The ruins

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We explore the ruins, Lucy finds an apple and takes a bite.
Peter walks up some steps and looks around. Lucy stares at the water.

"I wonder who lived here." Lucy said.

Susan notices something on the ground and picks it up.
"I think we did."

The five of us look at the golden chess Knight that Susan had found.

It's a piece from Edmund's chess set.

"Hey, that's mine...from my chess set." Edmund said, grabbing it.

"Which chess set?" Peter said, trying to annoy Edmund.

"Well, I didn't exactly have a solid gold chest set in Finchley, did I?"

Lucy looks over at the ruined dais.
"It can't be."

"Lucy!" Peter said as she runs over to the dais, and we follow closely behind.

"Don't you see?" Lucy said.


"Imagine walls. -and columns there...and a glass roof."

We all look.

Oh my god

"Cair Paravel." Peter said.

Telmarine Council
Third person
Glozelle and his men ride back across the bridge.

Miraz stands on a balcony with Prunaprismia, the baby in his arms.
He spies Glozelle and his men returning, and hands the baby to Prunaprismia. He walks into the stables.

"Wait, my lord! It is not what you think."

"Then what is it, Glozelle?"

"We're not exactly sure."
Glozelle nods to a soldier, who then removes the cloth on a horse.

Miraz's eyes widen.

Miraz and Glozelle exchange glances.

In the Great Hall, the Telmarine lords debate.

"I warned this council when it put its trust in Miraz...there would be consequences." Sopespian said.

"No, no. We cannot accuse the Lord Protector without proof." A council member said.

"How long are we going to continue to hide behind that excuse? Until every seat in this chamber is empty?" Another council member said.

The doors open and Miraz enters.
"Lords of the council, my apologies for being late. I was not aware we were in session."

"No doubt you were otherwise occupied." Sopespian said.

"My lord?"

"Ever since the death of Caspian the ninth, you have behaved as if you were king. And now it seems behind these walls, even Prince Caspian has gone missing." A council member said.

"My deepest condolences, Lord Miraz. Imagine losing your nephew, the rightful heir to the throne, on the very night your wife has blessed you with a son." Sopespian said.

"Thank you, Lord Sopespian. Your compassion is a boon in such troubled times."

"I trust you can tell us how such a tragedy could have occurred."

Prince Caspian (Edmund x Reader) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now