by myself this morning. I've opened this place so many times on my own, I run on autopilot. I don't even have to think and my mind doesn't wander. It's almost meditative.

Monica was in her office with her door open, and I could hear her humming along to the music I put on the old jukebox. The only thing that bothered me about opening is that I could tell the closers last night didn't really know what they were doing. I had to wipe down all of the tables again, make sure sugar packets were all correct, and I swept again all for good measure. I knew Monica didn't care that much, but just like my house, I take pride in the things that represent me. And even if I complain, I don't actually mind because I like feeling useful and doing things right when I know they are right.

I wiped down all the windows and glass doors, made sure the bathroom was fully stocked with toilet paper and paper towels, and I even went to the back industrial fridge to get crates of beer bottles to stock up the fridge under the bar. Of course, while I was crouched down on my knees, I heard the door open and the small ring of the bell attached to it.

Ah shit. I guess I forgot to lock the door behind me when I came in this morning. Why do people always try to come in early? I placed the crate of bottles on the ground, and without looking up I said, "Sorry, we're closed right now, we'll be open in about an hour."

"Well good morning to you too, sunshine."


I grabbed the top of my head since I so gracefully bumped it on the bottom of the bar like a cartoon character. Double shit. Harry. What was he doing here? The anxiety that I worked so hard to conquer last night immediately started coursing through my veins. It's bad enough I barely got sleep last night, I don't feel like starting off my day like this.

"Are you hiding from me? Because the whole you-don't-see-me-means-I-can't-see-you thing doesn't particularly work. Especially when you're ducked behind an open bar"

"I'm not hiding. Just checking out the real estate. It's pretty nice down here. I might think about investing," I gather all the courage that I have and stand up straight.

The few times I have seen him have all been at night, so seeing him in the daylight felt like a shock to my system. His eyes were a lot lighter, a lot softer. He was wearing another white tee shirt, similar to last night, and his hair was down. It's not even fair that he was dressed so casually and looked so good. He cleared his throat, and that's when I realized I was staring. Subtle. Luckily I've never been the type to blush.

closed my eyes and rolled my lips into my mouth, putting pressure on them to force them to work. "Sorry um, look like I said we don't open for another hour."

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