Chapter Nineteen

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Yeah, since we're alone

Show me all that you are

And if you get lost in the light

It's okay, I can see in the dark


Jaime's P.O.V.

June 21st 1997

I was twiddling my thumbs at my kitchen counter staring at the clock. It was 5:15 and I was waiting for Harry to pull up. I was worried that he had completely forgotten.

I stared down at the sudoku book I was using to calm my nerves. I went box by box, trying to fill in as much as I could without making notes. After going around all the boxes I went column by column, slowly filling them in. I was pulled out of my daze when I heard a soft knock at my back door. I looked over to see Harry standing there. I almost didn't recognize him because his hair was back in a loose bun, which was doing evil, maniacal things to my body. If it wasn't for the fact that he knocked on my back door, I probably would have thought I was being robbed.

I walked up and opened the door. "You really are never going to use the front door are you?"

"Nope, don't plan on it. What do you have on the docket for us today, Sunshine?"

I had a weird urge to hug him. He had a way about him that made me want to just glue myself to him. But ever since Annette's comments, I was over analyzing every single interaction and touch. I decided to keep my hands to myself.

"Hmm, for starters hand me your car keys," He looks at me confused but slowly pulls out his keys. He had his car key, a few random keys, and some sort of string with beads on it, all on a leather keychain. I walked out the front door and got in the driver's side of his car.

He followed me outside, closing my house door. "What are you doing?"

"Just get in," I said.

"Are you really not going to tell me where we're going?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled as I pulled onto my street. "We're going nowhere, my friend."

"Huh?" His head whips towards me.

I kept my eyes on the road. "This is about as local as it gets. There really isn't much to do around here so the best memories happen in a car, driving too fast, and blasting music. So put on whatever you want, or flip through the radio."

We drove for a long time listening to the music he had in his car. It was an eclectic mix of popular hits and random oldies. There was some Tina Turner, Fleetwood Mac, even some Backstreet Boys he made me promise never to speak of. He had his arm hanging out the window as we sang all of his favorite songs, which were also some of my favorite songs.

We continued to drive around as the sun was dipping lower and lower into the sky. Where people normally get onto the parkway to leave I kept going straight. It was getting more discreet and almost desolate. There were no storefronts or houses. The streets were lined with trees. It looked ominous, but as we drove further, I relaxed more.


"Yes Harry?" I continued to drive as I hummed along to whatever song was playing. I think it was Peter Gabriel, which shouldn't surprise me, given his love for Say Anything. ...Which I think is a terrible movie.

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