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Okay so I have already addressed this in my first book and my announcements, but I will sadly be making the decision of not writing the third book. I know many of you have been looking forward to it and have been waiting patiently, but I've lost all motivation for it and I don't want to just spew shitty chapters. Please believe me when I say that I was really hoping to write it, but sadly sometimes it happens. I will definitely be posting more on my imagines book for Edmund, so definitely look out for that. I will be continuing the imagines because they are much easier and less stressful to write. For now I do not have a schedule, and may never have one, but please do not unfollow just because I'm not going to write the third book. In the past I have made the mistake of not taking care of myself and it has caused serious consequences, so I believe deleting the third book is the best option here. Again, I really hope you all keep sticking around because I'm not done with the Edmund content just yet.

I love you all, and I hope you are doing okay. And if you need me, my DMs are always open. Although I'm terrible at comforting people I will try my best, and if you just need a friend, I'm 100% available. If you need some support on your own books or need feedback if you're just starting out, I can give you tips if you ask.

~your friendly neighbourhood dumbass Canadian 🐸✌️

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