Rescuing Trumpkin

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Two soldiers row down the river, one of them looks at Trumpkin, who is bound and gagged.

"He won't stop staring." The one says, slightly creeped out by the Dwarf.

"So don't look." The other one says as Trumpkin keeps his stare.
We walk to see two Telmarine soldiers in a boat, a dwarf tied up with them.

They were going to drop him into the water, to drown him.

Crap, we gotta save him.

The soldiers start lifting the dwarf up, about to drop him in the lake, but Susan quickly shoots an arrow at the boat, hitting it.

The rest of us pull out our weapons also,  running quickly towards the boat, when we stop, Susan quickly puts another arrow against the string of her bow, ready to shoot again.

"Drop him!" Susan said.

I look at her, really? 'Drop him'? I thought, knowing the Telmarines, theyll literally do it.

And guess what they did? They dropped him into the water. One of them grabs a crossbow, ready to shoot. But before he could, Susan shoots him. The other one retreated, jumping into the water and swimming away.

The dwarf had sunk to the bottom, and Peter notices (of course, like, who wouldn't?) and dives in, grabbing the dwarf and pulling him to shore.

Me and Edmund pull the boat in, and Lucy cuts the dwarf's bonds with her dagger.

"Drop him"?! That's the best you could come up with?" The dwarf said angrily towards Susan.

"A simple thank-you would suffice." Susan said calmly.

I rolled my eyes. Susan could have literally said ANYTHING, but no. She just hAd to go with 'drop him'. She can be a total idiot sometimes for being the second oldest out of the five of us.

"They we're doing just fine drowning me without your help." The dwarf said with a huff.

"Maybe we should have let them." Peter said, and I elbowed his side, telling him to shut up.

"Why were they trying to kill you anyway?" Lucy asked.

I was wondering the same thing, too.

"They're Telmarines. That's what they do." The dwarf answered.

I looked at him in surprise,
"Telmarines? In Narnia?"

"Where have you been for the last few hundred years?"The dwarf asked, also looking slightly annoyed.

"It's a bit of a long story." Edmund answers.

Susan hands Peter's sword back to him, the dwarf notices the hilt and looks up at Peter. He surveys the five of them.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me. You're it? You're the kings and queens of old?" The dwarf said in disbelief.

"High King Peter...the magnificent." Peter said as he holds out his hand for the dwarf to shake it.

"You probably could have left out that last part." Susan said.

"Probably." The dwarf chuckled.

"You might be surprised." Peter said, pulling out his sword.

"Oh, you don't want to do that, boy." The dwarf said in a serious tone.

"Not me, him." Peter said, looking towards Edmund.

I smirk as Edmund pulls out his sword, a smile on his face.

Peter hands his sword to the dwarf, the dwarf takes it and it drops to the ground for a moment, after all, it is a big sword for such a small man. Ahaha I'm funny.

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