The battle

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Glozelle rides back towards the Telmarine army, as a few soldiers run towards Peter. Peter with his qUiCk rEfLeXeS turns and kills them.

"To arms, Telmar! To arms!" Glozelle shouts, the Telmarines raising their weapons and cheering.

"Cavalry...charge!" Glozelle yells, and the Telmarines do just that. Peter looks back at Caspian. He rides back into the How on horseback where hundreds of Narnians wait inside.

"Narnians! Charge!" Caspian yells. With Caspian leading the way, the Narnians charge down a tunnel beneath the battlefield.

"One, two, three..." Peter starts.

"Four, Five, six..." Caspian follows.

"Archers to the ready!" Susan orders, the Narnian archers pulling putting arrows into their strings.

"Seven, eight, nine...get ready!" Peter shouts.

"Take your aim!" Susan continues.

"Now!" Caspian yells.

The Narnians underground begin smashing the stone pillars. The ground collapses and most of the Telmarine horses fall into the pit (r.i.p the horses).

"Fire!" And with Susan's words, the arrows fall into the pit, hitting Telmarines. At the end of the underground tunnel, two dwarfs lower a platform, and Caspian leads the Narnians out into the sun, and circle around to the Telmarine cavalry. A soldier climbs out of the pit, and sees reepicheep in armor.

"You're...a mouse." The soldier said, not believing his eyes.

"You people have no imaginations!" Reepicheep says.

The battle continues, Peter looks up at Susan and she shakes her head.

"Lucy..." Peter whispers. He looks to the Telmarine army and raises his sword, "back to the How!"

The Narnians begin retreating to Aslan's How.

"Cut off their escape!" Sopespian orders, the Telmarine trebuchets launch rockets at the How. Debris falls from it, and blocks the entrance. Rocks fall around the archers.

"Brrrraaaccce yourrrrssseellffff!" Susan screams out (idk why I find this line funny bruh), and she falls. Luckily Trumpkin catches her. Susan slips and falls down to the next level, where she gets down and join the others. They look around and see they are surrounded, and the Telmarines are closing in.

"Crush them all." Sopespian orders.

Edmund and Y/n glance at each other, nodding at each other as they pull out their weapons, both being worried for the other but keeping their determination as everyone gives each other glances before charging, Peter leading the way.

The Return Of The Lion
Lucy rides on, still pursued by a Telmarine on horseback. Aslan jumps out and roars. Destier rears and Lucy falls off, looking up at the lion. Aslan jumps over her head, knocking the soldier off of his horse. Lucy runs to the top of the hill... and he is there. He looks over at her.

"Aslan!" She says happily and runs towards him, pulling him into an embrace.

"I knew it was you. The whole time, I knew it. But the others wouldn't believe me. Well, except for Y/n." Lucy said.

"And why would that stop you from coming to me?" Aslan said.

"I'm sorry. I was too scared to come alone. I would have brought Y/n with me but she seemed to be more interested in fighting than with finding you. But why haven't you shown yourself? I thought you'd come roaring in to save us like last time." Lucy explained.

Prince Caspian (Edmund x Reader) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now