The Dancing Lawn

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"All this horn proves is that they've stolen yet another thing from us!" Nikabrik shouts angrily.

"I didn't steal anything." Caspian says, looking at Nikabrik and the other Narnians surrounding him.

"Didn't steal anything? Shall we list the things the Telmarines have taken?" A Minotaur also shouts.

"Our homes!" A windmade said.
"Our freedom!" A faun said.
"Our lives!" Another narnian shouts.

"You would hold me accountable for all the crimes of my people?" Caspian questioned, quite annoyed with the narnians accusing him.

Nikabrik glared at him before shouting, "accountable...and punishable!"

Reepicheep turned to Nikabrik, "that's words from you, dwarf. Or have you forgotten that it was your people who fought alongside the white witch?"

"And I'd gladly do it again if it would rid us of these barbarians!" Nikabrik said, not giving up on the idea of murdering Caspian.

"Then we are lucky it is not in your power to bring her back. Or do you want us to ask this boy to go against Aslan?" Trufflehunter said to Nikabrik.

Trufflehunter looked towards the rest of the Narnians and spoke louder, "some of you may have forgotten, but we badgers remember well, that Narnia was never right except for when a son of Adam was king."

Nikabrik looked at him in disbelief, "He's a telmarine! Why would we want him as our king?"

Caspian looked towards Nikabrik, "because I can help you. Beyond these woods, I am a prince. The Telmarine throne is rightfully mine. Help me claim it, and I can bring peace between us." He finished, looking towards everyone.

"It is true. The time is ripe. I watch the skies, for it is mine to watch as it is yours to remember, badger. Tarva, the Lord of Victory, and Alambil, the Lady of Peace have met, and here a son of Adam has come forth to offer us back our freedom." Glenstorm spoke up.

Patterwig gave a questioning look, "is it possible? Do you really think there could be peace? Do you? I mean, really?"

"Two days ago, I didn't believe in the existence of talking animals, or dwarves, or centaurs. Yet, here you strength, in numbers we Telmarines could never have imagined. Whether this horn is magic or not,  it brought us together. And together, we have a chance to take back what us ours." Caspian explained.

"If you will lead us, then my sons and I offer you our swords." Glenstorm said.

(Just to be clear I'm going off the script and I haven't watched Prince Caspian in a while sooooo I might forget some actions lmao)

"And we offer you our lives... unreservedly." Reepicheep added and bowed.

"Miraz' army will not be far behind, sire."  Trufflehunter, whom decided to actually listen to them, said to Caspian.

"If we are to be ready for them, we must hurry to find soldiers and weapons. I am sure they will be here soon." Caspian ordered.

Crossing the Gorge
The Telmarines continue building the bridge, as Trumpkin, Y/n, and the Pevensies hide and watch.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way after all." Susan said.

They went back to the gorge, Y/n sighing as she hoped that they could've gone the other way.

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