Chapter Sixteen

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quick random a/n: if a chapter has thousands of reads compared to ones that only have a few hundred or less than, it just means that I edited the chapter on wp verses adding it in as a new part. Everything is getting edited and moved around. Don't skip anything if you think you've read it. You haven't. Not like this. 


If I could

Baby, I'd give you my world

How can I

When you won't take it from me?


Jaime's P.O.V.

June 13th 1997

When I finally came to a few hours later, the first thing I woke up to was Harry's fingers tracing up and down my spine.

Harry. I melted into his chest.

He stayed?

He stayed.

I tried to turn on my side and get up but Harry's arms tighten around me.

Tick. Tick.

"Good morning, Sunshine." His voice is a bit deeper and raspier, and Jesus Christ if I wasn't awake before I definitely am now.

"How long was I out?" I ask, trying my best to get up, but he refuses to let me move.

"About two and a half hours. Did you know you snore a little? Don't worry, it is adorable."

I am defeated and I accept that I am not going to move. I wrap my arms around his back without realizing it, but now that I do, I decide not to change it. I let out a light laugh as I felt my cheeks turn red. I didn't know that I snored. "Sorry, guess I was really tired."

His finger curls under my chin as he gestures for me to look up at him. "Why aren't you sleeping, Sunshine?"

I shrug my shoulders as best as I can with our grips around each other. "No reason, just not big on sleeping at night. What did you want to ask me?"

He sits up a little still holding me close to him. I guess you cuddle twice and suddenly the floodgates are open. We've always been slightly touchy, and as much as I don't want him to let go, I am starting to think that this is a bit much. I didn't think physical touch was my love language, but it certainly is his. And if I have learned one thing it's to show your appreciation to someone with their love language, not your own.

"What do you know about Anette Richardson?" The words shock my system. What do I know about Anette Richardson? Too much. What do I think about her? I think she's a fucking bitch who I'd leave barefoot in the snow.

I had met her a few times at parties when I first started going out more. After almost a year of being here, James finally started slowly dragging me out to parties. Apparently, Anette has always had a thing for James but he never liked her, and she mistook us always hanging out as some sort of relationship, which couldn't be further from the truth. James is like my brother, I don't think I'd ever be attracted to him.

I never had solid proof that Anette had it out for me, but how many coincidences is too many? She has "tripped" and spilled her drink on me multiple times. One time I was talking to a group of people at a party and was being friendly, which I know, odd for me. I stepped away to grab water, and when I came back Anette was in the circle and suddenly I was completely ignored.

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