Caspian flees

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Third person
At the Telemarine Castle, Queen Prunaprismia is screaming, it's the scream of giving birth, to be exact.
She gives birth to the baby, and holds him.

Glozelle walks outside to where King Miraz is looking out the window.

"Lord Miraz, you have a son."

"The heavens have blessed us. -you know your orders, General Glozelle."

"Yes, my lord."

A Telmarine soldier paces the hallway. A cloaked figure quietly sneaks in, pulls the drapes away, and puts his hand over Caspian's mouth. Caspian awakes startled, and looks up to see that it's Doctor Cornelius, he relaxes.

"Five more minutes." Caspian groaned.

"You won't be watching the stars tonight, my prince. Come, we must hurry."

Cornelius pulls Caspian out of bed and to a wardrobe in the corner of the room.

"Professor, What is going on?"

"You're aunt gave a son."

Doctor Cornelius steps into the wardrobe, and Caspian follows. He leaves the door open a crack, and looks out.
Glozelle and his men surrounded Caspian's bed, and begin firing arrows.
They see that the bed is empty.

Caspian and Doctor Cornelius race down a winding stairway, Caspian finds a sword and gets onto his horse, Destier.

"You must make for the woods."

"The woods?"

"They won't follow you there."

Cornelius hands a wrapped object to Caspian.

"It has taken me many years to find it. Do not use it except at your greatest need."

"Will I ever see you again?"

"I hope so, my dear prince. There is so much I meant to tell you. Everything you know is about to change."

They hear something.

"Now go!"

Caspian rides away as Doctor Cornelius looks on. Caspian rides through the courtyard and knocks over a soldier. He crosses the bridge. Looking back, he sees fireworks going up.

"Prunaprismia has blessed Lord Miraz with a son!" A telmarine crier calls out.

Telmarine soldiers on cavalry pursue Caspian.
The prince rides into the woods. Glozelle enters, but the others hesitate, staring up at the trees, Glozelle rides back to them.

"Which one of you superstitious old women would like to spend the night in a cell?" Glozelle said.

They all enter the woods. Caspian safely crosses a river. When the soldiers cross, one of them is washed away. Caspian looks back and doesn't see them. When he looks forward again, he sees a branch- too late. Caspian is knocked off his horse and dragged. After a struggle, he manages to get his foot out of the stirrup. He lies there for awhile, and then sits up. He looks around. Suddenly, a door in the tree on his right opens. Two dwarfs step out and notice Caspian.
"He has seen us!"

Trumpkin draws his sword and runs towards Caspian. Then, seeing the horn, he stops. Trumpkin looks over and sees Telmarine soldiers approaching. He looks back at Nikabrik.

"Take care of him!" Trumpkin yelled.
Trumpkin rushes towards the Telmarines with his sword drawn.
Caspian grabs the horn.

"No!" Nikabrik yelled.

Prince Caspian (Edmund x Reader) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now